Untitled Document
“Woolgathering” is a brilliant new word I have just learned.
It describes the state of being heedless, thoughtless, neglectful, distracted.
It is also apt to describe a new national affliction. While we are woolgathering,
twittering and tittering about Beckham’s fortunes, the catwalks, Jude
Law’s love life, the dating games of blind sex-pot ministers, the Brown-Blair
power struggle and the Tory leadership contest, the country is being redesigned,
reconfigured, dominated, fouled and corrupted by a hubristic government which
feels entitled to rule over us forever and in whichever way it chooses.
We need to wake up and put away the languorous good living supplements and
whatever novel is causing a buzz in clever circles. None of it matters.
British culture, art, politics, society, the media, the justice system,
are being forced to submit to the will of New Labor under Tony Blair who wants
to compel us to become subject to his will rather than free citizens of a free
nation. L’Etat c’est moi, he now appears to believe. Absolutely.
No other British leader in modern times has gone this far. Internment, arbitrary
and punitive deportation, barbaric laws, shoot-to-kill policies have now established
themselves on this soil. Yet the majority of Britons do not demur or balk. Through
default they consent. Some energy has, admittedly, gone into protests over planned
identity cards and the law against religious incitement. But the even more serious
raids on liberal democracy don’t generate too much concern.
President Blair wants a wifey media, a tame judiciary, obliging lawyers, public
adoration, a poodle Parliament, power which answers to nobody but George Bush.
On the international stage, he issues commands and threats, seeks acclaim and
deference. Last week he ordered Iran to lay off Iraq, to stop sending arms to
insurgents who have the temerity to attack our soldiers in their tanks. Meanwhile
we claim legitimacy, the right to blast the shit out of Iraqis, good and bad.
Sunday, three alarmed jurors spoke up to protest against the re-arrest and
planned expulsion of four Algerian men accused of making ricin to use in terrorist
attacks. One man, Kamel Borgass, who also killed a policeman, was found guilty
of this plot. No evidence was found to implicate any of the others charged.
They were acquitted by a jury. For days I have been fretting about the arrests
of these legally freed Algerians. It’s what Presidents Milton Obote and
Idi Amin used to do in Uganda, to bang up people who had been duly freed by
the courts. Now, finally, the jury members have come out. “Before the
trial,” said one, “ I had a lot of faith in the authorities to be
making the right decisions on my behalf ... Whereas having been through this
trial, I am very skeptic now as to the real reasons why this new legislation
has been pushed through.”
I completely accept that intelligence has to be gathered and it will be essential
to get sharper, smarter policing and spying which may well require exceptional
temporary powers granted by an independent judge. At times I even find myself
applauding when some fanatic Muslim preacher is put away without due process,
a burst of populism which is unbecoming and immoral. But I do not wish to live
in a police state which uses democracy as a clever disguise to encroach on our
Every day men and women in this country are being hauled into custody as nameless
suspects. They may or may not be guilty. It doesn’t really matter any
more. They are Muslims. Dogs have better safeguards than these presumed terrorists.
The rules of the game have changed, Blair tells us. But, as the newly retired,
immensely wise judge Lord Steyn says in an interview in this newspaper: “This
is not a game, this is a deathly serious and earnest matter.”
Blair and his gang, imbued with granite Christian certainties, claim our acquiescence
to keep us safe, they say, in a dangerous world. Are we really living in more
perilous times than during the two world wars or the Cold War when weapons of
mass destruction were in the hands of war-makers on both sides? Charles Clarke,
the home secretary, has capitulated on the pernicious proposed legislation which
would have outlawed the “glorification” of terrorism, whatever that
meant or was meant to mean. But he still wants the right to hold for 90 days
people who have not been explicitly charged and to pack them off to their old
countries so they don’t bother us. It is a double whammy. If you are marked
out as a “terrorist” you can be incarcerated and deported, all in
the silence imposed by the new anti-terrorism measures.
All too soon, this cowboy justice begins to apply to others. Internment, exiling
human beings, curtailing freedom of expression, have become responses to a range
of difficult problems. The duffing up of the Labor Conference heckler Walter
Wolfgang illustrated the point perfectly. (I do wonder though whether there
would have been such a fuss around the country if the victim had not been an
elderly refugee who fled Nazism, but, say, a young Asian or Afro-Caribbean man?)
Countless more people, including children seeking asylum are being cruelly deported.
Every day campaigners get e-mails about these wretched people, the latest I
have had is from Jessica Levy, a desperate English woman whose husband Hossain
is being sent back to Iran where torture is a gadget liberally used by the state
to inflict docility and compliance. Even Middle Englanders in some places are
rising in protest when they witness obvious miscarriages of natural justice
in such cases.
Blair has, in effect, torn up the Geneva Convention on refugees, and disdains
the substance and spirit of the European Convention on Human Rights.
You would have thought waves of resistance would rise to stop these outrages.
But no. The Tories are too enamored of authoritarianism themselves. Lib Dems
play polite and earnest and are no match for the indomitable ruling clique.
Peers and MPs — with some brave exceptions — have retreated from
principled opposition since the London bombs. Ken Livingstone is in the pocket.
Journalists “friendly” to the Blairite project, of whom there are
too many, follow the leader like needy cult members. Blair is their visionary
Maharshi and as mesmerizing and untrustworthy as the original. The rest of us
try without making any impact.
New Labor, it seems, will not be stopped and searched as it vandalizes precious
principles and thuggishly knocks out checks and balances. Cherie Blair warned
in August: “It is all too easy for us to respond to such terror in a way
which undermines commitment to our most deeply held values and convictions and
which cheapens our right to call ourselves a civilized nation.” I wonder
if we have this right any more, Cherie, or if it is too late already.