Untitled Document
In recent developments, Iyad Allawi has been promoted by the British
and the U.S. mainstream media as a defender of “human rights”. This
new spin coincides with Blair and Bush strategy of resurrecting Allawi as “the
best hope” in the December 15 illegitimate elections. Despite his well-publicised
unpopularity among Iraqis, the propaganda for his elections campaign has already
begun. Careful examination of this policy reveals that the U.S. and Britain
are in pursuit of a rotten imperialist policy to serve their own interests at
the expense of the Iraqi people.
A brief history of Allawi’s political career is essential. Dr. Haifa
al-Azawi, a California-based gynaecologist and a U.S. citizen who went to school
with Allawi in Baghdad in the 1960s, remembered Allawi as: “big, husky
man. The Baath party union leader, who carried a gun on his belt and frequently
brandished it terrorizing the medical students, was a poor student and chose
to spend his time standing in the school courtyard or chasing female students
to their homes. His medical degree is bogus and was conferred upon him by the
Baath party, soon after a World Health Organization (WHO) grant was orchestrated
for him to go to England and study public health accompanied by his Christian
wife, whom he dumped later to marry a Muslim woman. In England he was a poor
student, visiting the Iraqi embassy at the end of each month to collect his
salary as the Baath party representative. According to his first wife and her
family members, he spent his time dealing with assassins doing the dirty work
for the Iraqi government, until his time was up and he became their target”.
It was not uncommon in Iraq during the Baath Party rule to give special favours
for those who choose to serve its agenda.
After falling out of favour with Saddam, Allawi sought exile in London, where
he developed a relationship with Britain's MI-6 intelligence service during
the 1980s, and eventually he also formed a relationship with the C.I.A. Allawi
and Chalabi are related by marriage, have been described by Western media as
“alternately rivals and allies”. However, the reality is that the
two have been allies, and there is no evidence of rivalry. Chalabi had a bitter
break-up with the C.I.A in the 1990s but became close with the Pentagon. Meanwhile,
Allawi and his Iraqi National Accord (INA), one of several death squads created
by the C.I.A. and Britain MI-6, have solid relationships with the C.I.A., the
State Department and the MI-6. I will return to the death squads later.
In 1991, Allawi with Salih Omar Ali Al-Tikriti founded the INA as an opposition
to Saddam's Baath Party. Both were ex-Baathists and former supporters of Saddam's
regime. Salih Al-Tikriti viewed as unsavoury by the U.S. The INA constituted
of disillusioned former Baathists from the military and security fields. With
support from the C.I.A., MI-6 and the Israeli Mossad, the INA instigated a coup
d'étate within the Iraqi Army, but Saddam was not so stupid and the attempt
ended disastrously. In London, Allawi's job was to keep an eye on Iraqi students
studying in the UK. After moving to London in 1971 as a medical student he received
payment from the Iraqi embassy there. C.I.A. agents alleged that Allawi “had
served as an assassin for Saddam in Europe, killing dissenting Iraqi students,
before his own defection”. It is also alleged that he did not quit the
Baath party until 1975, and that he escaped an assassination attempt on his
life in 1978.
A report in The New York Times described the INA as; “a terrorist organization.
In the early 1990's the INA sent agents into Baghdad to plant bombs and sabotage
government facilities under the direction of the C.I.A., several former intelligence
officials say, they also bombed movie theatres and school buses full of children”.
Furthermore, the Times reported, “In 1996, Amneh al-Khadami, who described
himself as the chief bomb maker for the [INA] and as being based in Sulaimaniya,
in northern Iraq, recorded a videotape in which he talked of the bombing campaign
and complained that he was being short-changed money and supplies. Two former
intelligence officers confirmed the existence of the videotape”.”[W]e
blew up a car, and we were supposed to get $2,000 but got only $1,000' Mr. Khadami
alleged told The Independent in 1997”.
In Washington and London, Mr. Allawi is well connected, but in Iraq everyone
mistrusts Allawi. An extensive PR campaign last year to built support in Washington
rather than in Baghdad seemed to pay off. Danielle Pletka, a rightwing analyst
at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, a Washington think tank said;
“It was a bid for influence, and it was money well spent. Allawi has always
assumed, in many ways correctly, that he didn't need a constituency in Iraq
as long as he had one in Washington”, added Pletka.
According to report by Jim Drinkard of USA Today: “Lobbying records show
that the law firm of Preston Gates Ellis & Rouvelas Meeds and the New York
public relations firm of Brown Lloyd James engaged in a flurry of contacts on
Allawi's behalf beginning in late October. Most were aimed at setting up meetings
with influential members of Congress and their staffs, administration officials,
think tanks and journalists”. The money paid by a wealthy Iraqi expatriate
in London.
From the beginning of the U.S. Occupation of Iraq, Allawi and Chalabi were
appointed to the Iraqi Governing Council (IGC). Allawi was responsible for overseeing
the council's security committee of the IGC. His position in the IGC was to
recruit new army, police and intelligent members, a job he had under Saddam.
Allawi was a member of Hunein, a security apparatus headed by Saddam Hussein.
He admitted recently that he has always opposed to ‘the purging of members
of the Baath party’ from senior government posts.
After the so-called “handover of sovereignty” to Iraqis, Allawi
was appointed “Prime Minister” of the Iraqi Interim Government (IIG)
by US. Proconsul Paul Bremer. The choice of Iyad Allawi as Iraq's “Prime
Minister” was forced by the U.S. as a fait accompli on the UN and the
Iraqi people. He was an American candidate than one of the UN or the Iraqis
themselves. “When we first heard the news today, we thought that the [IGC]
had hijacked the process”, a senior U.N. official said. Lakhdar Brahimi,
the UN special envoy to Iraq resigned as a result of his failure to stand up
to the U.S. and show some credibility in Iraq.
Allawi's choice and his close ties with the U.S. came in a country where public
opinion has grown almost universally hostile to the U.S. presence. Recent polls
reveal that Allawi has 5 per cent supports among Iraqis, just below the president
(Ghazi al-Yawar), with a 7 per cent approval rating. According to a poll conducted
by the Iraq Centre for Research and Strategic Studies (ICRSS) in May 2004, among
17 prominent Iraqi religious and political leaders, Allawi ranked in sixteenth
place. Behind him, dead last, came al-Yawer, who was named “president”
of the IIG on 01 June 2004. In the January rigged elections, even with the massive
backing of the U.S. and British mainstream media in Iraq and outside Iraq, Allawi
was only able to garner 14 per cent of the vote. Allawi’s unpopularity
is due to his violent past as an “attack dog”, and his connection
with the MI-6, the CIA and the Israeli Mossad.
From his first days as the U.S.-appointed interim “Prime Minister”,
Allawi deliberately increased the violence against the Iraqi people. In August
2004, U.S. forces savagely attacked the Muslim holy city of Najef. There were
no witnesses to the atrocity: The few journalists in Najef were ordered to leave
or risk being arrested. The indiscriminate attacks have killed thousand of innocent
Iraqis. The ancient city of 600,000 people was deliberately destroyed. Allawi
played an important propaganda role for the justification of U.S. crimes against
the people of Najef. Despite the big atrocity, tens of thousands of Iraqis defied
Allawi and flocked into Iraqi cities, including Najef, to condemned the atrocity
and demonstrate their support for the Iraqi Resistance.
In November 2004, Allawi alleged to have “given the green light”
to U.S. forces to attack Fallujah. The city was savagely attacked with chemical
bombs, fire bombs (fuel-air bombs), napalm and other non-conventional weapons
(WMD) and it’s been ruined. More than 6000 innocent Iraqi women and children
were massacred by U.S. and British forces. Fallujah was a war crime committed
in gross violation of the Geneva Conventions and international law. The city
entire 300,000 population are still displaced refugees. These criminal attacks
exposed Allawi as a Western-created thug and criminal.
As the Occupation continues, Allawi’s INA and other death
squads – created and trained by the U.S., Britain and Iran –
have adopted Gestapo-like tactics in terrorising the Iraqi people on behalf
of their masters. Torturing and murdering not only innocent members of the former
regime, but also prominent Iraqi opposition leaders, Iraqi academics and professionals.
They are eliminating anyone who looks like opposition. “Hundreds of accounts
of killings and abductions have emerged in recent weeks, most of them brought
forward by Sunni civilians, who claim that their relatives have been taken away
by Iraqi men in uniform without warrant or explanation”, reported the
York Times correspondent Dexter Filkins from Baghdad. “Some Sunni
males have been found dead in ditches and fields, with bullet holes in their
temples, acid burns on their skin, and holes in their bodies apparently made
by electric drills”, writes Filkins. One of these death squads is a commando
force, known by Iraqis as the ‘Maghawir’, was widely used under
the interim administration of Iyad Allawi.
The Los Angeles Time reported that; “The Baghdad morgue reports that
dozens of bodies arrive at the same time on a weekly basis, including scores
of corpses with wrists bound by police handcuffs”. These murderous acts
are the “deliberate product of carefully crafted, efficiently managed
strategy” for the sole purpose of disintegrating Iraq and destroying
the unity of the Iraqi society. In addition, there are hundreds of thousands
of Iraqi prisoners and detainees languishing in countless prisons run by the
U.S. forces and the puppet government. They are abused, savagely tortured, murdered
and disappeared. The “new” Iraq is a cluster of prisons within a
larger prison, devoid of “democracy”, “liberty”, and
all the rest of “human rights”, that the US using as a vehicle to
spread war and fear.
Independent reports on the creation of the death squads by investigative journalists
AK Gupta of the NYC Independent Media Centre (Indypendent),
and journalist Max
Fuller shed light on the purpose of the death squads and the complicity
of the U.S. and its allies in the incitement of civil strife in Iraq. The U.S.
aim is to make the public focus on the violence of the occupied and oppressed
and justify the action of the occupiers. The role of the media is to amplify
and explain the violence in cultural terms, as “Iraqis against Iraqis”,
a colonial propaganda to justify the Occupation. In addition, the U.S. ant its
allies are broadening the violence by undermining the power of the central authority.
The recent signing of an oil
contract between Norway – a recent peace-loving mask of Western imperialism
– and the Kurdish warlords to drill for oil in northern Iraq without the
knowledge of the central government in Baghdad is a case in point on how the
West fuelling the bloodshed by pitting Iraqis against each other, and carving
Iraq’s oil wealth.
In his latest conversion into a defender of human rights, Allawi told the Sunday's
Observer that a lot of Iraqis are being killed during interrogations. He said:
“People are doing the same as [in] Saddam Hussein's time and worse. These
are the precise reasons why we fought Saddam Hussein and now we are seeing the
same things. We are hearing about secret police, secret bunkers where people
are being interrogated”. As the US.-appointed “Prime Minister”,
Allawi heard lots about the U.S. sadistic practice of torture at Abu Ghraib.
Allawi didn’t only approve of torture of Iraqi prisoners, he killed some
of them. As the U.S.-appointed Iraqi “Interim Prime Minister”, Allawi
“pulled a pistol and executed as many as six suspected “insurgents”
at a Baghdad police station”, reported the Sydney
Morning Herald on 17 July 2004. Allawi’s message is to tell the police
how to treat prisoners and to send a message of violence to all Iraqis that
they accept his terror or else. He is a professional thug and criminal.
Allawi’s recent resurrection for the December elections showed that the
U.S. and Britain real aim in Iraq is not “democracy”, “freedom”
or “liberty”, but the colonisation of Iraq to serve the interests
of Western imperialism and Israel’s Zionism. The U.S. war on Iraq has
taught the rest of the world that the real purpose of the terms, “democracy”,
“human rights” and “liberty” propagated by Western countries;
is “to camouflage sordid realities”. The U.S. and its allies are
not interested human rights or in genuine democracy. The U.S., in particular,
is interested in U.S.-controlled regimes that serve its imperial interests.
The kind of democracy enforced on the peoples of Latin America, the Arab states
and states ruled by U.S.-backed bloody dictators.
Consistent with U.S. democratic principles, political transparency and freedom
of speech, the U.S. new “democratic” offensive in Iraq is to promote
the Occupation U.S.-style “democracy” through deceptive propaganda
in Iraqi newspaper and in order to fool the Iraqi people. As part of an information
offensive in Iraq, the U.S. military is secretly paying Iraqi newspapers to
publish positive news stories in an effort to burnish the image of the U.S.
Occupation and distort the image of the Iraqi Resistance. The articles, written
by U.S. military “information operations taskforce” troops masquerading
as independent journalists, are translated into Arabic and planted in Baghdad
newspapers with the help of a defence contractor, according to U.S. military
officials and documents obtained by the Los
Angeles Times. In addition, Jonathan S. Landay of Knight
Ridder Newspapers reported on 01 December 2005 that the U.S. military was
also paying Iraqi reporters up to $U.S.200 a month to write positive news stories.
It said the payments were made to members of the Baghdad Press Club, set up
by U.S. Army officers more than a year ago.
When asked about the issue, military spokesman Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch defended
the program and said: “We don't lie. We don't need to lie. We do empower
our operational commanders with the ability to inform the Iraqi public, but
everything we do is based on fact, not based on fiction”. Hallucinations
result from the failure to acknowledge realities.
Furthermore, the recent U.S. and Britain propaganda campaign to depict the
Occupation of Iraq as “necessary to promote democracy and fight terrorism”
is misleading and deceptive propaganda. It is contrary to the Iraqi people aspiration
for freedom and democracy. A recent poll conducted by the British Ministry of
Defence in August 2005 reveals that over 82 per cent of Iraqis are “strongly
opposed” to the. Less than 1 per cent of Iraqis think the Occupation
forces are responsible for any improvement in security; and that 45 per cent
supports attacks on the Occupation forces. If one excludes the Kurdish region
of Iraq – where the U.S. has some support – from the poll, the anti-Occupation
sentiment is even higher. It follows that there is no reason for U.S. and British
forces to remain in Iraq; the only “job” left is the full and immediate
withdrawal. George Bush refusal to withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq is also contrary
to the “tentative agreement” reached on 21 November 2005 at the
Cairo conference”, by Iraqi leaders, including the current puppet government.
Allawi does not represent the Iraqi people; far from it. He is “‘a
man of the shadows’”, as his cousin, Ali Allawi described him. “Iyad
sees maintaining power primarily as an intelligence game. It’s a kind
of mind-set”, Ali Allawi told The New Yorker. Iyad Allawi had his time
and proved to be a coward puppet and a corrupt. He failed to save Iraqi lives
and failed to stand up to the violence of the Occupation. Allawi lives in England
and there where he should campaign for elections not in Iraq.
Allawi is promoted by the U.S. and British government for the upcoming
December elections, because he fits Western image of the “educated technocrat”
who serves Western interests at the expense of the Iraqi people. Allawi provides
the best Arab façade of acting on behalf of his masters. Like his relative,
Ahmed Chalabi, Allawi is a conman, committed crimes against the Iraqi state
and the Iraqi people, and should be held accountable for his crimes.
Finally, democratic elections are illegitimate under foreign military occupation.
The only way to a free, faire and democratic elections; is a free and sovereign
Iraq. Democracy and freedom are not compatible with occupation and repression.
The Iraqi people’s aspiration for freedom and democracy, and their rejection
of the ongoing Occupation should be supported and emulated by all freedom-loving
Global Research Contribuitng Editor Ghali
Hassan lives in Perth, Western Australia.
From Al-Jazeera
Crowd pelts Allawi at shrine
Allawi promises to crack down
on violence and religious militias |
A crowd hurling shoes, stones and tomatoes has prompted Iyad Allawi, the former
prime minister, to cut short a visit to Iraq's holiest Shia shrine during a
campaign trip to the city of Najaf.
A spokeswoman for Allawi, a secular Shia, said she had no information on the
incident but confirmed that Allawi, who is challenging the ruling Shia Islamist
Alliance bloc at next week's parliamentary election, had been in Najaf on Sunday.
A police captain, speaking on condition of anonymity, said a large crowd of
worshippers at the Imam Ali mosque hurled sandals and shoes at Allawi - a grave
insult in the Iraqi culture.
A second police officer said some of Allawi's bodyguards fired in the air to
disperse the crowd that threw stones, sticks, tomatoes and other projectiles
at him. Police intervened to break up the disturbance, he said.
Al-Sadr supporters
Al-Sadr supporters were said to be
responsible for the attack in Najaf
Both policemen said they believed that supporters of Muqtada al-Sadr, the Shia
cleric, were responsible for the disturbances, though evidence for this was
"When Allawi entered the shrine, a few people, believed to be Sadrists,
picked up batons and threatened to attack him," the police captain said.
"His American and Iraqi guards fired in the air when everyone started
throwing shoes and sandals at him."
Other witnesses were unclear as to how far armed bodyguards had accompanied
Allawi into the shrine, or whether he was accompanied by Westerners, normally
barred from such places.
Just after the US invasion of Iraq, in April 2003, a leading Shia cleric was
killed in the Imam Ali shrine in circumstances that remain in dispute.
Campaign heats up
On Saturday, Allawi, whose promises to crack down on violence and religious
militias have won backing across Iraq's sectarian divide, traded accusations
with the ruling Islamists as the campaign heats up for the parliamentary vote
on 15 December.
Allawi, who spent 30 years in exile working partly with British and US intelligence
after breaking with Saddam Hussein and his Baath party, was named prime minister
in mid-2004 by US occupation authorities.
He stepped down in April after an election in January gave a majority to his
Islamist rivals.