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Scottish police are to launch an investigation into CIA “torture
flights” which fly in and out of Glasgow and Prestwick airports, ferrying
kidnapped war on terror suspects around the world.
The police action is a result of last week’s disturbing investigation by
the Sunday Herald into the so-called “extraordinary rendition flights”,
which see suspects kidnapped overseas by the CIA, drugged and then flown to “friendly”
states, such as Egypt, Uzbekistan and Morocco, where they are tortured on behalf
of British and American intelligence.
Following our reports , the Green Party wrote to the chief constable of Strathclyde
Police, Sir William Rae, asking for a full inquiry into the torture flights.
A police spokesperson confirmed that the force would now launch an investigation.
Last week, we revealed that the British government was to be sued by human
rights lawyer Clive Stafford Smith for complicity in the torture of his client
Benyam Mohammed al-Habashi.
Also exposed was the fact that international human rights experts and lawyers
believe the UK is breaking the Geneva Conventions by collaborating with the
USA on the transit of the flights through Britain.
Further, the UK allows British airports to be used for refuelling by the CIA’s
jets ferrying suspects around the world. Glasgow and Prestwick airports are
the two most favoured CIA stop-overs.
Chris Ballance, the Green Party MSP who represents the Prestwick area, said
he lodged the complaint with Strathclyde Police after reading the Sunday Herald’s
investigation because it appeared that “Scotland is complicit in these
gross acts of torture”.
Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, said : “Once these
planes land on British soil, they have no immunity. If they touch down at a
civilian airport they are under civilian jurisdiction. This would allow the
police to do their job fully and to board the plane and question those on board.”
Beyond saying that an investigation would take place, Strathclyde Police said
it could not comment on how the inquiry would proceed.
The CIA refused categorically to comment. One CIA official merely laughed when
told that Scottish police were to investigate.