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A report last week claiming that QinetiQ's 'see-through clothes' scanner is to
be be deployed on London's underground system has been denied by both QinetiQ
and Transport for London. Nevertheless in the report QinetiQ provides - possibly
inadvertently - some interesting information about how it's attempting to sell
the technology for high volume, covert or semi-covert detection purposes.
Although the original Times article sensationalises the story by suggesting
QinetiQ's millimetre wave imagers could be deployed across the whole of London
underground at a cost of, ahem, £150,000 to £2 million per station,
at a total of 270 stations, the core of the story appears to be confirmed by
the denial, which concedes that QinetiQ has supplied unspecified "equipment"
to TfL. Obviously, if TfL is looking at millimetre wave technology, it must
be considering where it could be applied. But if it has been looking, it should
have fairly swiftly concluded that widespread deployment would require radical
surgery to its own operations, substantially increased staffing by both TfL
and Transport Police, and huge quantities of money beyond the basic equipment
Nor, indeed, does there seem any likelihood that such a system would be effective.
Millimetre wave is currently used by UK immigration authorities as a people
detector in order to track illegal immigrants concealed in lorries. Last year
the Metropolitan Police also announced that it would be getting one, so it it
doesn't have the kit already it will probably have it soon. The Met's scanner
will we expect be as useless for the organisation as its existing low-dose x-ray
scanner, which a while back we concluded had no clear purpose beyond psyops,
and which the Met hopefully keeps offering to schools as a weapons detector.
Millimetre wave might however be more useful at airports than x-ray, which is
currently being tested at Heathrow, and the Times report points to a couple
of other areas QinetiQ probably has in mind.
We think we can detect two distinct QinetiQ sales pitches, one aimed at mass
transportation networks, and one that appears to be aimed at the Israeli market.
The mass transportation one is by far the more costly and ambitious. Here, the
scanner first picks up anyone carrying a suspect device, and sends off an alert
to "nearby officers". The system can be linked to CCTV systems which
"automatically pick out and follow the suspect until he can be stopped
and questioned."
Such a scenario is conceivable, but the costs and difficulties swiftly become
apparent when you considers how it could be applied to a mass transportation
system of size and complexity. The costings given for London underground probably
relate to the varying numbers of entrances (i.e. choke points that can be used
for surveillance) at stations. Outlying stations may have only one of these,
but further in there are several, and in central London there can seven or eight.
Width of entrance and volume of traffic will also be issues, because whatever
it is that is deployed to pick up suspects is going to have to be able to cope
with hundreds of people a minute, many of them carrying packages, rucksacks,
bags or briefcases.
The point here is that although it might be awfully clever to have a 'real
time' (as QinetiQ claims) scanner than can see through clothes right down to
the person underneath, the really clever bit is figuring out where the worrying
stuff within the naked, rushing mass is. Shoving the 'modesty sticker' onto
the right bits of all of the people (as QinetiQ security division MD Simon Stringer
suggests can be done) would be pretty clever in itself, but getting the bombs,
knives, pistols or whatever is a major challenge. Part of the difficulty lies
in the application of the technology to what would effectively be a perimeter
defence system, whereas existing (and more plausible) deployments tend to use
it at established security choke points where it's simpler to zero in on individuals
or areas.
QinetiQ seems to envisage using machine intelligence to do the zeroing in,
and its example, the automatic detection of "the waistcoat bombs usually
worn by suicide bombers" suggests the company might be seeking sales in
Israel. Waistcoats are certainly frequently used by suicide bombers in Israel,
but there are particular reasons why suicide bombing (as opposed to the non-suicide
variety) is employed in Israel, and also why waistcoat bombs are used. Suicide
bombing is less likely to be used in areas where the terrorist organisation
does not have a steady supply of unskilled volunteers, and bombers will adopt
the forms of concealment most likely to blend in. So, at an Israeli checkpoint
a millimetre wave scanner preprogrammed to spot likely suspects might be useful
if it reduces queuing times and thus reduces the likelihood of the bomber detonating
in the queue, and if it also has a high probability of detecting a commonly-used
method of concealment. There we also have the advantages that there is a queue
of people expecting to be checked, and because the checkpoint is manned, the
"nearby officers" really are nearby.
It is possible to program detection capabilities for likely objects and shapes
into detector systems, but usually this process is helped greatly because detectors
tend to be deployed in areas where the range of objects typically carried will
be narrow, and where many of the concealment options are predictable. So at
an airport relatively few people will be carrying things that look like guns
or plastic explosives, while anybody trying to get guns or plastic explosives
through will have a fairly limited number of options in terms of concealment.
And everybody you're checking is going to be in an orderly line.
None of this is the case on London's underground, or on mass transit systems
in general. In central London the system would have to check large numbers of
people per frame, per second and the range of items carried is so varied that
it would be beyond current technology, however much of that you threw at it.
QinetiQ's claim that the system is "real-time" is also interesting
in this light. It clearly can't be instantaneous, and although it may be faster
than x-ray, it seems probable that detection speed will be related to the hardware
and software deployed along with the scanner. We would expect that at say, Oxford
Circus, Bond Street or Euston this would have to be amazingly heavy-duty stuff.
Then there's the question of that hand-off to CCTV, and then to security, which
is floated as being possible (salesforce-speak for 'costs extra'). Aside from
the complexity of framing and holding an individual for long enough to pass
them across to the other system, you have the cost and complexity of that other
system to consider. London already has a very high CCTV density, but these are
usually used (despite what it often says on the tin about crime prevention)
for forensic purposes; the CCTV footage is scanned after an incident, and the
movements of suspects are, maybe, pieced together from that. Having machine-monitored
CCTV track individuals is something numerous security services dream of, but
it's not something that can be done practically today, and current CCTV control
centres would need staff numbers and skills to be dramatically and expensively
upgraded for them to stand a chance of 'following' an individual through a busy
transport network.
And the nearby officer? For most of the London network, much of the time, there's
scarcely anybody nearby apart from you and the other suspects. Outlying stations
can have as few as one part-time member of staff, and even some quite busy ones
fall back to a de facto honesty system outside of peak. Local police stations
will have some ability to respond to alerts, but it won't be rapid response
outside of central London, and even the concentration of London Transport Police
in the central area would have trouble closing in on individuals before the
tracking systems lost them. So what do you do then? Issue an alert and clear
the station? Close the line? Close the network? But we shouldn't be too hard
on London here - transportation systems throughout the world would face similar
difficulties in trying to implement what is in effect a perimeter defence system
on networks whose cost model depends on very low staffing levels and a high
degree of honesty and self-policing on the part of passengers.
That's not to say they don't dream of an amazing technological fix to their
current insurmountable problem at some point in the future. Also under consideration
at international level, we are told, is a CCTV-based system that uses movement
patterns to identify suspicious characters. So, if we take the example of standing
on the platform waiting for the train, we can consider it possible that a potential
bomber (or mugger or pickpocket) might follow different movement patterns to
those of ordinary passengers. Obviously this is another one that will need a
lot of clever IT underpinning it, and it might not turn out to be doable on
public transport.
There has however been some research that indicates systems of this sort may
have a value in narrower areas such as multi-storey car parks. Here, people
who actually own a car in the car park are generally either walking towards
it or wondering where the hell they left it, and a thief surveying the cars
for likely victims would be unlikely to be able to mount a convincing impersonation
of somebody wondering where they'd left their car. It's actually conceivable
that an automated system here might be better at spotting thieves than humans
would be. But mass transit implementations? Surely not for a good while yet.