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The people of Baghdad do not need statistics to tell them that they are living
through terror unimaginable in the West.
Every two days for the past two years more civilians have died in Iraq than
in the July 7 London bombings.
Just yesterday, 31 people lost their lives in several attacks across the country,
which included gunmen shooting dead three Sunni Arab members of the team drafting
Iraq's new constitution; insurgents slaughtering 10 workers on a bus travelling
to a US army base, and gunmen ambushing a police vehicle in northern Mosul,
killing two.
Such incidents are so common they merit little attention in the world's press.
In Baghdad, life has become a daily calculation of the best road routes or
travel times to try to ensure survival. They know that it is in the early morning
or evening that the dark clouds of smoke that mark another bombing are most
commonly seen. The appearance of a military convoy brings traffic screeching
to a halt in case a car is considered a potential threat and shot at.
Trips near government offices or police stations are avoided, the towering
concrete blast walls that surround them testament to the lethal threat passing
nearby can pose.
Many parents keep their children indoors for safety. It is rare to see the
traditional game of tuki, an Arab version of hopscotch, on the streets. Men
are now the majority at the local markets as they insist their wives stay away
in case they are targeted by bombers.
The amazing realisation is that somehow normal life continues. Shops open,
people go to work. Even the Crazy Frog mobile phone ring tone has become the
latest fad in Baghdad.
But conversation in the city is dominated by the bombs left in cars near markets,
the drive-by shootings, the kidnappings or even the water melon seller with
the poisoned produce to be given for free to passing policemen.
And then there are the suicide bombs - around 130 of them across Iraq in the
first six months of this year alone - fuelled by a seemingly endless procession
of young men, drawn from countries such as Saudi Arabia, Yemen or Syria.
Parents are alarmed not only for the children's safety but the mental scars
the violence will leave.
An English teacher, Ahmad Ali, said he had watched his two children playing
in the garden, chasing each other between the gardenias.
"You die," he said his four-year-daughter shouted and her cousin
fell over on the grass. "I asked them what game it was. They told me they
were playing American soldiers fighting criminals. I almost cried that this
is their idea of making fun."
In some quarters there is nostalgia for the old regime of Saddam Hussein.
"Under the tyrant at least I felt safe to walk or drive," Munther,
a 22-year-old car seller, said. "There is no comparison between life under
Saddam and now. Now I never feel safe."
A year ago there was hope that things would be better after the handover of
sovereignty to the Iraqis. Then people clung to the belief that January's elections
would mark the beginning of the end of insurgency.
This summer they thought a new government would make the army stronger and
return life to normal. In the past six weeks there has just been despair. People
are at breaking point. Doctors report a growing number of cases of mental illness.
With limited medicines and little belief in the benefits of counselling, electro-convulsive
therapy is the favoured treatment. At Ibn al-Rushud psychiatric hospital they
have 74 beds and are receiving 250 patients a day.
"People are buckling under the anxieties of war and fear," a doctor
"Every human has their limit and of course many people have reached it."