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More Outrageous Lies: Osama’s Coke Caper

Posted in the database on Tuesday, July 26th, 2005 @ 16:05:28 MST (2572 views)
from Another Day in the Empire  

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Rest assured your government is burning the midnight oil to scare the pants off semi-somnolent Americans. “Usama bin Laden tried to buy a massive amount of cocaine, spike it with poison and sell it in the United States, hoping to kill thousands of Americans one year after the Sept. 11 attacks,” reports the neocon friendly New York Post (owned by Murdoch’s News Corporation). “The feds were told of the scheme earlier this year, but its existence had never been made public. The Post has reviewed a document detailing the DEA’s findings in the matter, in addition to interviewing sources familiar with the case.”

It was made public now of course because there is a major scare campaign underway—coinciding with various Gladio-like ops in London and Egypt—and no news story (or propaganda fable) is too outlandish. “Bin Laden hoped that large numbers of Americans dying from poisoned coke would lead to widespread terror.” Naturally, you’d have to be a completely uninformed ignoramus to believe this nonsense (but then it should be assumed this is precisely what many Fox News watchers and New York Post readers are). It should be noted that the U.S. government has a track record of poisoning illegal drugs.

For instance, in “1969, Richard Nixon initiated ‘Operation Intercept’, a program designed to stem the flow of Mexican marijuana into this country,” writes Jeff Kneip. “The program forced Mexico to use paraquat on its marijuana fields. In similar actions, pressure was put on Thailand, Colombia, and Jamaica to curtail imports to the U.S. Mexican marijuana farmers in efforts to salvage their crops still harvested the marijuana and continued to sell the paraquat-laced marijuana to users in Mexico and the United States. There were no reported cases of death occurring from smoking the paraquat-laced marijuana but users reported nosebleeds, headaches, vomiting, and breathing disorders. Paraquat has since been banned for the large scale destruction of marijuana fields.”

The U.S. has also used fungal mycoherbicides in South America to poison coca plants. “Eradication programs have exacerbated human rights violations, strengthened undemocratic governments, and helped forge alliances between guerrillas and peasant growers,” explains Phillip Coffin of the New York Academy of Medicine. In addition, so-called eradication has caused “significant environmental damage.” Jim Lobe writes: “The herbicide used in the spray mixture is glyphosate, a chemical manufactured by Monsanto Corporation, that, in sufficient doses, kills or stunts the growth of virtually all plants and trees.” In other words, chemical “eradication” is good for a transnationals such as Monsanto and extremely harmful or even fatal for Columbian farmers and peasants.

In short, the real criminal element poisoning illicit drugs is the United States government and military, not Osama bin Laden. But then we shouldn’t expect a sociopath like Rupert Murdoch, who works for Bush and the globalist cartel, to tell us such things. After all, Murdoch is the new William Randolph Hearst and the New York Post is a refashioned and updated New York Journal, a Hearst newspaper largely responsible for inventing lies about Spanish atrocities in Cuba, circa the late 1890s, and creating public sentiment responsible for embroiling the United States in the Spanish-American War. Some things never change.

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