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Former NY Aux. Fire and Policeman Uncovers Transit Authority Tapes Showing "Heavy Smoke Condition" Below WTC On 9/11

Posted in the database on Saturday, October 08th, 2005 @ 15:18:02 MST (2194 views)
by Greg Szymanski    The Arctic Beacon  

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More evidence now surfaces indicating explosions rocked the WTC and a pre-planned controlled demolition.

More 9/11 evidence has surfaced indicating explosions rocked the North Tower prior to the jetliner striking the top floors, again showing the official government story is nothing more than a pack of lies.

Transit Authority conversations between motormen and dispatchers reveal a “heavy smoke situation” on transit line’s 1 and 9 adjacent to and in the sublevel basement area near the North Tower just minutes before the jetliner strike.

The obscure tapes, unknown until recently discovered in official transit authority transcripts and released in the Transit Authority News, adds further credibility to the numerous eye-witness claiming to have heard explosions rock the North Tower prior to the jetliner strike.

The conversations between subway worker’s came to light after avid 9/11 researcher and former auxiliary fireman perused through transit authority records after listening to the same conversations he taped himself on the morning of 9/11.

“I m an emergency communications buff and have kept many tapes of what what was going on the morning of 9/11,” said Isaac this week in a conversation from his home in Brooklyn. “I have on tape the motormen talking to the dispatchers about a heavy smoke condition between building 5 and 6 right next to the North Tower.

“This occurred a minute before the plane hit the tower on the 1 and 9 lines that were running below the mezzanine levels between sub level one and two.”

Isaac, who has compiled an enormous amount of research contradicting the official story, said his tapes were verified by the official transit authority transcripts he recently uncovered.

“This adds more credibility to William Rodriguez’s statements that her heard explosions in the basement,” said Isaac about the WTC head maintenance man who has tried for years to get people to listen to his eye-witness accounts, corroborated by at least 20 other people in the North Tower who also heard the same massive explosions.

Rodriguez, the last man out of the WTC and declared a national hero for saving hundreds of lives, has had his damaging testimony censored by both the cowardly American press as well as the 9/11 Commission.

Besides Rodriguez, the commission and the press have never reported on at least 20 other eye-witnesses who verify the head maintenance man’s statements. And now comes the “heavy smoke’ reports on the transit authority tapes, also ignored by the lapdogs in media and the 9/11 Commission.

Further, the testimony of a man by the name of Felipe David, severely burned in the basement from the underground explosions, has also been suppressed by all parties, including the 9/11 Commission and the unscrupulous media.

“It’s a massive cover-up. We all know it,” added Isaac.

To illustrate the massive cover-up and to the extent in which former 9/11 commissioners are still lying to the public, recently on September 10, commissioner and former congressman Tim Roemer refused to confront Rodriguez or answer his questions after a victim’s and family meeting held at the Marriot Hotel in New York.

Roemer, who spoke to family members, told a heart breaking story how just after 9/11, a women who lost her husband, put his wedding ring on his desk, demanding the truth be uncovered since the only thing the widow had left of her husband’s after the tragedy was his finger in the ring.

Roemer, like a typical lying politician, told the families after that incident he vowed to get the truth behind who caused 9/11.

However, as quick as the tear jerking wedding story ended, Roemer forgot about his vow to get at the truth as he ran from the Marriot like a scared rabbit when confronted by Rodriguez and asked why his statements have been kept out of the final 9/11 report and from the most of the American people.

“You see, they still will not deal with the truth, but for the memory of all those who died, I will never stop telling it,” said Rodriguez after he tried to confront Roemer.

Besides the explosions rocking the WTC basement, Isaac said he has uncovered another little known fact, which also may show the WTC was a pre-planned, staged demolition.

Isaac, a man with a knack of digging a little deeper than most about 9/11, said two large 400 foot tall empty WW II fuel reserve tanks, standing side by side, were brought down in a controlled demolition in East Williamsburg (Brooklyn) on July 15, 2001, at 7:02am.

“I found out the same company, CDI, who had the clean-up contract at Oklahoma City and with the WTC, brought down the water tanks for no apparent reason and despite complaints from the neighborhood who tried in vain to stop the demolition,” said Isaac, adding the site still remains vacant and a reason for the demolition was never given by local or company officials.

“I think it might have been a dry run for 9/11. Perhaps they were trying to see the tilt and how the top 400 feet of the towers would fall in place. There has been no plans to put anything on the property or any valid explanation why they were taken down.

“But I do know the company who owned the tanks, Keyspan Maspeth, acquired a minor league baseball team called the Brooklyn Cyclones right around the same time. There may or may not be a connection, but it is suspicious and should be investigated further.”

Isaac’s investigations into terrorism have long been a thorn in the side of New York officials, including former Mayor Rudi Giuliani. The former auxiliary fireman and police man said he sent a personal correspondence a year prior to 9/11, urging the city to beeter prepare for terrorist activity as he felt the city’s resources remained vunerable

Isaac also was relieved of his duties, for conduct unbecoming an auxiliary police officer, after being alerted by a bus passenger on July 27, 2000, and responding to a bomb threat on a New York City bus.

After given clearance by NYPD, Isaac and his partner blocked heavy city traffic by 53rd Street and Madison Ave. and then a man with a brief case was apprehended. He claims, however, the only result of the apprehension was his suspension as he never found out what happened to the suspect on the bus or the contents of the brief case.

“It was very strange why I was suspended and I never found out what was in the briefcase,” said Isaac.

It seems Isaac almost always is in the middle of controversy as on the recent fourt anniversary of 9/11, he was involved in a confrontation with 9/11 protestors who set up their protest on the sidewalk in front of Ground Zero in the midst of the reading of the names of those who perished.

Isaac, who believes with his heart in the 9/11 truth movement, tried to convince protestors it was neither the time or place to create a controversy, especially on a morning which is set aside solely to remember those who dies without having politics getting in the way.

“If it was any other day, I would be right out there protesting with them. I would even do it front of the fire station. But on the morning of 9/11, when the families are mourning their loved ones, it just wasn’t the right time,” said Isaac, adding he was also trying to protect the protestors from violence since many in the crowd seemed to be almost provoked into raising fists.

“This type of protest has a way of discrediting the 9/11 truth movement and maybe that was their intentions. I just don’t know. But I do know that the same people who were protesting, misquoted and totally printed things I didn’t say on their web site.

“If you read the Village Voice who covered what happened the next day, it was totally different then what appeared on the Wing TV web site. What they did wasn’t right on the 4th anniversary of 9/11 and what they wrote about me isn’t what I said.”

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