Untitled Document
Hammurabi's Code: The occupied
people of Iraq had produced the first ever constitution in the history
of humanity for mankind. |
Historically, constitutions have always been written in order to consolidate
the principle of nationhood, nationalism and citizenship; and establish a single
identity that binds a single sovereign state together with its people. A given
constitution also seeks to fulfil the aspiration of the people in terms of equality
and justice. The draft constitution for Iraq, which was recently put before
the parliament, came in total contradiction to the above axiomatic basics.
This was clear from the way this constitution was cooked up, and the pressures
that were being exerted upon the various players in order to produce a document
before the end of the legal deadline. In addition, the last minute political
bargaining that took place emphasised the fact that the constitution came to
serve American goals first and most and not those aspired for by the Iraqis.
President Bush, whose popularity is falling amongst the American public in
a spectacular manner, is facing criticisms at home from all directions, because
of his costly failed war on terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan. He wants this
constitution to be effectively imposed on Iraqis in order to for him to say
before his opponents that his plans for Iraq are going on the right track and
the promised democracy is taking roots in this middle eastern country. It is
ironic that the American pressure now is seen to mean that the US government,
which alleges to be fighting ‘Islamic fundamentalism’ to which it
has spent over $250billions and lost some 2000 US lives, is willing to back
a constitution which establishes a fundamentalist state in Iraq in order to
save the face of its president!
Certainly, the US ambassador to Iraq, Mr Zalmay Khalilzad, has been the most
effective player behind this constitution. Being the true father of the constitution,
he has been attending all the constitution meetings and exerting a great deal
of pressure upon all sides, as the effective true governor of Iraq, to reach
the final draft presented to parliament. He wanted results!
One has to remember that the occupied people of Iraq themselves had
produced the first ever constitution in the history of humanity for mankind.
It is ironic to see the manufacture of a constitution by the ambassador of the
occupying US government for the occupied people of Iraq; in fact, this represents
the greatest insult to the occupied people of Iraq.
The contents of this constitution clearly do not seek to establish
peace and tranquillity in Iraq, because it seeks to drive a wedge between Iraqis,
encourages sectarian divides, and will most likely lead to a bloody civil war.
This constitution strengthens the dictatorship of the majority in a very ugly
manner, which is supported by the occupation and is not based upon basic moral
and logical principles.
One thing is certain, the Iraqis people are burdened by the occupation, and
they are very much burdened by those shady personalities who arrived in Iraq
upon the occupation’s tanks and almost immediately began a revengeful
war against Iraq, its history geography, heritage and its war-devastated people.
These personalities arrived full of hatred for anything that has Iraq written
upon it, and are in pursuit of a very narrow self-interests on the account of
Iraq and Iraqis together. It is for this reason that these personalities live
in isolation within the ‘safety’ of the so-called green zone, and
cannot venture out or extend their sphere of influence a few kilometres outside
this zone.
Every few months, the American led occupation come up with a new ‘strategy’
for the people of Iraq offering verbal guarantees that the new strategy will
lead to peace and stability. This was true when the American led occupation
first established the governing council, this was true when they organised the
celebrations of the ‘transfer of power to the Iraqis’ through the
interim government, and this was also true when they organised the elections
and made it out to be the last station on the road of salvation. Once again,
the American led occupation are tricking the people of Iraq by repeating the
same theatricals with regards to the constitution and its contents.
This new constitution, even if succeeded in the promised referendum,
will not achieve peace and security for the Iraqi people, and will bring about
the opposite effects. It will encourage violence and increase the number of
cars packed with explosives, in the same manner occurred after the last elections
from which the current stupid government came.
The resistance to the occupation and its collaborators will certainly continue,
and will find in this constitution extra ammunitions with which it can recruit
more followers from the Iraqis who have burnt by the occupation fires. Such
followers see this constitution as a prescription for division, erosion of their
identity and that of their homeland, and destruction of the mutual harmony and
respect they enjoyed over their common history.
It is somewhat unheard of that the so-called minority Sunni Arabs, which is
said to have ruled Iraq single-handedly, are the ones that oppose division under
the banner of federalism, whilst the majority, which is said to have been denied
its share of the rule of Iraq, is now seeking federalism in the new forgery
of a constitution.
It is more likely that good will prevail from the evils of this constitution.
Signs are emerging of a new national unity being created amongst the Shias,
Sunnis,Turkmen, Christians, and the ancient tribes of Iraq. The re-birth of
this unified front has the common aim of confronting those who have thrown themselves
to the services of the occupation in its destruction of Iraq and the region
as a whole. The Alsadr movement, one of the most important Iraqi faction on
the arena advocating Iraqi nationalism, has already declared its opposition
to this constitution and has joined the many other Iraqi factions, drawn from
parts of Iraqi society, all of which aspire to an independent sovereign Iraq.
Finally, the new constitution will not stop the accelerated decline in President
Bush’s popularity, and will not be the first step of along his path of
escape from Iraq. Iraq has become Bush’s Vietnam. The number of American
causalities is increasing in a frightening way as this occupation has now been
turned into a war of human and financial attrition in every sense of the words.
There is no doubt that the US president is not fighting terrorism in Iraq to
provide for the security of his people in New York, but more for the protection
of his client state of Israel. This is clear from the fact that his wars in
Iraq and Afghanistan have not obliterated terrorism, as promised. On the contrary,
these wars have increased the level of threat of terrorism and its dangers,
and made it reach London, Madrid, Eilat, Aqaba, Taba, Sharam-ul-Shaikh and AlRriydh,
and is knocking on Washington’s doors once again.