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Preparations for renewed US militarization and intervention in Latin
America are underway. To protect its own hegemony and economic interests, the
US government is using the threat of terrorism as an excuse for military operations
aimed at destabilizing leftist movements and governments and securing natural
resources such as oil and gas.
By focusing on social programs in education, land reform and healthcare, many
of the region’s new leaders have put the needs of the people ahead of
the demands of multinational companies. This leftist resurgence makes corporate
investors and other harbingers of the free market nervous. Recently, the Bush
administration has gone to extreme measures to ensure that this leftist trend
is put in check.
Hundreds of US troops arrived in Paraguay on July 1st for secretive operations
and are believed to be populating a military base 200 kilometers from the Bolivian
border. Political analysts in the region believe this questionable activity
is part of a strategy to quell popular uprisings in Bolivia -- where upcoming
presidential elections are expected to favor a leftist candidate -- and take
over the country’s vast gas reserves.
Bush administration officials blame left-leaning “instability”
in Latin America, particularly in Bolivia, on funding and support from President
Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and Fidel Castro in Cuba. Lately, Bolivia has gone
through politically tumultuous times; protests against plans to privatize the
country’s gas reserves have ousted two presidents in two years.
President Chavez says his oil-rich country is targeted for US intervention.
Recent allegations that the Venezuelan leader is fomenting rebellion in Latin
America could pave the way for such activity.
“Unhelpful Ways”
On the plane to Paraguay on August 17th, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
discussed this connection to Bolivia: "Any time you see issues involving
stability in a country, it is something that one wishes would be resolved in
a democratic, peaceful way. There certainly is evidence that both Cuba and Venezuela
have been involved in the situation in Bolivia in unhelpful ways."
Speaking to reporters on the same trip, a top Rumsfeld aid charged that Cuba
had, “reactivated its underground networks throughout the region, particularly
in Bolivia,” and warned that Cubans were, “providing political guidance,
stimulating street violence and attempting to discredit the country's democratic
However, US officials have yet to offer any evidence to support these claims,
citing concerns that doing so would reveal secret sources.
It’s likely that a Bolivian president ousted by popular protests would
be the first to claim that rebellion in his country is funded and supported
by leftist leaders abroad. That’s not the case with ex-president Carlos
Mesa, who was driven from office by massive protests in May 2005. In an interview
with the Argentine paper, Clarin, Mesa said that though sympathies between Chavez
and protest groups in Bolivia are widely known, he “had not seen any evidence
of Venezuelan interference.”
Cuban President Fidel Castro has also rejected accusations that his country
and Venezuela are “destabilizing influences in Latin America.” According
to the Cuban newspaper, Periodico 26, Castro said the winds of change in the
region are the result of desperate economic conditions. “People are becoming
aware of their problems; misery, unemployment and the lack of medical care are
the main causes of dissatisfaction. There’s no need to blame us, it’s
their own neo-liberal and interventionist policies coming home to roost.”
Recent events in Bolivia illustrate that widespread poverty and the growing
political muscle of impoverished indigenous groups has contributed to the country’s
unrest. The last five years in Bolivia have seen numerous citizen revolts over
policies that were exported to the country from Washington. In April 2000 the
residents of Cochabamba rebelled
against water privatization pushed by the World Bank (the Bank chief is
chosen by the White House), and carried out by the Bechtel corporation. In February
2003, thirty-four Bolivians were killed during protests against an income tax
hike imposed by the International Monetary Fund, (the US is the only single
nation which holds a veto over the fund’s policies). In October 2003,
over sixty Bolivians were killed in protests against a plan to privatize and
export the country’s gas to California, a deal supported by the US Embassy
in Bolivia.
Terror and Resource Wars
“What is the U.S. government looking for? They're looking for oil. This
is part of the [energy] crisis that is looming in the horizon,” said Venezuelan
President Chavez when commenting on US foreign policy during an interview conducted
by Democracy Now!. This impending energy crisis may direct much of the Bush
administration’s policies in Latin America, where the “threat of
terrorism” offers a convenient excuse for securing natural resources.
Many in US mainstream media are using “terrorism” rhetoric to portray
President Chavez as a dangerous influence in the hemisphere. While interviewing
the Venezuelan leader on ABC News, host Ted Koppel asked, “I've been told
by contacts of mine in the US intelligence community that you have members of
Al Qaida…who are allowed to operate within Venezuela. Not true?”
To which Chavez responded, “It's absolutely false.”
The US is justifying its current military presence in Paraguay by citing Islamic
terrorist activity in the triple border region where Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina
meet, an area home to the largest water reserves in the hemisphere. In March,
William Pope, the U.S. State Department’s principal deputy coordinator
of counterterrorism, said that 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed is believed
to have visited the tri-border area for several weeks in 1995.
A military base in Paraguay believed to be used by US forces is 200 kilometers
from Bolivian natural gas reserves, the second largest on the continent. The
fact that the military operations coincide with an upcoming presidential election
in Bolivia has also been a cause for concern among activists in region. Bolivian
Workers Union leader Jaime Solares, and Movement Toward Socialism Legislator
Antonio Peredo, have warned of US plans for a military coup to frustrate the
elections. Solares said the US Embassy backs rightwing ex-President Jorge Quiroga
in his bid for office, and will go as far as necessary to prevent any other
candidate’s victory. According to the most recent polls, leftwing candidate
Evo Morales is leading the presidential race.
Business as Usual
US intervention in Latin America isn’t anything new. In many cases, Washington
funded and helped planned coups, and occasionally wars, against leaders that
weren’t warm to US interests.
Declassified documents prove the US played a key role in the coup which overthrew
democratically elected, socialist president Salvador Allende in Chile in 1973
and put dictator Augusto Pinochet in his place. A bloody, US organized war against
Sandinista-run Nicaragua was waged throughout the 1980s. More recent cases of
US intervention have also been discovered.
Investigative journalist Eva Gollinger has researched declassified US government
documents which prove the US played a key part in the short-lived coup against
Venezuelan president Chavez in 2002. She discovered an “intricate financing
scheme the US government has been carrying out in Venezuela since 2001, that
includes financing well over twenty million dollars to opposition sectors. The
funding of the National Endowment for Democracy…has provided more than
three million dollars since late 2001 to opposition groups, many of which were
key participants in the April 2002 coup.”
Another case of US intervention occurred in Haiti in 2004, when President Bertram
Aristide was ousted from office. In an interview conducted by Democracy Now!,
Aristide stated he was “kidnapped” by US military officials in a
“coup d’etat”. He also said that millions of dollars from
the US government had been sent to opposition groups in Haiti that played a
role in the coup.
US troops are operating in Paraguay and Venezuelan president Chavez continues
to warn of a US invasion of his country. For a Bush administration that is losing
ground in a resource-rich region leaning to the left, away from prostrating
itself to US economic and corporate interests, “Operation Latin American
Freedom” may be next.
Presidential elections in Brazil, Mexico, Nicaragua, Colombia, Venezuela and
Bolivia, among others, are to take place within the next year. In many cases
left-of-center leaders are expected to win. When that happens, US hegemony will
be even more at risk. If Washington has learned anything from recent events
in Latin America, it will take the hint and back off. Continued pressure is
only likely to increase an already momentous backlash.