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Holbrooke Proud of Balkans "Victory"
By all rights, Richard Holbrooke ought to be a has-been. His 15 minutes of
fame were under Clinton, when he emerged from the dark shadows of the American
"foreign policy elite" to spearhead a military and political blitz
that ended the Bosnian
War on Washington's terms. Less stellar was his failure to bully Slobodan
Milosevic into surrendering Kosovo in 1998, which resulted in a war that nearly
broke apart NATO. When Bush II claimed the 2000 election, Holbrooke's hopes
of succeeding Madeleine Albright as secretary of state sank with Al Gore's presidential
dreamboat. A similar shipwreck happened last year, when Holbrooke once again
emerged from political obscurity to campaign for John Kerry, attempting
to contrast the developing fiasco in Iraq with "victory" in the
Balkans. American voters didn't buy it; unfortunately, Bush II eventually
Perhaps desperate for any victory, even one claimed by political foes, the
current Emperor has co-opted a platform developed by a cabal of powerful policymakers,
institutes, and lobbyists who have all profited handsomely from Bill Clinton's
Balkans interventions. Whether they label themselves Democrats or Republicans,
they are all dedicated to the idea of American Empire, and emotionally attached
to the days of its founding in the Balkans.
Clintonites Resurgent
A Balkans-watcher from a decade ago who happened to be in Washington this summer
could think that the Clinton days were here again. Holbrooke is a rising star
again. Madeleine Albright's NED is funding
the NGOs currently destroying Serbia. Nicholas Burns is in charge of the
"new" Balkans policy – same as the old policy. Editorials by
noted presstitutes peddle the policy spam of the ICG and Council on Foreign
Relations. Demonization of Serbs is once again in high gear, with the media
harping about the "genocide" in
Srebrenica and "collective guilt" of the Serbian nation. The United
States – and the Emperor personally – are represented by two Clinton
officials, Holbrooke and Pierre-Richard Prosper, "war crimes ambassador,"
at the Srebrenica ceremony. A week after the New York Newsday, a stalwart supporter
of the 1990s intervention, editorializes
about the moral
glory of the Empire, Holbrooke pens his monthly column in The Washington
Post and does exactly the same.
The piece
is many things: a rehash of old propaganda, a narcissistic advertisement for
Holbrooke himself, but also a call to the American people to recommit to the
Imperial dream: Forget Iraq or Afghanistan, where things are going badly: look
at the Balkans, where victory came easy, and another can be easier still. Not
one American was killed in combat in Bosnia, Holbrooke writes (for once, accurately).
He claims this is because everyone respects and admires (i.e., fears) the U.S.
and NATO, and would probably reject out of hand the mere insinuation that perhaps
the Serbs that he so reviles are nowhere near as murderous or fanatical as the
Islamist insurgents in Iraq. That numerous NATO soldiers have been
killed in Kosovo at the hands of the Albanian KLA is not mentioned. Indeed,
Kosovo is glossed over almost completely, except for one nauseating sentence
toward the end. Disturbing facts have no place in a fluffy narrative of Imperial
greatness that Richard Holbrooke has constructed to frame his legacy.
Wallowing in the "Valley of Evil"
As one might have suspected, Holbrooke begins with claiming that one place
justifies American intervention in Bosnia by its very existence: "a really
horrible place, one whose name has become synonymous with genocide and Western
failure" – Srebrenica. He calls it a "valley of evil" and
invokes moving emotional images of grieving women in muddy fields, burying their
dead and still nurturing both grief and hatred from a decade ago. But if Srebrenica
has become a symbol of anything, it is because it was made
into one by the Holbrookes and Amanpours
of this world, always striving to replace reality with something more favorable
to their agendas.
So it is with Holbrooke. According to his version of history, Srebrenica was
a failure of Europe and the UN, proof that Washington needed to act:
"As assistant secretary of state for European affairs at the time,
I argued, unsuccessfully, that we needed NATO airstrikes to stop the Bosnian
Serbs – bullies who preferred long-range artillery and short-range murder
to anything resembling a real military operation. But Britain, France and the
Netherlands had troops deployed, as part of the United Nations' peacekeeping
force, in three extremely exposed enclaves in eastern Bosnia, including Srebrenica.
Facing the brutal threats of Mladic, they refused to consider airstrikes until
the Dutch troops were ignominiously escorted out of Srebrenica. By then it was
too late."
In the aftermath, Bill Clinton made a decision that "took real political
courage," and with the support of only 36 percent of the Americans polled,
opposition in Congress, and only "reluctant backing" from the Pentagon,
he decided to intervene:
"Thus began the diplomatic and military policy that led to the Dayton
accords, to peace in Bosnia and, four years later, to the liberation of the
Albanian people in Kosovo from Slobodan Milosevic's oppression."
Crimes Against Reality
What we have here is the very overt manifestation of the "Srebrenica paradigm"
– an attempt to distill the complex ethnic and political conflicts that
tore apart Yugoslavia into a simple Manichean
story of evil Serbs committing an inhumane crime against the virtuous Muslims
of Srebrenica, which is then used to justify American intervention not just
in Bosnia, but in Croatia (which has displaced and disenfranchised its once-substantial
Serb population) and Serbia itself, specifically the Albanian-occupied province
of Kosovo.
So far, none of that is unexpected from an Imperial apologist. But Holbrooke
takes a step further, committing a blatant crime against reality. Without Clinton's
intervention, he avers:
"[W]e would probably have had to pursue Operation Enduring Freedom
not only in Afghanistan but also in the deep ravines and dangerous hills of
central Bosnia, where a shadowy organization we now know as al Qaeda was putting
down roots that were removed by NATO after Dayton. … Had we not intervened
– belatedly but decisively – a disaster would have taken place with
serious consequences for our national security and the war on terrorism."
Say again? Holbrooke knows better than the American public that the U.S. government,
supposedly "uninvolved" in Bosnia until 1995, helped
prop up the Bosnian Muslim regime led by a clique of hardcore Islamic fundamentalists.
Iranian weapons
shipments, a steady flow of "holy warriors" and the alarming pattern
of present-day terrorists with previous experience in Bosnia are all known to
Holbrooke – but admitting them would interfere with the carefully forged
image of Alija Izetbegovic
as a paragon of multiethnic virtue, Bosnian Muslims as the suffering victim,
and the U.S. as the reluctant savior.
Attempts to argue from facts that Izetbegovic was a theorist of militant Islam,
that Bosnian Muslims he led were a belligerent in a civil war, and that the
U.S. was a scheming meddler from the very beginning, are roundly denounced by
anyone with the vested interest in Official Truth. To the present day, whenever
new information about Islamic terrorism in the Balkans emerges, it is dismissed
by Imperial supporters as "Serb propaganda." Meanwhile, veterans
of Bosnia's "liberation war" fill up American detention camps.
In face of these facts, Holbrooke offers a comparison
of Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic to Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein.
Perhaps he believes that absent an American intervention, it would have been
Serb suicide bombers on the streets of New York, with "dirty bombs"
from Saddam Hussein's WMD stash? Makes for a fancy
Hollywood script, but it has absolutely nothing to do with the truth.
Square Pegs and Round Holes
However, there is a reason for trying to stretch reality by arguing that Clinton
was fighting the "War on Terror" six years before it started: Holbrooke
and other interventionists have, after all, just been co-opted by the Bush camp.
In exchange for Bush's acceptance of their Balkans misdeeds – which the
Republicans once roundly condemned – they have to support the anti-terrorism
This would be idle speculation were it not for a similar mental acrobatic in
the recent opus
of one John Norris, formerly of the State Department and now an "advisor"
to the ICG. In the foreword to Collision
Course, Holbrooke's friend and Norris's boss Strobe Talbott tries to
contextualize the intervention in Kosovo in the framework of the present War
on Method. Yet if America had really fought the "war on terror" in
1995 and 1999, it was certainly on the wrong
side. Besides, Talbott easily contradicts Holbrooke's description of Kosovo
as a war of "liberation," rather than aggression:
"It was Yugoslavia's resistance to the broader trends of political
and economic reform – not the plight of Kosovo Albanians – that
best explains NATO's war." (pp. xxii-xxiii)
"Was Bosnia Worth It?"
That is the title of Holbrooke's editorial and the question it endeavors to
answer. But worth what? Holbrooke never says – but the words sound eerily
like his mentor Madeleine Albright's
quip to Leslie Stahl about the deaths of half a million Iraqi children due
to the U.S. blockade. It isn't dead bodies, or money, that Holbrooke refers
to, though the United States government certainly sank a lot of taxpayer money
into a vision of "multi-ethnic society" in Bosnia
that never was and is unlikely to ever be, however much coercion is employed
to bring it about. The reason he offers the answer is because deep down he knows
the question all too well. "Dayton reasserted an American leadership role
in Europe after a period of drift and confusion," he says: Clinton's Balkans
intervention created the opening that brought forth the present American Empire.
In doing so, it destroyed the American Republic. That is the price
Holbrooke, and others who think like him, find acceptable.
To maintain what they have accomplished, the Imperialists must seek to supplant
the truth with myths of their own making. It reflects their incredible conceit
that they seem to actually believe that facts exist, or cease to exist,
if they are sufficiently established or suppressed in the public opinion. Yet
it is only a matter of time and entropy before the edifice
of lies comes crashing down on their heads. And though that may be scant
consolation for those victimized by the Empire, it may provide a modicum of
historical justice necessary to mend the devastation wrought in the Balkans
– a wasteland the Empire made, and called peace.