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Canada DID join "Missile Defense"

Posted in the database on Tuesday, December 27th, 2005 @ 14:33:14 MST (1411 views)
by Richard Sanders    The Centre for Research on Globalisation  

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For a year now, my peace/anti-war activities have centred on opposing what is euphemistically called America's "missile defense shield." And, since February 23, 2005, when Paul Martin cleverly pretended to oppose so called "missile defense," I've focused my efforts on conducting and publishing original research to reveal Canada's hidden role in this massive, weapons-creation and -development program.

What I found is that for years now, Canadian corporate and scientific communities, as well as government departments, agencies and crown corporations, have been busily participating in the creation, development, maintenance, operation, financing and planned deployment of "missile defense" weapons systems.

However, because Canadians are generally unaware of their country's involvement in "missile defense," many immediately praised the Liberal government for its supposed refusal to join this offensive weapons scheme. Now, nine months later, although the Liberal government is credited on a daily basis with having kept Canada out of U.S. "missile defense" plans, the Liberal's have yet to substantiate their hollow pronouncement with even a single, concrete action. And, many Canadians -- including some key activists who oppose "missile defense" -- continue their unfounded applause for the Liberal government's phoney "no" to involvement in the U.S. weapons-development scheme.

This federal election is an opportune time to draw attention to Canada's participation in so called "missile defense" and to hold the Liberals accountable for pretending that they prevented Canada from "joining."

I continue to hope that my efforts to unveil Canada's actual complicity in "missile defense" preparations will help in some small way to resuscitate Canada's nearly-defunct -- but once vibrant -- anti-Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) movement. The peace/antiwar movement can indeed be proud that prior to the government's much-ballyhooed, but totally hypocritical and duplicitous, "no to missile defense," we built a strong opposition to this offensive, U.S. weapons program. It is tragic, however, that as soon as the government made its fake pronouncement, grassroots opposition acquiesced and protests disappeared.

By pulling the wool over our eyes on "missile defense," the Liberal government also managed to pull the rug right out from under our feet! This is the kind of manoeuvre that typifies Liberal governments. They talk from the left side of their mouths, while governing from the right.

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