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As human beings, we're the only species stupid enough to actually poison
ourselves. As part of modern living, we create a wide variety of chemical toxins
that go into the ecosystem through rivers and streams, the air, the soil and
so on. Not only that, we actually synthesize toxic chemicals and then inject
them directly into the food supply -- knowing full well that they are poisonous
and are major contributors to the epidemic rates of chronic disease we are experiencing
What are these chemicals I'm talking about? Well, you're about to get a whirlwind
tour of humanity's toxic chemicals. And if you look at toxic
chemicals, you have to start in the realm of dentistry, because in no other
profession (save medicine) will you find the use of so many toxic chemicals
that are deliberately prescribed to patients or injected into their bodies.
We're talking about, of course, mercury fillings and fluoride
dripped into the public water
Dr. Poison Mercury, DDS
When we talk about mercury
fillings, you have to keep in mind that mercury is simply one of the most toxic
substances you can put into the human
body, aside from radioactive substances. Right now, today, dentists
all across the country and around the world are taking this highly toxic
metal and literally putting it into the teeth of human
beings. Those teeth are then used to chew food, and as a person chews; they
effectively grind away the surfaces of these mercury fillings. These fillings
release gas mercury vapor and mercury particles, which people then breathe into
their lungs, or digest in their stomachs.
Now, I can understand that maybe 50 years ago, the dental industry was too
ignorant to realize that it was advocating this toxic metal and putting it into
patients' mouths. The industrial revolution is full of examples of companies
that used lots of toxic substances and therapies, thinking they were good for
you. Recall the X-rays and radiation of the first half of the twentieth century,
people thought that radiation was great for you. Manufacturers were equating
radiation with energy and thinking that if you consumed radiation pills, you
would be more energetic. These were actually sold and sponsored by physicians
and doctors, it was a mainstay
of the medical industry in those days.
Later, we had the lead issue with industrial companies like DuPont, which has
an interesting history in the manufacture and distribution of lead. People were
convinced lead was great for everything. They put it into the gasoline,
and leaded gasoline was born. We later found out that lead causes nervous
system disorders and that it's very unhealthy to have lead emissions in
the air. We ended up getting rid of lead paint, and banning the use of lead
in foods and cosmetics.
But for some reason, today dentists still think mercury is perfectly good for
you. It's like they're living in the Dark Ages. Gee, why don't they have you
swallow radiation pills at the same time they're putting mercury fillings in
your mouth? That way you can be energized and have fillings, too!
Some of the greatest quackery in the world right now takes place in dentists'
offices; and dentists strongly deny the problems associated with mercury toxicity
and mercury fillings. Of course, I don't mean all dentists, some dentists are
slowly coming around to this issue. In fact, these selected dentists are leading
the change; they are pioneering dentists, just as those in the world of medicine
that are trying to change conventional medicine.
These few dentists that are trying to make changes and get mercury fillings
banned deserve tremendous credit for taking the lead and standing up and fighting
against the dogma of their own industry to protect their patients. There's no
doubt in my mind that within a few years, mercury fillings will be banned and
they will join the ranks of lead paint, asbestos insulation, leaded gasoline
and radiation pills. They will go into the historical annals of bad medicine,
and some day future generations will think we were absolutely crazy to be putting
mercury in people's mouths.
More poison from dentists: fluoride
That's not the end of the toxicity in the world of dentistry, we also have
dentists pushing for, get this, the dripping of a highly toxic chemical
waste product into the water
supply... a substance that's scraped off the smokestacks of industrial
polluters. They want every person in the community to actually drink
this substance.
This material is a toxic waste that's regulated by the EPA.
It would be illegal to drip it into a river or a stream, but for some reason,
it is perfectly legal to drip it into the public water supply and let people
drink it. It's a bizarre cycle of rationalization that can only be called medical
lunacy. They no longer consider this toxic substance toxic if it passes
through the bodies of human beings first. What substance am I talking about?
Fluorosilicic acid, otherwise known by its short name, fluoride.
Across the country and around the world, dentists are insisting that we drip
fluoride into the public water supply. For what purpose? To protect the teeth?
Can you be serious? People are swallowing this liquid. They're not rinsing it
in their mouth and spitting it out, they're ingesting it. Now as a result we
have fluorosis, and bone disorders that are related to the over-consumption
of fluoride.
For some reason, dentists have decided that they now have medical degrees,
and that they want to medicate the entire population with a drug, a biologically
active drug, without first diagnosing any individual in that community. In other
words, they want to medicate everyone across the board with the exact
same dosage, regardless of that person's individual health needs, and
regardless of how much other fluoride they may be exposed to on a regular basis.
This is the insanity of the modern dentistry community. Remember, these are
the same people that want to put mercury in your mouth, so it only makes sense
that they also want to poison your entire body by putting fluorosilicic
acid into the water supply.
They don't call it fluorosilicic acid of course, because that might scare
people. They call it fluoride -- and in fact they will even deceive the public
and call it "naturally-occurring fluoride." There's nothing natural
about fluorosilicic acid.
If you go to any community water supply where they are dripping so called "fluoride"
into the water system, you will find out where they actually get the fluoride
-- ask them, "Hey, do you dig this out of the ground in natural fluoride
deposits?," and they will tell you "No, we buy it from an industrial
waste processing company because it's cheaper than fluoride out of the ground."
I've asked this question myself of people who are in charge of dripping fluoride
into the public water supply, and that's exactly what they have told me. You
can verify this yourself and find out just how your local community is poisoning
you and your family with this highly toxic waste chemical.
How to poison the entire population
Again, we are the only species stupid enough to actually poison ourselves.
And we do it in highly efficient ways. If you want to poison a population, there's
no easier way than to drip a substance into the water supply. And if you really
want to make sure everyone is poisoned, you would pass laws that mandate
the dripping of this poison into the water supply (i.e. fluoridation
laws). That would ensure that everybody gets some, whether it's an infant, an
adult or a senior citizen. This is increasingly what is happening across the
United States and around the world.
There's absolutely no good science behind any of the fluoride arguments. Even
if they were using genuine natural fluoride, there are no studies that show
the ingestion of fluoride decreases the incidence of dental caries in modern
society. Yet this myth persists in the dental community, and the American Dental
Association stands firmly behind this national poisoning agenda. They will call
anybody who disagrees with it a "nut," and they will say that every
population must be fluoridated -- for their own good, of course. That's the
only way to ensure they have healthy teeth, the logic goes.
Put more chemicals into the foods, please
If you wanted to poison the entire population, but you were worried that not
everyone drinks from the water supply, there is another way: just poison the
food supply. This, too, is happening today, with food
manufacturing practices and the FDA looking the other way on toxic food
Our population is being poisoned with artificial chemical
sweeteners. Let's take a look at these. Aspartame is a sweetener that was
never proven safe; in fact, the original safety recommendation panel at the
FDA recommended that aspartame
be denied approval as a safe food ingredient. It was none other than Donald
Rumsfeld at the time who helped push aspartame through the
FDA to get it legalized as a food additive.
Today, we now see the vast majority of complaints of food side effects sent
to the FDA being caused by aspartame. Aspartame is an excitotoxin, that is,
a neurotoxic chemical, and it breaks down in your body into both formic acid
and formaldehyde. Now,
would you like to go out and drink some formaldehyde? Well, you might do that
if you were a biological specimen that needed to be preserved for dissection,
but if you're a normal, healthy, sane human being, you'd never drink formaldehyde.
Unless, of course, they put it in an artificial
sweetener compound and added it to cans of your favorite carbonated soft
drink, in which case Americans will gladly drink formaldehyde in can after can,
poisoning their nervous systems, going half blind, experiencing epilepsy and
increasing the onset of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's
Again, we're the only species stupid enough to actually poison ourselves with
these chemicals. And yet we have entire groups, food lobbies and public apologizers
who run around saying that these ingredients are perfectly good for you. There's
nothing wrong with drinking formaldehyde and formic acid. You'll be fine! Drink
more! Here, in fact here's a 50 percent more coupon, so you can buy even more!
Want some chlorine
in your food today?
Some say, "Well, aspartame is on the way out -- the big sweetener now
is Sucralose or Splenda." This is the artificial sweetener that claims
to be made from sugar. Well,
I suppose you can claim that it starts out as sugar, but it's made by removing
some of the atoms from sugar and replacing them with atoms of chlorine, which
is of course one of the chemical elements used during the atrocities of World
War II to create poison gas, the same element used in chlorine to disinfect
pools and public water supplies.
When it's put that way, you might start thinking, "Well, gee, maybe there's
something wrong with this sugar, maybe I shouldn't be putting chlorine atoms
into my body." Would you go out and drink chlorine? If you know anybody
who works on pools, or who has a pool maintenance business, they will tell you
that chlorine gas will kill you. In fact, just to handle chlorine,
they have to wear protective rubber gloves and protective respiration devices,
because if they get chlorine powder wet and touch it or inhale it, they are
in for a world of hurt. Chlorine gas can cause serious injury or even death.
In fact, if you just take household ingredients like chlorine bleach and mix
it with ammonia, you will create a highly toxic gas that will literally kill
you, which is why these products often contain warnings that they should not
be mixed.
And yet, in our food supply,
we take chlorine atoms and we attach them to molecules that used to be sugar,
and we call that a safe sweetener. And now we're putting it into all kinds of
foods, whether it's soft drinks, muffins, pancake mixes and pretty much everything
in the low-carb arena. I'm not sure people realize that they are actually ingesting
chlorine atoms. Maybe they're too dazed from the fluoride.
Okay, so far we have dentists putting mercury fillings in your mouth that give
off mercury vapor and cause neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's
disease. We have the same insane dentists mandating the dripping of EPA-regulated
environmental pollutants into the public water supply, making sure that human
beings in the United States have to drink toxic waste product... after which
it enters into the rivers and streams as part of human waste, even though if
such chemicals were dripped directly into the rivers and streams in this country
it would be a violation of federal
law. We have food and beverage companies using artificial chemical sweeteners
to replace sugar and claiming that their products are healthier than sugar products.
And yet, these artificial chemical sweeteners break down into dangerous chemical
components such as formaldehyde and formic acid, or they are made with chlorine
atoms that simply do not belong in the human body. These chemicals do not appear
anywhere in nature attached to a sugar molecule.
Yummy poison: hydrogenated
So, what else can the money-hungry corporations think of to put into the food
or the water to poison America?
They are quite creative and they have a lot of poisons at their disposal. The
next terrible poison on the list is hydrogenated oils. They're called brain
poisons, and they're present in perhaps half of all the foods found at every
grocery store. It's listed right on the label -- you can see it as "hydrogenated
oil" or "partially-hydrogenated vegetable oil".
This artificial fat directly causes cardiovascular heart
disease, it destroys normal cardiovascular health, it destroys the healthy
functioning of the nervous system, it causes brain disorders, it causes heart
attacks -- it is one of the most prominent and yet toxic
ingredients put into the food supply. It also causes birth defects and essential
fatty acid deficiencies in both the mother and her fetus.
And it's put in foods on purpose, for the convenience of the food manufacturers.
Hydrogenated oils don't go bad, which means they save money for the food manufacturing
companies, because their foods don't go bad on the shelves. And how do you make
hydrogenated oils? Well, you don't find them anywhere in nature -- you have
to have a chemical processing facility to make hydrogenated oils. And you do
it by bubbling hydrogen gas
through liquid soybean oil or other types of oils, using a catalyst (in most
cases the catalyst is nickel).
So with this nickel and the bubbling of hydrogen
gas, you get extra hydrogen atoms attached to the molecules in oil, which makes
them solid at room temperature. Since they are solid at room temperature, they
can be more easily used to make margarine products, or used in crackers and
cookies. And all of this, again, is for the convenience of the food manufacturing
Food manufactures don't care what happens to your health,
their job is just to sell food
products. If you have a health problem as a result, that's your problem,
not theirs. You won't find food
companies offering to pay for your medical bills if you have a heart attack
from eating hydrogenated oils. They are basically passing the buck and demanding
that you pay for the health consequences caused by their foods. In fact, they're
working hard to pass legislation that would outlaw lawsuits against food companies!
Pepperoni-shaped poison
Not to be outdone, the meat processing companies in this country also want
to make sure they get lots of poison into your food products. It's not enough
to just sell you red meat,
which is by itself an extremely unhealthy food ingredient that promotes colon
cancer, heart disease, obesity
and many other disorders, they also have to put cancer-causing
chemicals in various meat products.
This makes sure that you get colon cancer
from the additives, if not from the red meat itself. This additive is called
sodium nitrite, and
you'll find it in virtually every packaged meat product found at the grocery
store, whether it's pepperoni, breakfast sausage, or bacon. You can buy sliced
ham, sliced chicken, deli slices, lunch meat, packaged ham, pepperoni, the meat
that goes into soups, the meat that goes into those little lunch trays ... pretty
much any form of packaged meat at the grocery store has this toxic ingredient
in it. That's why the daily consumption of processed meats has now been clinically
shown to produce a 6,700% increase in the risk of pancreatic cancer!
Guinea pig people
And what is this ingredient again? Sodium
nitrite! When you ingest sodium nitrite, it mixes with the digestive juices
of your stomach and creates a class of chemical compounds called nitrosamines.
These nitrosamines are potent cancer-causing chemicals. In fact, as I've mentioned
before, they are so potent that lab researchers actually inject mice with nitrosamines
when they want to give those mice breast cancer or other form of cancer they
can study. And yet, as humans, we put sodium nitrite right into the food supply.
It's almost as if we were treating the entire population as lab rats -- and
in fact that's not far from the truth.
Drugs are frequently released in this country on an experimental basis, using
the population as guinea pigs
to find out how many people might die from that drug in order to get more safety
data. Let's face it, when the FDA approves drugs for public use, they are not
at all proven safe. The American public is routinely treated as a collection
of guinea pigs in order to promote prescription drugs, foods, artificial sweeteners
or other elements.
Toxic personal
care products
So now we've got toxic chemicals in our mouths, in our public water supplies,
and in our foods and beverages.
Where else can money hungry corporations put toxic chemicals into our immediate
environment and get them into our bodies? Well, think hard and you might come
up with some other ideas. Let's look at the personal care products industry,
because practically every brand name shampoo, cologne, perfume, deodorant,
antiperspirant or other personal care product on the market is made with toxic
fragrance chemicals.
These can contain solvents,
carcinogens and compounds that are registered in government databases as having
strong liver toxicity.
The reason these ingredients are allowed in these products are because the
FDA has mistakenly assumed for many, many years that whatever you put
on your body doesn't get absorbed into your body. They think, for example,
that you could just coat your body with toxic chemicals and you would be fine,
because your skin is a barrier. I've even heard
pharmacists tell me that the skin is a great barrier, so whatever you put
on your skin won't go into your body.
That's utterly ridiculous! As pharmacists, haven't these people ever sold
nicotine patches? How do
you think those work? They work by releasing nicotine that gets absorbed directly
through your skin into your bloodstream. If your skin didn't absorb nicotine,
the nicotine patches wouldn't deliver a dosage. You have to be half-crazy to
think that the skin is some kind of permanent barrier that keeps out everything
you put on it.
In fact, the skin is very porous -- the skin breathes. Yes, it keeps out bacteria,
but it sure doesn't keep out chemical solvents, and it doesn't keep out molecules
as big as nicotine. Nicotine molecules are not very small, by the way. There
are many things that go right through your skin, and those include fragrance
chemicals, solvents, and a lot of other toxic ingredients that are found in
personal care products. One such ingredient called MIT
was recently discovered in most brand-name shampoos, and this MIT ingredient
is known to cause brain cancer.
Voluntary chemical suicide
So now we are really stupid as a species, because we've poisoned our mouths,
our water supply, our food, our beverages and even our shampoos and personal
care products. And if you use dryer sheets, then you've got your clothes poisoned
as well, they're coated in a layer of toxic chemicals found in dryer sheet products.
So what else could we use to poison the population? There are still many other
One way would be to sell a toxic chemical that people voluntarily put into
their mouths because another person in a position of authority told them to
do so. This is describing the prescription
drug industry, where people are poisoning themselves each and every day
with toxic painkiller drugs like COX-2 inhibitors or toxic anti-cholesterol
drugs like statin drugs. People are poisoning their minds with antidepressant
drugs that promote violent behavior and suicides. They're poisoning their cardiovascular
system with beta-blockers and other drugs. And of course they're poisoning their
And yet people volunteer to do this -- each and every day they will put these
toxic chemicals into their bodies simply because someone with a degree from
a school of disease (also known as medical school) told them to do so. And,
not only that, they will actually pay for the privilege of poisoning their own
They'll pay good money too, not just a few hundred dollars a month, but several
thousand dollars a month. Some people will spend six figures a year
poisoning their bodies because their doctor told them to do so. And,
then when something goes wrong and they have a small tumor show up on a mammogram,
or some other blood test comes back positive that indicates they may have some
sort of cancer tumor, they will gladly pay another $100,000 or more in order
to destroy their entire immune system with a treatment known as chemotherapy.
They will literally sit there and let other doctors inject highly toxic poisons
directly into the bloodstream and allow them to circulate through their body.
How toxic is this stuff? Well, gee, think about it, your hair falls out, you
get sick and you vomit -- are these signs that maybe this stuff doesn't belong
in your body? I don't know about you, but I think that's a very strange way
to heal someone. If I were a medical professional and I were healing someone,
and I had them do something which made their hair fall out and they started
vomiting and it looked like they were going to melt away right before my very
eyes, I would think that, hey, maybe this isn't good for them. But that's not
what conventional oncologists think. They think, oh, this is great stuff. Look,
we're going to destroy the cancer tumor and, if we're lucky, there may even
be a patient left by the time we're done. And if not -- that's alright, as long
as they pay the bill.
Official, government-approved drug dealers
We as a species actually have a class of professionals, highly-paid professionals,
who we give the right to poison us with toxic chemicals. These people are called
doctors. I call them drug dealers. Just like illegal drugs, their drugs kill
people. The main difference is that these "legal" drugs enrich politically
influential corporations, whereas illegal drugs enrich drug lords. Our national
"War on Drugs" is quite selective in its targets, don't you think?
Industrial hemp is outlawed, but doping up millions of children on powerful
narcotics is perfectly legal: it's called Ritalin.
So remember, we're the only species stupid enough to actually poison ourselves.
And if we don't do it in just one or two ways, we do it in half a dozen different
ways! Then we regulate that poisoning, we make it federal law! And we have lobbyists
and groups out there defending this use of poison in the food supply, and defending
the use of it in cosmetic products and personal care products. We have defenders
of the drug industry,
people who say, "Yeah, well there was a study five years ago that showed
a 1200 percent heart attack increase, but we thought that really wasn't relevant
to this drug and we decided to go ahead and market that drug anyway." That's
what we have today. And the real details of this gruesome story have only begun
to be uncovered. Wait until the rest of the story comes out...
We're #1!
Is it any wonder, with all of the poisoning going on at all the different levels
in our bodies, that we are now the most chronically diseased population that
has ever been recorded in the history of civilization? It's true -- there is
no population that has suffered from diseases like we do in America today. You
would have to be clinically insane to not think that there's a correlation between
the poison we are putting into our bodies and the diseases we are getting as
a result.
Plus, as recent studies have shown, we're the #1 nation in the world in terms
of mental disorders as well! Let's see: #1 in obesity, #1 in diabetes,
#1 in cancer, #1 mental disorders, and we have the HIGHEST health
care costs in the world, too. We have the most expensive drugs in the world.
We have more doctors and health care professionals per capita than any country
in the world. And, frighteningly, we're the country with the most nukes.
Great idea, huh? Put the nuclear weapons under control of the most mentally
disturbed population in the world... now if only our leaders were at least sane...
But no, wait a minute -- the doctors are right, all diseases are just genetic.
None of these poisons matter, it's just your genes. They say the gene pool of
the human race was perfectly fine 100 years ago when people didn't have all
these diseases, but it has somehow mutated to a gene pool that gives you heart
disease and cancer and osteoporosis and diabetes, and, by the way, there's nothing
you can do about it. That's what they want you to believe, because then they
take away your power. Then you have no ability to make changes.
Actually, we're pretty darned clever, aren't we?
So not only are we the most stupid species on the planet, because we're poisoning
ourselves, we are simultaneously the cleverest species, because we find ways
to justify all that poisoning. We find scientific gobbledygook to claim that,
yes, NutraSweet is good for you! Or that these chlorine atoms attached to sugar
are great for you, or that mercury in your mouth somehow doesn't have a toxic
effect on your body. Or that hydrogenated oils are perfectly fine for your heart
We stupidly say if you take those and you drink this weight loss shake made
with sugar, you'll be healthy. And if you have this barbaric surgical procedure
called gastric bypass surgery, you'll no longer be obese. And if you're not
healthy, don't worry; we have magic bullet prescription drugs that will make
you even healthier. So we're a clever population at the same time that we're
incredibly stupid. Do you know what that's called? That's called being a population
of great technicians and lousy healers. And that's exactly
what we are today.
Having used the word "stupid" throughout this editorial, I use it
deliberately. I don't mean it in the way that a teenager might say, "My
stupid little brother flipped me off." I mean it in a more precise way,
in the way defined by Dictionary.com:
1. Slow to learn or understand; obtuse.
2. Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes.
3. Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless: a stupid
4. Dazed, stunned, or stupefied.
Can you think of a better word to describe the people around here?
As Einstein once said, "Only two things are infinite, the universe and
human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."