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America's SOS to the World

Posted in the database on Thursday, August 04th, 2005 @ 18:04:59 MST (2185 views)
by Arthur Cronkhite    Independent Media TV  

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Situation desperate. [STOP] Will not be able to hold out much longer. [STOP] Little freedom air left and media food uneatable. [STOP] Political witch hunts and career executions continue. [STOP] War hawks terrorizing everyone. [STOP] Please send more Galloway's. [STOP]

Britain's MP George Galloway's visit to the United States in May and his appearance before a Senate committee, was the last gasp of political fresh air that we Americans have had. Since then, we've continued to be gagged by the cancerous smog of lies and disinformation, belching from the smoke stacks of an industrialized corporate media, fueled by feted government propaganda.

Mr. Galloway's appearance was in stark contrast to our own neutered lawmakers, who refuse to stand upon principles and defy those who dare to destroy our Republic through lies and deceit. His words were like cool water upon the tongue of a thirsty people, but were only tasted by the few who bothered to look for them in alternative places, since there was virtually no media coverage of his visit.

America today has been hijacked by the most dangerous of people, who have come together in a perfect storm of political corruption, driven by religious and pontificating media cult leaders, who together control vast portions of the populace in blind obedience. A population that remains ignorant to the truth and blind to the dangers, through a media owned and controlled by those who favor the NeoConservatives that now rise with unchecked powers.

I cannot emphasize enough the level of danger the world now faces from America, a nation led by men who have never known want, other than more power. A Nation that now follows with blind obedience, a King named George who wears a "Mask of Sanity", a man without remorse who is surrounded by like-minded individuals that have no ability to empathize with others. A feted den of corruption that grows more powerful each day, as they convince themselves and others in their own infallibility through practiced religious and political zealotry.

From the public humiliation of media groups who may attempt dissent, to the political floggings of opposition leaders who must tearfully apologize for speaking the truth, the Bush Administration is in complete denial of their own grotesque actions. A totalitarian Administration unable to feel or care for anything other than their own narcissistic objectives, for which they will stop at nothing to achieve

In America today we witness the rise of the NeoFederalist, a movement that gains ever-increasing powers from a coalition of powerful religious groups, which can best be described as the "American Taliban". Religious fundamentalist who demand allegiance to their beliefs in order to be elected into office, "end-of-times" believers who view all other religions as pagan, to be fought against and destroyed.

Throughout American history, religious zealotry has been a hallmark of American politics. From the burning of witches to pledges and coinage that demand we recognize God, the righteous right has slowly gained power over the Government. Today, large numbers of American politicians are controlled by these forces and must cater to their demands if they wish to stay in office.

America today has become a nation controlled by an evolving Theocratic Plutocracy, which has convinced the people that "Onward Christian Soldiers" means "Upward Military Spending". To validate this position, the spiritual warfare that all good Christians believe is taking place around them, has been translated into a temporal realm of physical warfare under a Christian Cross battle flag.

It is a flag that 10's of millions now rally around in making their last stand against the evils of other religions, the decadence of civil life and the corruption of alternative thought. A massive gathering of narrow perspectives and political activism, justified through their belief of "limited involvement", since they will be gone before things get bad, whisked way into heaven in a "left behind" rapture.

This "End Times" belief is the Holy Grail of America's religious radical right. A nation wide movement that practices a form of pre-destination by people desperate to "spread the word and save souls" before they are gone. People who have become social terrorist of the American Republic, political bombers who are willing to destroy all in carrying out the "Fatwas" issued by their leaders, believers encouraged by the promises of riches in heaven for their efforts.

At the head of this massive army of religious soldiers is a man named George W. Bush who wears as part of his armor "The Mask of Sanity." A mask that denies any retreat, provides no second thoughts or personal contemplation and allows him to practice the annihilation of any who would dare challenge his calling by God to be a War President.

This world-wide war on anyone who questions or opposes is now headed for the UN, being carried there by John (the bomber) Bolton. As George Bush's primary political bomber, Mr. Bolton is well practiced in belittling, abusing and miss-using those who must work with him, a specialty that has been regularly used by the Bush Administration in bringing into line, those who may be of threat to their rule.

Although Mr. Bolton will probably never bang a shoe on the UN podium for attention, you can be assured that he will be wearing the political hobnail boot so fondly used by the Bush Administration. A well-worn and often bloodied boot, regularly used to divide-and-conquer, by stomping on anyone who dares question their superiority.

America today has become a NeoFederalist regime of conformed citizens, manipulated through laws based upon religious dictates. It is a world from which our forefathers fought and died to escape and to where we are now being forced to return. A nation that becomes more socially bankrupt each day, with no one in sight to keep us from our ruin, save perhaps our former friends from afar who may be so kind as to lend us a hand.

So please, for the sake of the United States and the world, just say "no" to George the W and his bomber. As it may be our only hope in awakening our fellow countrymen who know not what they do, in feeding the beast that is well on it's way to destroying us all.

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