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Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington, famous for defeating Napoleon's Grande
Armee at Waterloo, once said "I've spent my entire life trying to discover
what the fellow on the other side of the hill was up to."
And so it is with intelligence gathering and analysis. As a former intel analyst,
I've spent many years on various missions beginning in the mid-1980s and going
beyond Desert Storm taking pieces of the "global threat puzzle" and
trying to fit the pieces together to discover what the "other fellow"
was up to, and what he would do next.
In the past two decades I have witnessed a series of events that are extremely
disturbing. Events, that if put together as pieces of a puzzle, seem to form
a picture that is most disturbing-and even terrifying. Taken alone, they mean
little. But taken in whole, the mosaic forms more than just a pattern-one that
is planned, mission-oriented, and taking place almost as if there were a list
of events that must occur to accomplish the final mission.
The "final mission" is two-fold: destruction of nation-states,
and establishment of a New Age global-socialist New World Order.
For those who think this is "conspiracy theory," or simply fear-factor-fiction,
let me ask this: Do you think the US Constitution is intact, and is this the
same country as it was fifty years ago? If not, why not? And what and who caused
the change?
Let's all play intelligence analyst. We'll do this by examining the reports,
putting the pieces on the wall and seeing what kind of picture it forms. Here
are the clues:
At the end of World War I, a new idea was born that national governments could
not be trusted to govern their indigenous populations in an effective manner,
and help maintain international peace. Instead, due to the carnage of World
War I-the Great War-national governments should become subservient to a global
entity. This entity was formed and became the League of Nations. However, the
world and most countries were not ready for such a "super-government"
and refused to get on board. The globalists were furious, but did not give up.
In 1945, when World War II ended, a private "club" called the Council
on Foreign Relations, which is not part of any government agency, but instead
is the American faction of the Royal Society of International Affairs in London,
was instrumental in creating a new globalist organization called the United
Nations. This body's mission was to slowly reduce the authority of national
governments and replace them with a world council of representatives, none of
which were elected, and none of which were patriotic nationalists. Their mission
was to establish a world government in which other nations were simply nation
states in their "New World Order."
In 1950 two wars broke out in Asia: the Korean war and the French Indochina
war. During these "conflicts" the French, who attempted to retain
their pre-war colony, were defeated by Ho Chi Minh's Vietminh guerrillas (by
using US supplied equipment and weapons provided from the surplus stock on Okinawa
left over from World War II). Meanwhile the United Nations forces intervened
in an invasion of South Korea by North Korea-who was quickly reinforced by the
Communist Chinese army. The French eventually lost their colony after the debacle
at Dien Bien Phu in 1954. The South Koreans retained their country, but the
war never ended. A truce was called in 1953, and Korea has become the longest
war in American history.
The bottom line here is that the world-and the American people-were mentally
conditioned that a single country (like France) could no longer win a war by
itself, and the combined efforts of the UN forces in Korea barely was able to
stand up against Communist aggression. (In point of fact, all UN forces' plans
had to be cleared by a general at UN headquarters, who just happened to be a
Russian, and all plans were relayed to the Chinese well in advance of an operation.)
But the American people-who had just won a two-ocean war against two powerful
enemies-had to be convinced that we could not longer fight a war alone or stand
alone. The stage was set for Vietnam.
The US forces, along with the South Vietnamese Army, and Australian allies,
were forced to fight a war that they were not allowed to win. Lyndon B. Johnson
and his "whiz kids" in the White House micromanaged the war to the
point that generals in the field could not pursue an operation to its maximum
effect, and even had to give up terrain that we took with American blood, plus
stay within the confines of South Vietnam and not attack or pursue the enemy
into his safe havens in Cambodia, Laos and North Vietnam. The end result was
that the North signed the Paris Peace Accords simply to give President Richard
Nixon (and Henry Kissinger) a means of extracting our forces from South Vietnam
with "peace with honor." Two years later the North invaded the South
and the rest is history. The lesson to the American people, via our media, is
that we should not use our military forces abroad in any affair that might turn
into a "quagmire" or "another Vietnam." The media, controlled
by members of the Council on Foreign Relations and other global socialists (including
their Asian and European counterparts), successfully conditioned the American
psyche that we "do not want any more Vietnam style entanglements."
After Vietnam our armed forces underwent what was called a "Reduction
in Force" or RIF. At the same time the "draft" was put on the
back burner and a "volunteer army" was created. All of this at the
height of the Cold War when Russia and China were building their forces. By
the early 1980s the threat envisioned by the Pentagon was an attack on Western
Europe by the Soviet Union through Germany. Known as the Fulda Gap scenario,
where it was envisioned the Russians would push through with high speed armor
assaults, it was theorized-and prepared for-that we would be forced to fight
a fighting withdrawal through Europe while politicians decided if we would employ
nuclear weapons. No one ever came up with a public answer to this threat, and
in the end it never happened-yet.
There is an old military axiom that says that the military gains its best support
when there is a barbarian at the gate. In other words, most people don't worry
about supporting or funding the military unless they fear a threat that would
affect them. By the mid 1980s a new threat was growing ever more frightening:
It actually gained U.S. attention during the Munich Olympics when the Black
September terrorist gang of Palestinians kidnapped and killed members of the
Israeli Olympic team. This was followed by many other "Arab Terrorist"
attacks that often included American victims: skyjackings, an attack on a cruise
ship, bombings, and kidnappings and assassinations. This new threat has been
growing for over four decades and has become the current "barbarian at
the gate." Don't get me wrong: it's real, it's there, and it's coming.
But we have to ask how much of it was originally created or financed by our
own intelligence services. We know that Osama bin Laden had CIA support in Afghanistan
when the Russians occupied the country, and that Abu Nidal was a US intelligence
asset. Who knows how many others?
Since the alleged "fall of the Soviet Union", the US and other western
powers have undergone a political reduction in our armed forces. Beginning during
the George H.W. Bush administration-up until Desert Storm when we were caught
in a very vulnerable position militarily-our military has systematically been
reduced in force structure, equipment destroyed or stored without proper maintenance,
and numbers of personnel and equipment reduced to the point of being basically
combat ineffective if committed to a major war.
In the 1990s, during the Clinton regime, when bases were being closed and Army
divisions being cut, and tanks, planes and ships were being put in mothballs,
a Pentagon general gave a speech to the CASQ officers command and staff class
at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. He said, paraphrasing, "…with the build
down of our armed forces, should we become committed to a two-ocean war, or
be deployed to more than two foreign campaigns, and should a national emergency
occur inside the continental United States, we will be forced to call upon foreign
assets to patrol our streets."
The thought of this at the time was terrifying. But during the Los Angeles
riots Henry Kissinger stated that even though at that time US citizens would
not stand for foreign troops on US soil, that some day we would welcome them
with open arms.