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The Pentagon has reasserted its control over old retired "cannon fodder"
a/k/a military veterans, claiming that "retired soldiers are mobilization
assets for life."
It makes you wonder if the Pentagon has a reincarnation clause like the vow
that Scientology recruits make in which they pledge their next 10,000 future
lives to the service of L. Ron Hubbard.
How else to explain the multi-generational mind control and brainwashing in
which the virus of "military service" is passed down to offspring
who then enlist to follow the footsteps of their clueless fathers?
Mobilization of Retirees (http://tinyurl.com/9xtgs)
By law, retired solders are mobilization assets for life. Current Army policy
removes you from mobilization and recall to active duty at age 60. However,
volunteers may be recalled up to age 70. Retirees with critical skills may be
recalled at any age.
The mailing address is:
US Army Human Resources Command
1 Reserve Way
Saint Louis, MO 63132-5200
Ph: 1-800-325-2660
Fax: 314-592-0532
E-mail: mobops@hrcstl.army.mil
US Army Could Recall Retirees 60-70 Years Old
US Army Human Resources Command