Untitled Document
0. The invasion of Iraq is illegal within the framework of the laws of the
United States Constitution and the United Nations Charter.
1. The invasion of Iraq has been planned for many years by the Project
for the New American Century (PNAC), an organization founded by a small
group of right wing political ideologues and corporate elite dedicated to promoting
American global leadership. The PNAC signatories hold the most
powerful positions in the current administration and other highly influential
political offices. Read their
Statement of Principles and note the signatories. Read the PNAC's "Rebuilding
America's Defenses" for a detail of their military strategy for American
global hegemony.
The Downing Street
Memo and other key documents
unambiguously indicate that the policy of regime change in Iraq was planned
as early as July 2002 and "the intelligence and facts were being fixed
around the policy."
2. Many members of the Bush Administration
are convicted criminals. The
World Tribunal on Iraq held it's culminating session in Istanbul in June
2005 and declared the Bush Administration guilty of starting a War of Aggression,
War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity as indicated in their Preliminary
Declaration of the Jury of Conscience. A War
Crimes Tribunal held in NYC on August 26, 2004 found many members of the
Bush Administration guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and high
crimes and misdemeanors for which they are impeachable (audio
of Ramsey Clark). The International
Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan convened in Tokyo, 2003 found the Bush
Administration guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity for the invasion
of Afghanistan. The Brussels Tribunal has conducted "A
Hearing on the Project for the New American Century" to discuss the
nature of a premeditated, preemptive wars - a "war of aggression"
being the highest international crime. In 1992, an International
War Crimes Tribunal found the senior officers in the first Bush administration
guilty on 19 counts of Crimes Against Peace, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity
and other criminal acts in Violation of the Charter of the United Nations, International
Law, The Constitution of the United States and Laws made in Pursuance thereof,
for crimes committed during “Operation Desert Storm”. View a list
of our `elected' officials,
their appointees, and their criminal
3. There is no degree of separation between the current administration and
those who control the means of production, the means of communication, and the
military-industrial complex. Those individuals
will benefit unfathomably from this and many future
wars already planned by the PNAC. View information on who
is making the money from the “War on Terrorism”.
4. “We
the People” pay for “Operation Iraqi Freedom”, the staging
of “multiple theatre wars”, and the killing of the innocent peoples
of foreign lands in the name of Freedom and Democracy, while 'elected' officials
pass radical legislation taking
away our rights and controlling the flow of information.
What To Do
Uphold the Constitution
and Hold Those Who
Violate It Accountable
Vote to Impeach Bush
Know Your rights
Know What's Going On in the World
Contact your Congressional Reps
Protest the unjust actions
of the Bush Administration
Demand accurate reporting
from corporate media outlets