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Adam Pearlman, al-CIA-duh Patsy

Posted in the database on Thursday, September 15th, 2005 @ 09:26:16 MST (2351 views)
by Kurt Nimmo    Another Day in the Empire  

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If you listen real hard, you can hear Robert Spencer (a columnist in David Horowitz’s Scaife-funded stable) and other right-wingers salivating over the prospect of Adam Yahiye Gadahn, aka Adam Pearlman, a nice Jewish boy (Gadahn’s Jewish grandfather was a prominent surgeon) from the southern climes of California. Gadahn-Pearlman recently made headlines when he supposedly released a video promising death to infidels in the name of Osama and his CIA-trained Muslim cave-dweller crew. “The new face of Islamic terrorism is quite a departure from the spacy [sic] half-smile of Osama bin Laden and the dead-eyed glare of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi; ever since the latest FBI wanted poster came out, it’s a pudgy, long-haired American kid who appears to be locked in a desperate, losing struggle to grow a beard: Adam Yahiye Gadahn, an American convert to Islam,” Spencer wrote last June.

As Spencer would have it, the mere existence of Islam guarantees “more and more disaffected youth like Adam Gadahn will end up in radical Muslim training camps—and will eventually carry their struggle back to their infidel homeland.” In short, the “new face” of Islamic terrorism is all-American. It can’t get much better for warmongering right-wingers and neocons that never saw an Arab or Muslim country they did not want to shock and awe into submission (or as Ann Coulter would have it, “invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity”). Gadahn-Pearlman is proof-positive former death metal adherents cum made-over jihadists are here and now and want to blow up gas stations (see the concentration camp lady, Michelle Malkin, on this note).

If Osama, al-Zarqawi, and the followers of al-Qaeda believe Jews are the essence of the Kafir (infidel) and Jewish Americans probably one step up from Israeli Jews on the loathsome meter, one has to wonder why the heck they would not only recruit this part Jewish American kid but allow him to deliver a message on the anniversary of nine eleven, supposedly the cornerstone of Islamic terrorism. Moreover, it appears Gadahn-Pearlman was trouble from the get-go, and thus an unlikely al-Qaeda candidate: after joining the Islamic Society of Orange County, at the tender age of seventeen, Gadahn-Pearlman was “expelled from the mosque after attacking an employee. Records show he pleaded guilty to assault and battery charges on June 11, 1997 and was sentenced to two days in Orange County jail and 40 hours of community service,” according to Fox News. It only gets more pathetically obvious:

But according to court records, Gadahn failed to perform the community service, so a warrant is still outstanding for his arrest, according to the Los Angeles Times.

In May 1997, when he was 18, Gadahn was arrested on allegations of attacking Haitham “Danny” Bundakji, a well-known leader at the mosque in Garden Grove, the Times reported.

Some reports said police said Gadahn had been fired from his position as a security guard at the mosque after he was caught sleeping on the job.

But Muzammil Siddiqi, the society’s religious director, who described Gadahn as tense and depressed, said mosque officials finally had to ask him to leave because of a separate fight with one of the staff. The police were not involved in this altercation and it was unrelated to the other criminal charges.

Police said that he then continued to hang around the mosque and that when Bundakji confronted him, Gadahn punched him in the face and the right shoulder, according to the Times. Bundakji, who was 56 at the time, was not seriously injured.

Certainly a perfect recruit for al-CIA-duh. As Webster Griffin Tarpley writes in 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, “patsies [for false-flag and fake terrorist operations] ultimately have three vital functions. The first is that they have to be noticed. They must attract lots and lots of attention. They may issue raving statements on videotape, or doubles can be used to issue these statements for them if they are not up to it. They need to get in to fights with passersby, as Mohammed Atta is said to have done concerning a parking space at the airport in Maine early in the morning on September 11.” (Emphasis added.)

As a blogger named Rasputin writes on the GNN site, “I have tried, without success, to find a single bombing attributed to ‘Al-Qaeda’ that hasn’t been ‘masterminded’ (according to terrorism ‘experts’ and their mouthpieces in the press) by an informant connected to some or other intelligence agency.”

This may suggest a modus operandi on the part of either Al-Qaeda, the intelligence agencies with which her members so frequently interface, or both. In the case of the CIA and Al-Qaeda, it is becoming increasingly difficult to separate the goals, strategies and even membership of these two groups, despite their alleged, bitter and mutual enmity. The convergence of personnel and the remarkable proclivity of Al-Qaeda to promote Anglo-American/Israeli business interests by blowing things up or issuing communiques just at the right time and just at the right place has led to the now popular term “Al-CIA-Duh”.

Last May Gadahn-Pearlman served his intelligence masters well. “Global intelligence and police agencies are on a worldwide hunt for terrorists with ties to places as disparate as Boston, Islamabad, and Panama City, part of a U.S. scramble to head off what officials fear could be a massive attack this summer,” CBS News reported. “The Justice Department released a list of seven people wanted for questioning [all supposedly connected to “Al Qaeda’s Network in America”] … after authorities received a stream of credible (sic) intelligence reports pointing to a terror attack of Sept. 11 proportions in the United States this summer.” Included in the list of possible evil-doers was Gadahn-Pearlman, described as “a U.S. citizen who also goes by the names Adam Pearlman and Abu Suhayb Al-Amriki. The FBI wants to question him although it has no information he is connected to any specific terrorist activity.” In other words, the only reason Gadahn-Pearlman was included in the “worldwide hunt for terrorists” was to send the appropriate message: it is entirely possible that heavy metal kid down the street may be an al-Qaeda evil-doer.

As for Gadahn-Pearlman’s latest message, it is little more than retreaded theatrics. “It’s a propaganda message. It’s an attempt to try to intimidate, to try to suggest they’re still a force to be reckoned with,” an “official” who “spoke on condition of anonymity because U.S. counterterrorism operations are classified,” told the Boston Globe. “We take these things seriously. But there’s been very little correlation in the past between an al Qaeda statement and the timing or specific location of an attack.”

No kidding. And there is a good reason for this—it is part of an on-going scare campaign of fake and bluster terrorism designed to remind Americans of the “threat” posed by al-Qaeda. It’s no mistake Gadahn-Pearlman made his appearance on nine eleven and it is also no mistake Gadahn-Pearlman is an American (and an apparently unsavory heavy metal punk with a propensity for violence). But what is sincerely comical is the seriousness right-wingers put into this obvious al-CIA-duh operative, believing the transparent and ludicrous propaganda al-Qaeda is in America, poised to attack at any moment (and thus poised—and never delivering—for more than four years). Gadahn-Pearlman is an illusory (and cartoonish) demon custom-made for right-wing paranoids who buy into the neocon “clash of civilizations” scam.

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