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It’s possible al-Zarqawi is simply a temporary landmark on the super-highway
leading to the bombing of Iran. As noted earlier here, Abu the Terrible Phantom
was cited as the mastermind behind the London bombings, but beyond scaring children
and middle class Americans (same difference intellectually) this tenuous linkage
is not really good for much except making Americans and Britons hate and fear
Muslims. Neocons will want to get more mileage out of the dead and maimed people
in London, so the linkage game will switch to high gear.
“Iran may be bracing for the results of the analysis of the explosives
used in the London bombings,” writes Wayne Madsen. “If it is discovered
that RDX/C4 [allegedly produced at the Bofors chemical plant in Esfahan] was
used, the neo cons will point to allegations that Iran possesses a disproportionate
amount of RDX/C4. The neo con spin machine will then rapidly switch from Al
Qaeda to Iran.”
Makes sense to me.
Benny Netanyahu, freshly saved from any harm in London thanks to a fortuitous
forewarning, wasted no time in demanding the destruction of Israel’s most
reviled enemy (now that Iraq has been reduced to social chaos, per plan): Iran.
“There has to be a common solution here: first to prevent the transfer
of nuclear technology or fuel, secondly to punish regimes that deviate from
this and, thirdly, to put pressure on the Iranian regime, in all avenues possible,
to stop this program,” said Benny in London. Nukes are, of course, a code
word for doing to Iran what was done to Iraq.
Our neocon spinmeisters said the same about Iraq—they have nukes and
will bomb us on very short notice—an allegation that was pure and unadulterated
bullshit, not that it mattered (and not that our fearless president was made
to explain or will he suffer a political backlash).
Expect more of the same in regard to Iran. Remember: the point to all of this
is to reduce the Muslim and Arab world to smoldering rubble in the name of Greater
Israel and neolib carpetbaggerism. For the Straussian neocons and amoral profit-hungry
neolib kleptomaniacs, the London bombings are too good an excuse to pass up.