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Rumsfeld And Other Neo-Cons "Hands Down" Guilty of 1996 War Crimes Act...

Posted in the database on Friday, October 28th, 2005 @ 10:39:12 MST (2826 views)
by Greg Szymanski    The Arctic Beacon  

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But Crooked High Court Judges Will Never Have The 'Legal Balls' To Enforce The Law

Army General this week ties Bush and high officials in giving specific orders to administer inhumane and torture at Abu Ghraib and other prison camps around the world.

The law works in strange ways, sometimes allowing the rats to run free while putting the good guys behind bars. It’s and old game used by the rich and famous like a stacked deck of cards used in a two-bit, crooked western gambling parlor.

But despite the obvious crooked nature of the law, nobody seems to mind, since the oldest legal tricks in the book are still working today, legal tricks like were used to burn people at the stake, burn the witches in Salem and, more recently, to convict Irwin Schiff of income tax evasion.

In law school, lawyers learn the law is an imperfect system. In life, they learn it is a corrupt system, learning if they don’t bend with the crooked administrators, they will be broken by the system they swore to uphold.

So most lawyers end up ethically compromised, bending over like intellectual prostitutes, hiding behind corrupt legal decisions so they, too, can get a little piece of the poisonous pie.

What’s interesting about the law is that every right or wrong decision can be justified with even more legal mumbo jumbo, making any accountability, even at the appellate and supreme court levels, virtually impossible.

And it’s probably true that two circus clowns, a tight rope walker and a fire-eating sword swallower have more collective sense than most judges and lawyers, as a recent case should bear out, a case of a War Crimes Act violation being advanced by some legal pundits against President “Baby” Bush and his other two-faced cronies running the dog and pony show near the Potomac River.

Before getting into the specifics of the possible Bush administration violations, the record should reflect there doesn’t exist one appellate or high court justice in the land with the legal balls and the guts enough to convict Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and any of the other scoundrels.

Not one legal whore in the crooked, black-robed bunch will ever step to the plate and do the right thing, even after an Army General this week, in charge of the notorious Abu Ghraib prison, said Rumsfeld and other higher ups directly ordered the inhumane treatment and torture be conducted as a deliberate U.S. strategy.

And what’s worse news reports have surfaced that the torture is still going on in many locations worldwide, indicating the administration has no plans to stop, but instead continues to implement policy maneuvers making it easier to carry out torture in the future.

Now, the federal statute in direct violation, being put forth by the legal pundits, is the War Crimes Act of 1996 at 18 U.S.C. Sec. 2441, making it a federal offense for any U.S. national, whether military or civilian to violate the Geneva Convention by engaging in murder, torture or inhumane treatment.

The statute goes on to explain, as pointed out by the legal pundits on George Washington Blog on Oct. 27:

“The statute applies not only to those who carry out the acts, but also to those who ORDER IT, know about it, or fail to take steps to stop it. The statute applies to everyone, no matter how high and mighty.

“18 U.S.C. § 2441 has no statute of limitations, which means that a war crimes complaint can be filed at any time.

“The penalty may be life imprisonment or -- if a single prisoner dies due to torture -- death. Given that there are numerous, documented cases of prisoners being tortured to death by U.S. soldiers in both Iraq and Afghanistan, that means that the death penalty would be appropriate for anyone found guilty of carrying out, ordering, or sanctioning such conduct.”

Furthermore, the legal thinkers over at the GW’s Blog recapped the damning case against Bush and his cronies, making a pretty open and shut case that probable cause exists to at least bring the high-ranking officials before a court of law, recapping the War Crimes Act violations this way:

“We now know that torture in Iraq was ordered by top officials, and that torture is continuing, notwithstanding the administration's claims that it was only "a couple of bad apples" that were responsible for Abu Ghraib.

“Making a potential prosecutor's job easier, U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales wrote a memo in January 2002 to President Bush saying that America should opt out of the Geneva Convention because top officials have to worry about prosecutions under 18 U.S.C. § 2441.

“By attempting to sidestep the Geneva Convention, Gonzales created a document trail that can be used to prove that top administration officials knowingly created a policy of torturing prisoners, and that such a policy could reasonably have been expected to result in the death of some prisoners.

“The U.S. did opt out of the Geneva Convention for the Afghanistan war, but we never opted out of the Geneva Convention for Iraq. Indeed, President Bush has repeatedly stated that Geneva applies in Iraq (although he has since claimed that foreign fighters captured in Iraq are not covered). Thus, there would be very little room for fancy footwork by defense lawyers in a prosecution against top officials concerning torture in Iraq.”

Although there may be very little room for fancy footwork by lawyers, what these legal pundits are overlooking is that there isn’t an honest judge in the whole entire system with the guts to buck the system, a system that has corrupted their entire heart, soul and spirit a long time ago.

What these pundits are forgetting is that Appellate and Supreme Court justices have all, every last one of them, bought their way into their high-ranking judgeships, starting out a young age and working their way up the judicial ladder on political favors, including back room bribes.

So, although the War Crimes Act is a good legal exercise and Bush and his buddies are probably guilty as sin, remember the old maxim that the rats go free while the good die young the next time Rumsfeld, Cheney and “Baby” Bush can be seen walking by the banks of Potomac smiling, smoking a big cigar and laughing all the way to the bank.