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Police---institutionally racist

Posted in the database on Tuesday, July 26th, 2005 @ 12:14:34 MST (3526 views)
by Nick Grant    Bella Ciao  

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The Killing of a Brazilian man shows that either the British police are nervous, inexperienced and naive, or it was a deliberate act by the police to give a message to foreigners, especially coloured people. It is disgusting to hear all British politicians, including George Galloway, using decades-old stereotypes to praise police and security services. Presumably they do so because the police in Britain are seen as protectors. Their presence is seen as reassurance for the public as they are supposed to work with communities. However, like many other out-dated traditions, this belief is also a wrong one. Britain is no longer a far away little island inhabited by soft spoken, well-mannered white English men and women. It is not an empire that was cruel and brutal for its coloured subjects in colonies but the same empire was nice and polite to its native---white population. Today’s Britain is a small island-country whose economy depends on business and services provided by hundred and thousands of coloured people who have made the UK their home. They all are British now as they live and make their living here. However, the multi-cultured British society is still on paper, just another hollow sound bite used by the directionless New Labour government. State policies and institutions, in many ways, serve the way they used to act in colonial times. That is one factor why foreigners feel alienated in the British society. They cannot intragrate in a society which still has racist institutions and laws. The new ‘war on terrorism’, (which should have been a campaign) has been fought using same flawed institutions and the result is devastating.

The British police were declared institutionally racist by the Steven Lawrence inquiry. Several other reports confirm that as well. The US and British intelligence services were failed in detecting both the incidents. Intelligence services were involved in making up lies to provide a justification for attacking Iraq and yet all politicians and journalists praise and rely on same police and security services no matter what they do? Do they know the police and security services are telling truth? It is worrying to see the media and journalist just telling police version of stories. So-called security experts, defence officials and home affairs have been spin doctors for security services and the police.

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