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Last week I caught a glimpse of a local TV news promo warning that the FDA
is poised
to OK a new drug for diabetes that also sharply increases the risk of “heart
problems, strokes and death.” It was the night’s big scare story,
very reminiscent of the scandals over Vioxx,
Celebrex and Bextra. You’ll remember that the FDA allowed Vioxx back
on the market, even though studies show it may be responsible for as many as
55,000 deaths. It looks like the diabetes drug will win approval too.
But rest assured, there’s no danger of easy access to the Plan B morning-after
contraceptive. In fact, there’s actually been a crackdown
on medical doctors’ latitude in prescribing narcotics for pain relief.
The use of medical marijuana, in states that have voted to allow it, is avidly
prosecuted, SWAT teams and all.
Behold, life in the post-New Deal, neocon era, with one spectacular
regulatory failure after another -- accompanied by one intrusive, fearmongering
initiative after another to make sure we don’t ever connect the dots or
see the big picture. Big picture? Even with the unprecedented level of corruption,
lawlessness, and moral depravity we see all around us, we have to keep coming
back to the economics.
The scandals at the FDA highlight the success the Bushitters have had
in dismantling the New Deal system of regulated capitalism. Ironically, it was
that system of regulations that saved capitalism in the '30s and allowed our
mixed economy to thrive over most of the last fifty years. New Deal/Progressive
Era regulations kept the system in balance, with workers earning enough to be
consumers. It kept the market’s playing field somewhat level. Above all,
it allowed for constitutional democracy, which was placed at a higher value
than mere economics.
But all that has changed. The New Deal is dead. Wealthy transnational
economic interests are firmly in control. The New Deal has given way to neo-liberal
Benito Mussolini said, “Fascism should more properly be called
corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” If
that is true -- and Mussolini ought to know -- then globalization is nothing
less than fascism on a planetary scale.
Consider the Central
American Free Trade Agreement, which passed at the end of July, in spite
of strong public opposition. Lori Wallach, of Public Citizen’s Global
Trade Watch explained what the vote meant:
[F]or people in Central America, this is devastating. Right? I mean, the
provisions are very clear: People with HIV and AIDS who need medicine, who
use generic drugs will die now, because they will not get generic drugs,
because this agreement takes away the ability to produce generic drugs.
People in Central America who rely on essential public services, their drinking
water, electricity, education, or for instance in Costa Rica, the whole
telecommunications system, government guaranteed access, has to be privatized
and deregulated under this agreement. People’s difficult lives will
be made much hard, or as Oxfam and the World Bank reported, millions of
Central American campesinos, small farmers, who are hanging on by their
fingernails as it is, are going to get flattened by this agreement, and
there are going to be millions of displaced and hungry people. Talk about
instability. I mean, if it takes military killing people to get the thing
passed, and you know the results are going to be devastating, destabilizing,
economically and socially, as a national security matter, but as a human,
moral matter, what this is going to do to Central America is god awful.
And now it’s happening here. In fact, we’re well into the process.
A new book, Off
Center: The Republican Revolution and the Erosion of American Democracy,
details some of the strong-arm strategies we see at work, including enacting
laws that deliberately ignore or exacerbate problems in order to create crises
that justify drastic solutions. That one’s called a time-bomb. I would
say the time bomb technique is, in fact, the essence of the Bushitters’
approach to governance.
Hurricane Katrina is a good example. By ignoring the problem and then making
it as bad as possible, the White House group running the disaster operation
insured a huge reconstruction operation to benefit corporate cronies. At the
same time, they claim that the money required is causing a budget crisis. The
budget crisis, in turn, justifies the creation of a so-called Gulf Coast Opportunity
In spite -- or perhaps because -- of increasing public opposition, recent weeks
have seen a staggering succession of corporate sweetheart deals passed through
Congress, bills that not only give away billions of dollars but shield companies
from legal obligations. One law, subsidizing
the building of domestic oil refineries, in spite of historic oil company
profits, actually calls for citizens who sue oil companies to pay the companies’
legal fees, win or lose -- virtually placing oil companies outside the reach
of tort law. These are the items that have been on corporations’ Christmas
lists for many, many years; Santa has finally arrived.
I look at Tom
DeLay’s grinning (s)mug shot and I see the fatuous contempt of a Mussolini.
He proves that evil is not only banal, it’s literally an exterminator:
DeLay developed a passion for politics when tree-hugging laws put limits on
the kinds of poisons he could use in his cockroach business. Personally, I think
he’s on the insects’ payroll; they’re the ones who really
stand to benefit from his leadership.
With the phenomenon of peak oil, we are at a point where survival demands
planning and prioritizing with the needs of the common good in mind. If we don’t
allocate and protect demonstrably dwindling resources, given our society’s
total dependence on oil-based products and technology, we are headed for certain
destruction. Burning all the remaining fossil fuel on the planet would also
jeopardize our survival. Unregulated capitalism, or fascism, is totally unable
to defend us against these dangers, because it is the source of the problem.
In that regard, Bush’s recent statements concerning the possibility of
an avian flu pandemic are extremely disturbing. For an administration dedicated
only to making money for its clients, a flu pandemic is a mouth-watering opportunity.
Bush’s focus on military-enforced quarantines is hardly an appetizing
prospect, post-Katrina.
According to Dr.
James E. Maynard, a twenty-seven-year veteran of the Center for Disease
Control, the last thing we need is a military quarantine. Anti-virals that control
one of the common sequelae of the flu, pneumonia, will probably be able to bring
mortality rates down relative to those experienced in the great pandemic of
the First World War. Vaccinated workers wearing barrier clothing can be deployed
to carefully cull domestic chicken populations. The government should also negotiate
a bulk rate on the drug that can combat this disease.
Somehow, though, if Bush is still around when flu season blows in, I think
he’ll stick with the army. As Condi
Rice said in another context this week, with her characteristic unintentional
honesty -- the woman is plain stupid -- “I don’t think the president
ever takes any of his options off the table concerning anything to do with military
Bush’s open preparation for yet another national disaster demonstrates
as nothing else could the impossibility of going on with our capitalist system
in its present form. We are running a race to the bottom of the oil barrel.
Raw capitalism’s solution to our present situation is being enacted
in front of us: grab everything you can before it’s gone. If it doesn’t
result in the physical destruction of our planet, it’s going to be the
end of the middle class, and of anything worthy of being called civilization.
We have to stop it before it destroys all of us.