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On February 28, 2004, in the middle of the night, the U.S. again invaded Haiti.
It abducted and forcibly removed democratically elected President Jean-Bertrand
Aristide by its staged coup d’etat and flew him against his will to the
Central African Republic. Aristide today remains in exile in South Africa but
vows to return. The Haitian people demand he be allowed back and restored as their
rightful and legal president.
With the U.S already stretched beyond its capacity in Iraq, Afghanistan and
elsewhere and currently condemned worldwide for flouting international law,
inviolable Geneva Conventions it’s a signatory to, and our own sacred
Bill of Rights, why now Haiti. The country is very small [about 3 times the
size of Los Angeles], has a population of about 7.5 million and is the poorest
country in the Americas. Why did the U.S. intervene with so much else on its
plate? Think back to the Monroe Doctrine in 1823 when the U.S. asserted its
exclusive right to dominate the Americas. Now update to the present and a reinterpretation
of that Doctrine has arrogantly expanded to cover the entire planet - and outer
space. Think of it, the U.S. will tolerate no rival and has now staked its claim
[an exclusive franchise] to dominate all other nations and the oceans and the
heavens. In an inversion or perversion of Woody Guthrie’s great song for
the people - "This Land Is Your Land" - a fitting anthem for U.S.
arrogance might be "This Earth is My Earth....this earth [and the outer
space above it] was made and now belongs to the U.S.A." That includes Haiti,
and sadly for its people that tiny, poor country lies much too close to the
U.S. The lament and aphorism of Mexican dictator [from 1876 - 1910] Porfirio
Diaz who said......"Poor Mexico, so far from God, so close to the U.S."
is also true for Haiti and all other countries in the region as well.
The February, 2004 U.S. invasion was only its latest incursion into that poor
and defenseless country. The U.S. did it before in 1915, stayed for 19 years,
and caused extreme human suffering and death to the Haitian people. It also
did it in 1994, stayed for 5 years, reinstated an overwhelmingly democratically
elected President, and then made it impossible for him to govern effectively
and be able to serve the interests of the Haitian people, especially after the
2000 parliamentary election which was contested over a handful of parliamentary
seats. After the opposition cried foul, the Inter-American Development Bank
froze desperately needed loans [already approved] which were never reinstated
for the rest of Aristide’s tenure. The IDB also forced the Haitian government
to commit to the onerous burden of repaying and servicing past "odious"
debt. The debt burden was so great that in 2003 Haiti was forced to send 90%
of its foreign reserves to Washington to pay it.
Now the U.S. government and its military again are setting and directing policy
using the fraudulent fig leaf of a so-called U.N. "peacekeeper" contingent.
Who can know how long we’ll now maintain control this time [through a
proxy U.N. force, direct U.S. occupation or just a subservient puppet government]
or how much more misery and death we’ll inflict on the benighted and long-suffering
Haitian people. Clearly on that February, 2004 night the U.S. again flouted
international law with another illegal invasion and subversion of the rights
of a sovereign state and its democratically elected president to serve its own
roguish imperial interests - a shameless act but sadly hardly new for a nation
that’s done it repeatedly throughout its history.
It first began when the early settlers took native Indian land through force
or chicanery and murdered many millions in the process. As the colonies grew,
expansion spread west and south and by the 1840s became a policy called "Manifest
Destiny" [first used by Jackson Democrats] to promote and justify a strategy
and practice of ruthless predatory expansion to include all territory south
of Canada, coast to coast, as well as the annexation of Texas and conquest and
seizure of half of Mexico. In the Guadalupe-Hidalgo peace treaty with Mexico
in 1848, the U.S. "graciously" allowed Mexico to keep half its country
[although some U.S. officials wanted it all - the southern half with the majority
Mexican population the U.S. did not want as U.S. citizens, fearing they would
pollute the white Christian ethnic North American stock [sound a little like
a 19th century Nazi Aryan philosophy of racial purity and superiority?]
Presidents William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt continued U.S. imperial
adventures and expansion annexing Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Wake Island, Guam,
and American Samoa after the war with Spain. The Canal Zone was taken a few
years later, and after many more years of savage and bloody war, killing somewhere
between 1/4 to 1/2 million or more [shades of Vietnam and Iraq], the Philippines
finally succumbed and became a U.S. colony. The imperial tradition continued
throughout the 20th century, especially after WW II when the U.S. was the only
powerful nation left unscathed from the ravages of that brutal war. It took
full advantage creating and exploiting the myth of "communist barbarians"
at our gates [a post WW II version of Reagan’s later "war on international
terrorism" in the 80s and Bush’s "war on terrorism" today
- all of them shams to scare the public to allow those in charge the ability
to do as they please in "defense" of the nation]. After the Soviet
Union collapsed, we desperately needed a new threat but had no problem finding
many - Manuel Noriega in Panama, Saddam in Iraq, the North Koreans, Columbian
drug lords, Fidel, the Iranian Ayatollahs, Hugo Chavez and anyone else we choose,
the only qualification being a head of state unwilling to serve U.S. interests.
Jean-Bertrand Aristide tried and failed to do it both ways - to follow U.S.
dictates as well as serve his own people as best he could including raising
Haiti’s appallingly low minimum wage, disbanding its notoriously brutal
military and having the courage to sue France for reimbursement for that country’s
19th century imposed indemnity Aristide now estimated to be $21 billion adjusted
for inflation and with 5% compound interest. All that and more was intolerable
for the U.S., so he had to go. Before discussing events and conditions in Haiti
today after the coup, let’s go back to the beginning to examine the plight
of the Haitian people from the time the Spanish first arrived in 1492.
Few people in all human history have suffered as much as the people of Haiti.
From the arrival of Columbus to the present, the Haitian people have been victims
of enslavement, genocidal slaughter [including death from smallpox and other
western diseases the local inhabitants had no resistance to], and later brutal
exploitation and predation. The indigenous Arawak, or Taino, population suffered
near total extinction [from as many as 8 million in 1492 to only 200 50 years
later], astonishing even when compared probably to the greatest overall genocide
ever that occurred in all the Americas where, according to historian Ward Churchill,
the indigenous population of perhaps 100 million was reduced by 97 - 98%. After
the Spanish moved to the eastern two thirds of the island, now known as the
Dominican Republic, in the early 1600s, the French colonized the western third
[Haiti] and repopulated it with black African slaves.
The French Revolution in 1789 changed everything and inspired the Haitian people,
who considered themselves French, to demand their own freedom. Led by Toussaint
L’Ouverture and others they staged their own Haitian Revolution from 1791
- 1803, defeated the French, and established the first free and independent
black republic anywhere on January 1, 1804. Throughout the 1800s the new nation
went through intermittent periods of brief enlightened rule and considerable
oppression and turmoil. The French eventually regained influence and control
over the country’s leadership and affairs and forced the independent nation
to pay tribute to France for their freedom and independence, an amount equal
to billions in today’s dollars. It was an impossible burden.
From inception the U.S. never recognized Haiti and embargoed and harassed the
new nation for its first 6 decades fearing its freed slaves might inspire a
similar revolt here in the south. But the U.S intended to exercise its influence
and dominance in the hemisphere and did so with the Monroe Doctrine in 1823
when it stated that the Americas were no longer open to European colonization
and that the U.S. would not interfere in European affairs. Beginning in 1915,
the U.S. invaded and occupied Haiti using as a pretext the incredible claim
that the Germans [during WW I] sought to occupy the country. The U.S occupation
lasted 19 years until 1934 during which time it ravaged Haitian society and
institutions and committed war crimes and crimes against humanity against the
defenseless people. The U.S military routinely committed atrocities, the most
infamous being in 1929 when the Marines slaughtered 264 protesting peasants
in the town of Les Cayes. "Corvee [or forced] labor" [de facto slavery]
was also employed and enforced brutally, and for the first time, the U.S military
[just like today in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere] tested its
new weapons including aerial bombing years before the Nazis did it infamously
against the Spanish Republican government in Guernica in support of the eventual
fascist dictator, General Franco.
When the first U.S. occupation finally ended, the war crimes against the Haitian
people continued under a U.S. trained proxy army which became the Armed Forces
of Haiti. Conditions got progressively worse, especially under the "Papa
Doc" and then "Baby Doc" Duvalier regimes from 1957 - 1986. "Papa
Doc" established a personal and repressive paramilitary group, the Ton
Ton Machoute, to intimidate and terrorize the Haitian people. When the people
finally overthrew the "Baby Doc" dictatorship in 1986, a series of
provisional governments ruled until 1990 when Haitians in an election judged
fair and free elected Jean-Bertrand Aristide president with 67% of the vote,
an unexpected shock to the U.S. Aristide took office in February, 1991, but
his time in office was cut short by a September coup involving the still intact
and active Ton Ton Machoute and supported by the U.S. For the next 3 years the
military ruled and exercised a renewed reign of terror against the Haitian people
using paramilitary death squads as a favored technique. The principle terror
group was called FRAPH, led by Toto Constant, an admitted CIA agent who took
his orders from Washington. Constant now lives in New York, safe from prosecution
for his crimes, but apparently also is involved now with the new puppet government
and its savagery against the people. During this time Aristide lived in exile
in the U.S.
The Clinton administration finally struck a deal with Aristide in 1994, and
used a vote by the U.N. Security Council it engineered to send a U.N. [largely
U.S.] international contingent to Haiti ending military dominance and restoring
constitutional rule. One month later President Aristide and other elected officials
returned to Haiti. The "peacekeeper" contingent entered and remained
in Haiti until 1999 not to restore democracy but to insure political and economic
continuity as dictated by IMF instituted neoliberal structural adjustment policies
of privatizations, debt servicing and cuts in vital domestic social programs.
The U.S. struck deal allowed Aristide to return to nominal power as long as
the policies of the ousted military junta remained essentially unchanged. As
mentioned earlier, Aristide tried to do it both ways and failed [by U.S. standards].
He demobilized the army, pursued human rights violators, respected human rights
and freedoms and tried to raise the disgracefully low minimum wage. In short,
he governed like a "democrat."
When the full and true story of Jean-Bertrand Aristide is finally told, it
will portray a noble and humble man who gave of himself honorably to serve the
interests of all the people of Haiti. His only failure was his inability to
overcome the brutal and corrupt power of the U.S. and its determination to see
him fail. And that determination never diminished even though, hard as it was
to do, his government complied with its obligation to service its debt with
its external creditors in hopes of being granted new loans by the World Bank,
IMF and Inter-American Development Bank to do so. This new and earlier funding
[intermittently frozen and then cut off completely after the 2000 election]
led to a spiraling of Haiti’s overall debt and debt servicing obligation
forcing the country to cut back its already insufficient attention to basic
social services for the people in desperate need of them. Haiti is the poorest
country in the Western hemisphere and in 2000 had a shocking estimated unemployment
rate of between 60 - 80%. Today with the extreme level of violence and turmoil
it may be even higher, and the country is a total economic and social disaster.
I’ll return to events today shortly.
In 1995, a pro-Aristide multi-party coalition called the Lavalas Political
Organization took power with an overwhelming majority in parliamentary elections.
In 1996, with Aristide unable by Haitian law to succeed himself, Rene Preval,
an Aristide ally and Prime Minister in 1991 won the presidenial election with
88% of the vote, again shocking the U.S. After several years of political gridlock,
Aristide was reelected President with 92% of the vote [representing the Lavalas
Family Party which he formed in 1996] in November 2000 and took office in February
2001. Opponents immediately claimed the election process was unfair because
of the calculation of percentages for the runoff election in 7 senate races.
This was a minor technical matter not affecting the balance of power and finally
resolved a year later when the 7 senators resigned. The opposition also claimed
Lavalas failed to end corruption and was unable to improve the Haitian economy.
After several years of U.S. instigated and supported opposition turmoil, late
2003 scheduled elections couldn’t be held, and Aristide refused demands
to step down. That fateful choice turned out to be the beginning of the end
of the Aristide presidency and the Lavalas party.
Serious anti-Aristide protests began in January 2004 including violent clashes
in Port-au-Prince. In February, an armed insurrection erupted in Gonaives that
a local group may have instigated. A militant gang, calling itself the National
Revolutionary Front for the Liberation of Haiti, then used this opportunity
to join the uprising. The Revolutionary Front was a paramilitary army which
was formed, heavily armed, trained and funded by the U.S. in the neighboring
Dominican Republic. The so-called "National Endowment for Democracy"
had been funding the civilian opposition and may have also aided the paramilitaries.
In addition, the CIA, based on its 50 year history of fomenting insurrections
and coups, may have been heavily involved as well. The rebel gang included former
members of the hated and feared FRAPH. It was led by Guy Philippe, a former
police chief involved in the 1991 coup ousting President Aristide, and FRAPH
and former Ton Ton Macoute member Jodel Chamblain, guilty of years of terrorism
against the Haitian people. Emmanuel "Toto" Constant, also guilty
of years of terrorizing the Haitian people, may also have been involved. President
Aristide had disbanded the Haitian army after replacing the military dictatorship
in 1991 and only had local lightly armed police facing a superior force it was
no match for. The rebels swept across the country, first taking control of Gonaives,
then Cap-Haitien [Haiti’s second largest city] and finally Port-au-Prince
right after the U.S. instigated coup with President Aristide already in the
Central African Republic.
As a proxy force for the U.S., the rebels were serving the U.S. goal of again
making Haiti a U.S. colony [like Puerto Rico], supplying wage slave or serfdom
labor, enriching the local business interests and U.S. corporations, and run
by a puppet regime now and henceforth behind the false facade of a nominal democratically
elected government. In addition to its total of over 700 known military bases
worldwide today in 38 countries and a military presence in at least 153 countries,
the U.S. also is attempting to militarize the Caribbean and South American regions
to control Haiti and its Central American neighbors and to intimidate and put
political pressure on Venezuela, Cuba and any other Central or South American
country that might elect a less than subservient leader. What’s happening
in the South American Andean region under "Plan Columbia" [to be pressured
even more with a new base in Paraguay that has angered its neighbor, Brazil]
is what’s planned for Haiti, Central America and elsewhere in the region.
As in Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S. in Haiti plans a permanent military presence
in the region to assure its imperial goals succeed, and presently is minimizing
its interest and presence behind the fig leaf of so-called U.N. "peacekeepers"
from other countries.
In Haiti today, "peacekeeping" is Orwellian language concealing a
brutal reign of terror against the Haitian people, the Lavalas party and all
its members and all others seen as potential threats to U.S. policy. The Haitian
people today, just like the people in Iraq, face daily cold-blooded murder,
torture, rape and sexual abuse, hunger, a complete breakdown and absence of
all essential social services as well as brutal crackdowns and conditions of
utter depravity, all served up by the so-called "peacekeepers" [from
countries including Brazil, Canada, France, the U.S. -behind the scenes but
very much in charge - and others]. Lavalas party leaders and members not already
murdered or imprisoned are currently in hiding and are being hunted down. Puppet
U.S. installed acting "president" Gerard Latortue [brought in from
Florida to assume his role] jailed at first without charge Lavalas Prime Minister
Yvon Neptune [he has now been charged] and Father Gerard Jean-Juste, both seen
as threats to U.S. interests because of their service to and overwhelming support
by the Haitian people. They remain there under cruel and brutal conditions,
and without intervention by or strong demand and pressure from the world community
will probably die there. Months ago Yvon Neptune underwent a hunger strike and
several times was reported to be near death. This writer does not know more
about his condition today, but apparently he is still alive and still in prison.
Examples of what’s happening daily are assaults and cold-blooded murder
carried out against alleged Lavalas supporters by the Haitian National Police
[PNH], FRAPH thugs and UN "peacekeepers." Multiple attacks have been
carried out in Cite Soleil, Bel Air, Solino and elsewhere where innocent Haitians
have been shot and killed. Frequent street protests against the puppet government
have been broken up violently, and known Lavalas supporters and officials are
tracked down and when found either murdered or imprisoned without charge and
without recourse to legal or other help. Perhaps the most blatant example of
brutal violence against innocent Haitians took place on August 21, 2005 in a
soccer field in Gran Ravin-Martissant in front of 5000 soccer fans. As many
as 50 Haitians were massacred by the PNH and red-shirted killers. When a shot
was fired, people panicked and ran and were either shot or hacked to death with
machetes. Although there was a U.N. post across the street, no U.N. "peacekeepers"
were there to protect the victims.
In addition to all the violence and abuses detailed above, Haitian men, women
and children are victims of human trafficking for purposes of sexual exploitation
[of women and children for forced prostitution], forced labor [de facto slavery],
debt bondage and chattel slavery. UNICEF estimates as many as 300,000 Haitian
children are affected plus many thousands of women. Many additional thousands
of men also have been and still are being forcibly taken to the Dominican Republic
and other countries to work as "sugar slaves." Modern-day slavery
is a major problem for Haitians today and also for many poor in other developing
countries where the masses of impovished people are easily exploitable while
their governments [including in Haiti] do nothing to stop it. As many as 30
million people worldwide are thought to be affected.
Sometime this fall the U.S plans to hold supposedly "democratic"
elections to be run by Haiti’s Provisional Electoral Council [CEP]. The
process is hopelessly fraudulent and flawed, and precise information on all
that’s happening is unclear. What is known is that voter eligibility roles
are being "electorally cleansed" of all "political dissidents"
[meaning Lavalas/Aristide members and supporters], and no anti-government activity
is being allowed in the streets. Any occurring is being put down violently.
Also, the number of polling stations have been reduced from 12,000 in earlier
elections all across the country to 800 this time, eliminating those in rural
areas where most of the poor are. In addition, the puppet government designated
"political dissidents" have been prohibited from running for office
[again with the obvious meaning]. Furthermore, expected voter registration totals
at election time range from about 7% of pre-"electorally cleansed"
eligible voters to about 50% of eligible voters post "cleansing."
This will be another example of what economist and media and social critic Edward
Herman calls a "Demonstration Election." Professor Herman wrote a
book in the 1980s documenting sham elections in Nicaragua and other countries,
controlled and "rigged" by the U.S. to be sure their "acceptable"
candidate won. The process has been repeated many times, most recently in Afghanistan,
Palestine, Iraq and soon in Haiti. Many people here in the U.S. believe, as
do I, that this country also is guilty of staging "demonstration elections"
as seen in 2000 when Democratic candidate Gore won Florida and was elected President,
but 5 U.S. Supreme Court Justices refused to allow a total state recount to
prove it, effectively annulling the Florida and true electoral college vote
to chose their candidate, Republican Bush, as president. The process repeated
again in 2004 in Ohio and elsewhere, this time with "rigged" electronic
voting machines the main, but not only culprit, again selecting Republican Bush.
The fall, 2005 election in Haiti is even more out of line as only those candidates
known to be subservient to U.S. imperial interests are allowed on the ballot.
The Haitian people want none of it, and it remains to be seen how many of those
left unpurged from the rolls will actually turn out and vote. So much for democracy,
but it certainly will be portrayed that way.
Long before the 2004 coup deposing President Aristide, the U.S. corporate media
began a process of demonizing him, unjustly accusing him of corruption, conducting
a fraudulent election and other crimes and abuse. Just as it always does before,
during and after all U.S. incursions against other countries, the dominant corporate
media unquestioningly backed the U.S. position, even with no credible evidence
to support it. Instead of investigating and reporting the facts honestly as
good journalists should, the media giants all lined up as dutiful and complicit
flacks and acted as mere transmissions agents of state propaganda. As a result,
the public was told and believes lies and has no idea what’s really happening
or why. Today the major media reports almost nothing about Haiti, and the public
is unaware that the daily horror happening throughout Iraq is also happening
in Haiti. Haiti has become a black hole, out of sight and out of mind, with
little hope of relief. The U.S. public knows nothing, and the world community,
except for the CARICOM nations in the region, doesn’t care or act responsibly.
As a result, the long-suffering Haitian people pay a dear price. But these courageous
people have endured for over 500 years, and if their past and present strength
is prologue, they will never give up until they are free at last from any colonial
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