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Washington, Sep 30 (PTI) If Washington and its allies do not stop Iran's
nuclear programmes by force if necessary, Israel will, three Israeli legislators
visiting the US have warned.
"Israel will not live under the threat of an Iranian nuclear bomb.
We feel we are obliged to warn our friends that Israel should not be pushed
into a situation where we see no other solution but to act unilaterally against
Iran," said Yosef Lapid, head of the Shinui Party.
Lapid and his colleagues Yuval Steinitz, chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs
and Defence Committee and Arieh Eldad, a member of the Israeli National Union
Party said conventional diplomacy will not work with Iran. "They won't
be stopped unless they are convinced their programmes will be destroyed if they
continue," they said.
Steinitz said Israeli officials estimate Tehran is only two to three years
away from developing a nucelar bomb and that time is running out for the world
to act.
"We see an Iranian bomb as a devastating existential threat to Israel,
to the entire Middle East, to all Western interests in the region," he
"For us, either the world will tackle Iran in advance or all of us will
face the consequences."
Eldad said Israelis across the political spectrum see Iran as the most serious
threat to Israel, one that cannot be ignored." Eldad conceded that there
could be problems if Israel acted. "If we have to do it, we will do it.
If the United States and the world community do it, there is a chance the issue
can be contained. If Israel has to do it alone, there is no chance the conflict
can be contained." PTI