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Former intelligence officer speaks out on coming U.S. martial law:
I am a retired Army intelligence type. In the 1960s I participated as a Countintelligence
Officer in two programs designed to allow the Army, and the Navy and Air Force
to surveill the American public, in coordination with the FBI and CIA, as well
as other Federal, State and local agencies. This went on from about 1964 to
some time in the 1970s. A major portion of our surveillances included the black
community, which was under desgination by [J. Edgar] Hoover as communist, officially.
The Justice Department Official who signed the request to Department of Defense
to help the FBI: Ramsey Clark! We were looking at anyone who opposed the Vietnam
War, and most anything else that could be wrapped under that bag.
The programs were: COINTELPRO and Garden Plot. They were designed for two reasons:
(1) get extra counterintelligence and spying resources on the ground to complement
the FBI and do routine CIA work investigating people under the pretext of pre-clearance
screening and investigation; (2) Hoover did not want to let his sweethearts
get their fingers dirty in Counterintelligence work, which he deeply hated,
just as he ignored the mob and drugs. And, yes, the services intelligence operations
did black bag jobs, as far back as the 1950s in the name of chasing Commies.
Garden Plot was fundamentally the Government would install a military government,
imposed on state and local public saftey resources, with of course the addition
of very active counterintelligence presence from the services -- martial law.
The Pentagon opened a complete warroom to which field agents routinely reported
by telephone. Resources from various agencies tapped phones and listened to
radios of people they thought suspicious, just suspicious. In 1965 at the CI
school at Fort Holabird, I was warned that reading the New York Times, as I
did occasionally; would bring me under suspicion for character and loyalty defects.
COINTELPRO was a program run out of the Justice Department, far as I can tell,
designed to do "black bag" and "black propaganda" jobs,
like the one did on Martin Luther King. Again, it used Army and other services
There is much more to tell. This was the reason the Church Committee in the
1970s restricted the activities and authorities of the major intel agencies
and services -- which was a real service to the country -- much wailed about
by all those to who like the "black stuff" and considered the violation
of the civil liberties of anyone just another days work.
So, this is not a fairy tale. The goblin is back garbed in khaki and just as
determined as ever to practice on you and I as they are soon to run out of countries
to invade and torture, even it if is because we can no longer afford our military
So, what will you do when they snoop and poke into your lives; set you up with
local Gestapos; and simply harass you endlessly - to the loss of your job, reputation,
And, just as now, everyone will (1) not believe and (2) be too scared to raise
the questions. What will you do? Which side are you on?