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9-11 -

Congressional Black Caucus to sponsor follow-up to McKinney's 9/11 briefing

Posted in the database on Wednesday, August 03rd, 2005 @ 17:26:50 MST (2348 views)
from Total Information Analysis  

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It was announced during the DC Emergency Truth Convergence that the July 22 Congressional Briefing on 9/11 sponsored by Rep. Cynthia McKinney and Rep. Raul Grijalva will be followed up by a similar event sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus.

The McKinney briefing hit many important points, such as conflicts of interest in the official 9/11 Commission, NORAD's non-response, and the relationship between the CIA and the head of Pakistan's ISI, who sent Mohammed Atta $100,000. Unfortunately, some 9/11 widows prevailed upon McKinney's office to keep Prof. David Ray griffin from participating.

A follow-up briefing holds hope that more information could come out next time -- but the involvement of several more politicians could just as easily mean the truth is dialed back even further next time.

The CBC briefing will be held in conjunction with antiwar protests the weekend of September 24. Communist front group ANSWER announced the Sept. 24 events after buzz on the Internet started developing for a massive 9/11 truth protest in DC on September 11. The move by 800-lb protest gorilla ANSWER conveniently took much of wind from the sails of that idea, as folks are unlikely to travel to DC twice in two weeks

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