Untitled Document
"We have made a very important treaty with a people totally unrepresented,
a people dominated by our military power...I have never considered the treaty
with Nicaragua as a treaty agreed with the Nicaraguan people. We made a treaty
with ourselves. We made a treaty with a government that represented us even
on the other side of the negotiating table. We made a treaty with a government
that was our instrument. It is one of the most indefensible transactions I
have ever known in international life."
- US Senator William Borah[1]
Nothing much changes even after nearly a hundred years. Corporate war-criminal
Robert Zoellick, on his day-job for the US State Department, breezed into Nicaragua
last week. He got the kind of slavish welcome he fails to get even from the servile
Washington press corps. His visit followed immediately on from an editorial by
the State Department Daily (also known as the Washington Post) condemning "undemocratic"
sandinista leader Daniel Ortega. On the contrary, Ortega has promoted and defended
electoral democracy in Nicaragua since 1984.
Zoellick's visit was trivial in terms of what he had to say. The usual imperial
blarney about promoting democracy accompanied by a typical threat to withhold
US$175m in aid if Nicaraguans don't do what the US government says. The discourse
has not changed since 1910. "Do what we want - or else...." One expects
such diplomatic speaking-clock declarations from career workhorses like US ambassador
to Nicaragua Paul Trivelli. But maybe machiavellian corporate Prince-lings like
"call-me-Bob" Zoellick should try a little harder.
Zoellick's curriculum vitae includes stints as consultant to the corrupt Enron
Corporation, adviser to privatisation predator Viventures/Vivendi International[2],
associate of the exclusive Precursor Group of investment advisors[3] and as an
executive for financial services buccaneering giant Goldman Sachs. The idea that
while in government people like Zoellick set aside their corporate ties is absurd.
Like all leading functionaries of the US imperial plutocracy, Robert Zoellick
contributes to global corruption through the constant osmosis between his public
duties and his personal corporate loyalties. Then he has the outright nerve to
accuse other people of corruption.
During his visit to Nicaragua, Zoellick met with President Bolaños and
his ministers, as well as possible presidential candidates Jose Antonio Alvarado,
Eduardo Montealegre and Herty Lewites, members of the business sector and, as
individuals, some members of the Constitutional Liberal Party (PLC) of disgraced
ex-president Arnoldo Aleman. Among the group meeting Zoellick with Lewites were
Luis Carrion and Victor Hugo Tinoco. All three are former leading members of the
FSLN Sandinista revolutionary government. The main task for them all was to prostrate
themselves metaphorically before the imperial prince in order to convince him
they are "democrats" cut, stitched and finished to the taste of the
Bush regime.
Herty Lewites : currying imperial favour
Herty Lewites put this spin on it, "It was made clear that the United
States can't come insisting that we sandinistas are not working and struggling
for a democratic government. It was precisely for that that they expelled us
from the party, for seeking primarily from the party ranks, the democratization
of the party."[4] Lewites has consistently obfuscated the reasons for his
expulsion from the FSLN, causing much confusion among FSLN supporters. In fact,
he was expelled from the FSLN for failing to abide by its statutes, among which
chapter II section 15 of the rights and duties of members of the FSLN states
that members of the FSLN are bound to "Conform strictly to party disicpline,
obeying all the directives, rules, norms and agreements of the FSLN."[5]
Lewites failed to obey the rules. He was expelled.
Herty Lewites' meeting with Zoellick confirms the worst interpretations of
his split with the FSLN. All the time he talks about "rescuing sandinismo",
what Lewites - a very talented and successful businessman - very clearly means
is to embrace US-style "free market" capitalism, and the abandonment
of national sovereignty that move entails. Nothing could be further from Augusto
Cesar Sandino's vision of a free, sovereign Nicaragua.
Herty Lewites has never spoken out clearly against the Central American Free
Trade Agreement or water privatization. He is perhaps the first politician in
Central America to adopt wholesale the utterly cynical modern public relations
style of sinister spin-merchants like Tony Blair. Lewites and his supporters
are Tony Blair's neo-liberal New Labour translated for Nicaraguans.
What might someone with Sandino's vision have said to Robert Zoellick? Several
obvious matters of concern leap to mind. They might have expressed dismay and
condemnation of US government protection for super-terrorist Luis Posada Carriles,
wanted for mass-murder by the Venezuelan government. They might have interceded
vigorously on behalf of the five Cuban anti-terrorist heroes languishing unjustly
in maximum security US prisons after having been exonerated by an Appeals Court.
They might have urged the US immediately to honour its commitments under the
Geneva Conventions by restoring a humane regime to detainees in Guantanamo and
bringing them swiftly to a fair trial. Or they might have pressed the US government
to respond promptly to an Italian court's warrant for the arrest on kidnapping
charges of US gangster-diplomat Betnie Medero-Navedo, currently First Secretary
at the US embassy in Mexico.[6] They might even have questioned US intervention
in Haiti.
Very clearly, none of these points were put to Robert Zoellick by Herty Lewites
or Luis Carrion or Victor Hugo Tinoco. Instead former revolutionaries Lewites,
Carrion and Tinoco pleaded their case for benediction from the war-criminal
US government as "democrats". They did so knowing perfectly well they
were dealing with one of the principal State-terrorists responsible for sustaining
the colonial occupation of Afghanistan, the fascist occupation of Iraq, the
genocidal occupation of Palestine and the rape of Haiti (leaving aside US terrorism
against Nicaragua throughout the 1980s). Anyway, they came out of the meeting
apparently expecting still to be taken seriously when they talk about "rescuing
Sandinismo". Seldom can public relations rhetoric and actual political
behaviour have been so flagrantly self-contradictory.
CAFTA - US protection racket collects its dues
In contrast to Lewites, even the representative of the US-dominated Organization
of American States, genial and avuncular Dante Caputo, agreed that Zoellick's
threats on aid were interventionist. When asked about Zoellick's threat to hold
back US$175 from the US Millenium Account aid program, Caputo opined, "Whenever
any international financial organization imposes conditionalities, de facto
there is intervention."[7] Few global corporate functionaries like Caputo
are ever that candid in public. El Nuevo Diario reported Liberal judge Guillermo
Selva lamenting that by welcoming Zoellick, President Bolaños was fixing
US$175 as Nicaragua's price. Selva was reported as saying, "Zoellick didn't
come as a diplomat, but rather as a proconsul giving orders, it oughtn't to
be like that."[8]
Probably the main purpose of Zoellick's visit was to slap around the Constitutional
Liberal Party (PLC) to push through ratification of the Central American Free
Trade Agreement. Despite complaints by leading Liberal figures like Guillermo
Selva, the PLC leadership knows who calls the shots. They quickly pressed the
Sandinista FSLN to agree moving a vote on the ratification of CAFTA to the top
of the legislative agenda in the National Assembly. On the night of Monday October
10th 2005 the infamous deed was done and Nicaragua became formally in the words
of Sandinista deputy Alba Palacios, a United States annex "on totally disadvantageous
Within a few hours of the vote, Daniel Ortega leader of the FSLN and President
Enrique Bolaños announced an agreement aimed at ending the almost year
long cat-fight between the President and the country's legislators. So Nicaragua
is back to where it was in 2003 when the fatuous Colin Powell visited Nicaragua
and ordered Bolaños not to have anything to do with the FSLN. From that
point on the hapless Bolaños was doomed to impotence.
At the time, the FSLN struck a deal with the PLC and tried to work out a legislative
agenda on that basis, since they had little practical alternative. Among recent
agreements was the decision to postpone ratification of CAFTA pending approval
of a packet of laws designed to provide greater protection to employees, small
farmers and small and medium-sized businesses. When the PLC leadership caved
in to imperial pressure in the shape of "put-the-boot-in-harder-Bob"
Zoellick, the rationale for the FSLN deal with the PLC vanished.
The voting arithmetic in Nicaragua's National Assembly is not difficult. The
FSLN has 37 seats. President Bolaños can count on 10, The PLC have 42
and there are three or four deputies from smaller parties. Since the PLC loathes
Bolaños with the internecine passion generally reserved for traitors,
the FSLN and its allies can flirt with either side depending on where its best
advantage lies on any given piece of legislation.
From Sandinistas to Montewitistas
So the end result of nearly three years of US diplomacy and heavy handed intervention
from the European Union, the Organization of American States, the United Nations
and the international financial institutions is circular. Nicaragua is back
where it was in 2002 before the bullying visit of clueless US Secretary of State
Colin Powell. The main significant domestic variation is the appearance on the
scene of the Montewitistas.
Montewitistas are many-faced creatures who have had some difficulty deciding
if they are coming or going. Like the goddess Athena from the temple of Zeus,
they all sprang fully-formed from the furrowed brows of presidential hopefuls
Herty Lewites and Eduardo Montealegre. Former FSLN member Lewites and former
PLC member Montealegre have agreed various matters relating to their respective
attempts to run for the Nicaraguan presidency. It is their own squalid version
of the FSLN-PLC "pacto" which they have enjoyed lampooning for months.
When not grazing on the lush, golden slopes inhabited by the upper echelons
of Nicaragua's business and "non-governmental" classes Montewitistas
spend most of the time name-calling and complaining. They cry no one will let
them take part in Nicaraguan elections, though the electoral process has not
even begun. They cry the Liberal PLC and the Sandinista FSLN are cruel, at the
same time as they themselves hurl hearty abuse and threats at both. They cry
that only they are clean and good and honest, and run to seek approval from
corporate gangsters like Robert Zoellick.
Leading figures among the Montewitistas include former revolutionary comandantes
Henry Ruiz, Monica Baltodano and FSLN founder member Victor Tirado. Ruiz and
Baltodano have both expounded at length in Rebelión.org on their reasons
for supporting Herty Lewites. People with an addiction to long-winded Mexican
novelas may well find their expositions engrossing. But all are very coy about
explaining their role as Montewitistas. Nor have they or Victor Tirado or Luis
Carrion or Victor Hugo Tinoco explained much about their rapprochement with
the gangster regime of George W.Bush.
CAFTA - how big a deal?
CAFTA may have been ratified by the Nicaraguan legislature but its irrelevance
to Nicaragua's underlying problems are clear. It will not provide more net employment.
It will accelerate rural depopulation, increasing the social problems in both
deserted rural areas and ever more overcrowded cities. Innumerable small and
medium-sized business will shut down, unable to compete with giant US rivals.
Medicines will likely double in price or worse. Domestic taxes will have to
increase anything between 10% and 15% in order to compensate for lost revenue
from import taxes.
Nicaragua will lose its food sovereignty. Terms and conditions for workers
will deteriorate. Short-term investment cowboys will finish stripping out Nicaragua's
already minimal public sector. The people who will do well out of it all will
be the business classes represented by politicians like Enrique Bolaños,
the leadership of the PLC, Herty Lewites and Eduardo Montealegre. Another important
set of beneficiaries will be leading representatives of the Nicaraguan non-governmental
sector picking up lucrative contracts from multilateral and bi-lateral "aid"
donors to engage in the charade of assisting victims of policies that should
never have been implemented in the first place.
For the FSLN and its political allies the challenge will now be to define strategies
of defence and resistance to protect Nicaraguan workers and campesinos from
the catastrophic effects for them of deepening enslavement under foreign intervention.
CAFTA and the intimately linked Plan Puebla Panama were designed to run on cheap
energy in a stable natural environment. Neither of those conditions are likely
to apply now or for the foreseeable future.
Natural disasters like those that have regularly destroyed thousands of lives
and billions of dollars worth of property will become more frequent as climate
change accelerates. The recent horrific flooding in much of Central America
and Mexico emphatically reinforces that fact. Venezuela's role in guaranteeing
affordable oil-derived energy will counteract US regional influence in ways
that are still hard to work out. CAFTA only contributes negatively to this context.
As the majority of people's standard of living steadily declines resentment
and protest will grow. Winning on CAFTA may yet turn out to have been a pyrrhic
victory for the US government and its local allies.
1. Reference from Gregorio Selser "Sandino. General de Hombres Libres"
Congressional Record of Proceedings and Debates of the 2nd Session of the 67th
Congress. Vol LXII, part. 9a, pp. 8941/8942, Washington D.C.
2. www.viventures.com and http://lannuairedesfonds.journaldunet.com/fiche/63/viventures/
3. Precursor Group does not name its board members on its web site. In 2003
Zoellick was named on their web site as one of their advisers. They are at www.precursorgroup.com
4. "Lewites y Montealegre asumen “pacto de caballeros”. Si
inhiben a uno, el otro se retira de contienda." El Nuevo Diario October
6th 2005.
5. "De los miembros del FSLN sus deberes y derechos" Frente Sandinista
de Liberación Nacional. 1983
6. "La justicia italiana emite una orden de arresto por secuestro contra
una funcionaria de la embajada de EEUU en México" Crónica.
www.rebelion.org 04-10-2005
7. "Caputo: “Opinar no significa injerencia”" Edgard Barbarena,
Nuevo Diario October 8th 2005
8. "Clase política indignada con subsecretario Zoellick. Rita Fletes:
“Alemán es ladrón, pero es nuestro ladrón”,
Nuevo Diario October 6th 2005.
9. Personal interview by phone, October 7th 2005.