Untitled Document
As the U.S. mutates the rationale for its preemptive invasion of Iraq,
the mainstream media continues to pander to xenophobic and partisan denominators
vis-à-vis Iran. Despite massive government intelligence failures concerning
the September 11th tragedy, the heartbreaking devastation of Hurricane Katrina,
and the perversely flawed intelligence on non-existent Iraqi weapons of mass
destruction, major media outlets persist in rushing to judgment on the manufactured
Iranian nuclear "crisis". It is a sickening display.
The lopsided reporting is nothing new. American media, in complicity
with the U.S. government, has waged a no-holds barred image war with Iran ever
since it broke diplomatic relations following the Islamic Revolution. It is
safe to say that approximately 99% of the media coverage of Iran over the past
25+ years has been negative, and of that, about 99% is of a political nature.
Therefore, although politics is but one facet of life, Iran -- its people, its
culture, its history -- is perceived almost entirely through a political vacuum.
In this way, Iranians remain an abstraction in the American consciousness, perfectly
situated for slaughter should circumstances desire.
The image war officially began in 1979, after large mobs of Iranian students
and revolutionaries, demanding the U.S. extradition of the exiled Shah to Iran,
stormed the U.S. embassy (dubbed the “den of spies”) and took 52
white male American hostages. The hostage issue was a national obsession, prompting
ABC executives to create a specially devoted TV program, “The Iran Crisis:
America Held Hostage,” to update Americans on the situation day by day.
Veteran newsman Ted Koppel soon took the helm as anchor of the program, which
lasted for 440 of the 444 days the hostages were held. After the hostages were
released, the program endured as the newly christened Nightline news
program, which Koppel hosted for the next quarter century.
Incessant media coverage of the event contributed not only to American demonization
of Iran, but helped wreck President Jimmy Carter's re-election ambitions. Koppel
himself has said that the prolonged debacle “probably cost Carter his
presidency,” and acknowledged the power of the media to effect reality
in a 2004 Nightline broadcast recollecting the hostage days: “It
wasn't until a few days later that a producer had the idea of displaying the
number of days on ‘America Held Hostage’: Day 15, Day 50, Day 150,
and so on. That constant repetition, we learned later, contributed to the defeat,
ultimately, of Jimmy Carter as president by Ronald Reagan.”
Since the hostage predicament was only possible because of the 1953 US-backed
CIA coup which deposed popular democratic prime minister Mohammad
Mossadegh and installed the hated Shah, it can be said that Koppel owes
much of his career to the reality of said prior event. Koppel hosted Nightline
for 26 years -- a duration equal to the Shah's rule of Iran -- and not only
reported exhaustively on the hostage crisis, but covered Iran for much of that
quarter century. And yet, did you know that in all that time, all those years
of covering Iran and the hostage hysteria -- Koppel never once spoke of the
1953 coup, never once uttered the word “Mossadegh”?
In fact, Mossadegh's name was mentioned only two [2] times in the 26+ years
of Nightline history -- on July 11, 1988 as part of a report on the shooting
down of Iran Air Flight 655 by the USS Vincennes (another rarely discussed crime),
and on June 18, 2003 during a panel discussion on Iran. In both instances, Koppel
was away and had been substituted by a guest anchor.
Having recently stepped down from his Nightline duties, Ted Koppel
joined colleague Tom Brokaw (also newly retired from his position as anchor
and Managing Editor of NBC Nightly News) on a special December 25th
episode of NBC's Meet the
Press. And on that Christmas morning, Koppel, probably for the first time
in his career, finally acknowledged the coup in response to a question posed
by host Tim Russert about Iraq:
“What's intriguing to me, Tim, is we're still talking about the war as
though it were in a vacuum, and we're still talking about victory and what is
to be achieved as though it were in a vacuum. And the one thing that we are
not talking about, because it somehow seems indelicate or unpolitic or even
inappropriate, is the simple fact of the matter that while we did not go to
war because of Iraq's oil, we did, in fact, go to war because it is absolutely
essential to the national interest, not only of this country but also of the
Europeans and of the Japanese, that the Persian Gulf remain stable. We have
-- when I say ‘we’ I mean U.S. administrations going back to the
Eisenhower administration, have been intervening in the Persian Gulf in one
form or another -- we overthrew the Iranian prime minister Mossadegh -- that
is, the CIA did, precisely because we felt he was too close to the Communist
Party at that time and we were afraid what that would mean if Iran became a
Communist state.”
“As long as we had the Shah of Iran there, he was our surrogate. In fact,
you may remember the Nixon policy was that the shah would be our surrogate in
the Persian Gulf. When the shah was overthrown, we shifted our chips onto the
Saudi board, and then it became the House of Saud that became our representative.
The Saudis are indeed, troubled. The royal family of Saudi Arabia is in deep
trouble. Therefore, we need to have a stable Iraq in order to guarantee a stable
Persian Gulf, and the name of that game is oil. Nobody talks about that.”
Mr. Koppel's long overdue acknowledgement of the coup as it relates to Middle
East policy is misinformed and illogical. He begins by stating the opinion that
the U.S. did not invade Iraq for oil, but to maintain stability in the Persian
Gulf. This intervention is nothing new, he reasons; we did it in Iran in 1953
for similar reasons, except then, the mission was to block the spread of Communism.
In short, it's not about oil, it's about regional stability.
Koppel follows this by contradicting his initial assertion. The Shah was our
key to regional stability, he argues, and when he was out of the picture we
turned to the Saudis. Now, the key to stability in the Persian Gulf is Iraq,
“and the name of that game is oil.” Huh? So it's not about
oil, but having said that, it is about oil?
Koppel also falsely claims that the 1953 coup was all about preventing Communism
(the convenient excuse for toppling Mossadegh), thereby dismissing any notion
that American oil interests had anything to do with it. And his scenario presumes
that the 1953 intervention preserved stability in the region, rather than destroying
it by retarding democracy and inciting anti-Americanism in that part of the
world. Koppel had decades to read up on this enormously significant subject,
and when he finally speaks on it, he simply repeats 1950's era propaganda.
Mr. Koppel is apparently unaware of President Eisenhower's own pre-coup diary
entry on April 23, 1951, when he wrote, “Lord knows what we'd do without
Iranian oil.”
If America cannot properly evaluate the first major intervention in Iranian
affairs with the benefit of over 50 years of hindsight, how are we to appraise
the motives for a potential future military or geo-political intervention? According
to the talking heads of the major networks, who admit to failing the public
in the run up to the 2002 US invasion of Iraq, the first step is to keep asking
In October 2004, all three of the major U.S. network anchors -- Tom Brokaw
(NBC), Dan Rather (CBS) and Peter Jennings (ABC) -- assembled for a lengthy
panel discussion
on their profession which aired on C-SPAN. All three men recognized the mistakes
of the media prior to the US attack of Iraq. Brokaw spoke of the “martial
music” in the air and the failure of the press to connect the dots, but
none were as outspoken as Dan Rather, who claimed that every administration
in his lifetime has tried to intimidate the press into not asking tough questions.
“Each time [the machine] has gotten better and better, which basically,
whether they acknowledge it or not, is ‘We want to instill fear in you
-- that you won't ask tough questions, you won't do aggressive, bold reporting,
you dare not take a chance because if you do that kind of reporting, we're going
to make you pay a terrible price for it’,” said Rather.
In hindsight, what does Mr. Rather regret about his reporting on the Iraq weapons
of mass destruction claims?
“Not asking enough questions. We didn't ask enough questions . . . didn't
follow up the questions we did ask, follow them up strong enough, long enough,
hard enough, to have one of two things happen: either get the questions answered,
or to clearly demonstrate that they weren't gonna answer the questions . . .
Rather, a man who once famously sassed President Richard Nixon in public, verbally
thrashed fellow Texan George H.W. Bush in a live 1988 interview for selling
arms to Iran (making the cover of Time magazine in the process), was
physically assaulted while reporting live from the 1968 Democratic National
Convention, reported from war zones including Vietnam and Afghanistan, and who
used to sign off his news broadcasts with the simple word “Courage”;
admitted that in the run up to the war, he lacked that very attribute. Courage.
“This is where fear begins to eat into even the best of us,” confessed
Rather. “The flag is waving, the Souza music is playing . . . you begin
to get confused as to what the role of the patriotic journalist is.”
“The one thing that I think I wish I had done better is ask more questions,
had more courage to ask more of the tougher questions, and to not confuse my
role as a patriotic journalist with the role of trying to protect your popularity,
your ratings, your demographics, and all of that stuff that doesn't matter in
the big picture of what's best for the country.”
Important lessons that continue to go unheeded, particularly now that war drums
are beating over Iran's alleged WMD program.
Nine months after participating in the forum, Tom Brokaw flew all the way to
Iran to file a special TV report on the country's nuclear activities, but failed
to investigate his own essential question regarding their energy needs. Reporting
on a publicity video released to display Iran's nuclear facility in Natanz,
Brokaw closed the piece by saying, “Iran continues to insist this is all
for peaceful purposes, for nuclear energy, not weapons. But Iran is one
of the richest countries in the world when it comes to oil and gas, so why does
it need nuclear power as well? That's a question that goes well beyond
a promotional video.” [Emphasis mine, “Iranian
video highlights nuclear ambitions,” June 3, 2005]
Brokaw's quip signals a significant journalistic opportunity, yet NBC has seemingly
made no effort whatsoever to address this question since. Just a month after
NBC's feckless report, a Washington Post article appeared to provide
some answers to Brokaw's rhetorical skepticism:
“Iran's government pays dearly . . . . The country may boast 10 percent
of the world's oil reserves and natural gas fields second only to Russia's.
But every ounce of gasoline sold at Station No. 11 at a fraction of the world
market price is an ounce Iran does not get to sell abroad. And at least 80 percent
of the country's export revenue -- and perhaps 50 percent of its national budget
-- comes from selling petrochemicals to foreign markets." [“Iran
Guzzles Gas at Its Own Cost,” July 4, 2005]
The media neglected to pursue this lead even after the Iranian government formally
laid out a detailed explanation of its nuclear energy position in a full-page
ad published in The New York Times:
“The first [assumption] is that Iran has vast oil and gas resources and
therefore does not need nuclear energy. Although it is true that Iran is rich
in oil and gas, these resources are finite and, given the pace of Iran's economic
development, they will be depleted within two to five decades.
With a territory of 1,648,000 km2 and a population of about 70 million, projected
to be more than 105 million in 2050, Iran has no choice but to seek access to
more diversified and secure sources of energy. Availability of electricity to
46,000 villages now, compared to 4400 twenty-five years ago, just as an example,
demonstrates the fast growing demand for more energy. And the youthfulness of
the Iranian population, with around 70% under 30, doesn't allow complacency
when it comes to energy policy. To satisfy such growing demands, Iran can't
rely exclusively on fossil energy. Since Iranian national economy is still dependant
on oil revenue, it can't allow the ever increasing domestic demand affect the
oil revenues from the oil export.” [“An
Unnecessary Crisis: Setting the Record Straight About Iran's Nuclear Program,”
November 18, 2005]
Mr. Brokaw's carefree, open-ended report from Iran bears closer resemblance
to a high school TV production class than the work of one of the field's most
respected correspondents. Why else would a reporter pose an unexplored question
unless he has already drawn his own conclusion? Perhaps Brokaw has already decided
that in the audience’s mind, the Middle East represents the antithesis
of civilization's higher values. In an August 14th, 2005 editorial for The Washington
Post, Brokaw wrote, “Defenders and critics of Bush's war on terrorism
agree on very little except this: There is a critical need for a more energetic,
imaginative and effective campaign to promote the American ideals of democracy,
tolerance, compassion and economic opportunity in the Islamic world.”
Brokaw has revealed himself in classically Freudian fashion. First, by buying
into and assuming that Bush's “war on terror” is in fact genuinely
a war on terror with no other imperialistic objectives. But more importantly,
he has exposed his own ulterior favoritism by describing basic human virtues
such as compassion and tolerance as “American ideals.”
Born two days apart in February 1940, both Koppel and Brokaw were 13-years-old
when the Iranian coup occurred. Koppel, a British-born German Jew, emigrated
to the United States that very year, began reporting on TV during the Vietnam
War in the 1960s, and later likened the paradoxical omnipresence of the television
medium to a bastardized Tower of Babel: “We now communicate with everyone
and say absolutely nothing.” Brokaw, a Midwestern kid and avowed World
War II buff, also began television news in the 1960s, and anchored NBC Nightly
News for over 20 years before retiring from his post in December 2004.
Signing off as anchor on his final NBC News broadcast, Brokaw summed up his
experience thusly:
“The enduring lessons through the decades are these: It's not the questions
that get us in trouble.. it's the answers.”
“And just as important,” he added, “knowing no one person
has all the answers.”
Arash Norouzi is an artist and co-founder of The
Mossadegh Project. He can be reached via
his web site.