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Real Reasons Why The United States Makes War

Posted in the database on Saturday, January 21st, 2006 @ 16:34:43 MST (1773 views)
by notepad    Bella Ciao  

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When you hear Bush and his repetitions of democracy and freedom for all nations of the world, say to yourself, BULLSH*T!!! ...look for the real signs ...the true indicators of why the U.S. invades, attacks and occupies another country.

The reasons are multifaceted, though simply put, the aggressive foreign policies we are seeing, the covert activities and the military strong arming used against other nations by the United States are by all accounts, actions used to coerce, intimidate and force others into submission ...in order to plunder a targeted nation’s natural resources and to create a conduit for profitable illegal activities.

By scrutinizing hot spots of current, or past conflict in the world, you will always notice that any particular country that the U.S. challenges and/or invades is one where a unique situation exists ...a financial opportunity whereby an elite group of influential banking interests have identified a region as being ripe for enormous profit.

Though not an all-inclusive list, some of the most obvious which heartless profiteers use to identify and target a region, and to justify an invasion include the following:

a country which controls, harvests, or has the potential to supply valuable natural resources such as oil, gas, timber, gold, etc.

a country with a weakened economy, unstable political infrastructure, and/or a less superior defense system

a nation of people and leaders who speak out against U.S. global dominance and who are opposed to American interference in their country’s affairs

a country with generally remote, inaccessible areas which can accommodate the cultivation and distribution of illegal narcotics

a region that offers a strategic geographic advantage to further secure and police the area via U.S. military bases, etc.

a nation which refuses to bend to the U.S. and its partners’ demands, intimidation, or bribes

a country where an opportunity exists to denigrate a people’s culture, destroy their history, and/or impose religious beliefs upon them

an area where projected profits will exceed the costs of invasion, occupation and exit ...an exit which would only occur when little remains left to be extracted

From plundering another country’s natural resources and killing its people (the resistance), to loan manipulation, cooking the books, selling human body parts, the dope trade, and proliferation of weaponry and increasing profits from arms sales...

...preemptive strikes, invasions and war waged against other sovereign countries have NOTHING to do with spreading democracy and freedom to other people ...and EVERYTHING to do with greed, lawlessness, murder and theft.

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