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On May 25, some 2,000 protestors near Espinar, Peru stormed the world's third
largest copper mine, attacking officials, taking over facilities and forcing the
mine's owner, BHP Billito, to shut down the facility for four weeks.
Though it's unclear what concessions were won, the protesters, who clamored
for social investments in neighboring communities, cost the mining company $1
million per day in processed ore.
They also added to a growing trend.
As global metals prices rise, a new Latin American mining rush is underway
as are dramatic struggles between mining companies and indigenous groups demanding
community paybacks and opposing environmentally destructive methods of extraction
such as strip mines and heap leaching.
When European explorers first mined Latin America's lodes in the 1500s, they
burrowed underground with tunnels to get the ore. Conservationists say today's
technologically sophisticated methods pollute more and create more waste compared
to how much ore the methods retrieve. "Heap leaching," for instance,
involves piling broken ore onto supposedly impermeable pads and spraying it
repeatedly with a cyanide solution to dissolve out the gold content. It is perhaps
unsurprising that this method, if not impeccably performed, can leak deadly
cyanide into local water supplies.
And mining companies are getting bold: a Canadian company is proposing to "relocate"
massive glaciers in the Andean Mountains in order to get to the gold underneath.
The problem is that the glaciers are an immensely important source of fresh
water for the ecosystem, and removing them would lead to unimaginable disruption
of the ecosystem.
Though many Latin American governments are eager to reap the jobs and revenues
mining operations bring, grassroots opposition to some mining projects has been
From Mexico to Peru to Argentina, indigenous opposition groups have chalked
up a series of victories against mega-wealthy mining interests. But activists
say U.S.-backed trade deals such as the Dominican Republic Central American
Free Trade Agreement, known as CAFTA, could offset populist victories by giving
transnational corporations the right to sue poor developing nations for lost
economic opportunity.
In Argentina, which in 2004 witnessed a trebling of mining investment, 81 percent
of residents in the town of Esquel voted to shut down an open-pit gold mine
proposed by Canada's Meridian Gold. In Cajamarca, Peru last November, U.S.-based
Newmont Mining Company for the first time closed an exploration site after local
residents blocked roads in protests. And in the Andes Mountain borderlands between
Argentina and Chile, activists have helped stall the proposal by Canada-based
Barrick Gold to remove three glaciers that collectively cover 17.6 million ounces
of gold and silver lodes.
In Central America some national governments have responded to activist pressures
by taking tough stands against mining companies. Citing environmental reasons,
a Costa Rican court in December negated a gold-mining concession owned by a
subsidiary of Vannessa Ventures Ltd of Canada. Earlier that year, Honduras cancelled
a mining concession owned by Silver Crest Mines, Inc. because its strip-mining
operations threatened a nearby nature reserve.
The problem? Activists say the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA),
CAFTA and other U.S.-backed free trade accords contain a highly controversial
provision known as the Chapter 11 investor-state provision, which lets private
companies sue governments for lost economic opportunity.
Experts worry the provision could be used to sue governments whenever protestors
halt mining operations.
NAFTA's Past, CAFTA's Prologue
Though unfamiliar with CAFTA's investor-state provisions, Alejandro Calvillo
of Greenpeace Mexico said in an email interview that CAFTA's cousin, NAFTA,
"clearly supports mining companies against community rights." So far,
companies have used NAFTA's Chapter 11 provision (which has been embedded and
expanded in CAFTA) to file outrageous lawsuits in cases where governments sought
to protect the environment.
NAFTA case law offers a preview of what CAFTA will do if ratified by Congress
in the coming weeks.
Metalclad vs. Mexico
Several years ago, Metalclad, a US-based mining company, tried to build a waste
dump near Cuadalcazar, Mexico. When the state governor sided with fierce local
resistance and stopped the project, Metalclad used NAFTA's Chapter 11 provision
to sue for lost economic opportunity. Result: the Mexican government that had
to shell out $16 million in damages.
Glamis vs. United States
The state of California issued cleanup requirements for mining operations belonging
to Glamis, a Canadian gold mining company. The government acted out of concerns
the operations caused environmental harm and destroyed sacred Native American
sites. Glamis sued the U.S. under NAFTA's Chapter 11, claiming the regulations
would stamp out profits. The pending case seeks a total of $50 million in compensation
-- $15 million from actual investment and $35 million for "lost profits"
-- from the U.S. government.
Methanex vs. California
When in 1999, after a gasoline additive and suspected carcinogenic made its
way into the groundwater beneath hundreds of California communities, the state
enacted a ban on the chemical, called MTBE. Methanex, a Canadian corporation
which made a component of MTBE, used NAFTA's Chapter 11 to bring a still pending
$970 million suit against the U.S. for lost profits and business opportunities
its suffered.
So far, both Mexico and Canada have already lost cases under NAFTA's Chapter
11 and there are currently one billion dollars worth of Chapter 11 environmental
suits pending, according to The Sierra Club. Those statistics surely catch the
eyes of Latin American governments caught between foreign mining interests and
protesting citizens, governments that might be want to enact hard environmental
"Certainly there are fears that if a government has to take action to
order the suspension of [mining] operations, that in principal the company could
claim entitlement of compensation," said Keith Slack, senior policy advisor
for Oxfam America.
Fear of NAFTA and CAFTA-style lawsuits has pushed at least one government to
crack down hard on indigenous protestors. In January, protestors in the Guatemalan
town of Solola rose up against a strip mine owned by California-based Clamis
Gold. News reports said police killed one man and wounded 16 others. And according
to an Associated Press account, "The government said it had to honor the
mining concession, or risk a huge lawsuit by the company."
A spokesperson for the Washington-based National Mining Association, a trade
organization that lobbies on behalf of U.S. mining interests, declined an interview
request saying the groups represents mining interests in the United States and
has limited information about international operations.
CAFTA goes further
Activists are stunned by the fact that CAFTA goes even further in giving multinational
corporations the legal power to bring billions of dollars in investor-state
suits against poor countries.
What does CAFTA do? The proposed deal expands the international dispute resolution
system to cover corporations that have written agreements with a federal government
relating to "natural resources or other assets that a national authority
The short of it: mining companies can sidestep domestic courts and take claims
directly to international arbitration, which tends to keep public participation
and observation at arms length.
Moreover, that expansion gives foreign companies powers they don't currently
have under U.S. law, which stipulates that firms holding federal contracts regarding
public assets are not allowed to go around domestic U.S. courts.
Observers also say United States Trade Representative (USTR), in crafting CAFTA's
expansions, substantively ignored a Congressional mandate requiring them to
allow "no greater substantive rights with respect to investment protections
than U.S. investors in the United States."
Want a firm example of what CAFTA's excesses might look like? Take a gander
at Harken Oil.
Harken Costa Rica Holdings, a corporation linked to Texas-based Harken Energy,
inked a deal with the Costa Rican government to drill for oil off its coast.
The deal, however, was contingent on an acceptable environmental assessment,
which in the end fell against Harken citing potential risks to marine ecosystems.
Costa Rica's government denied Harken drilling rights, which prompted the company
to bring a suit for $57 billion dollars (it claims to have invested 12 million:
the rest was for lost potential profit). A contract provision demanded that
Harken take the suit to Costa Rican courts but after legal wrangling the pending
case has moved to international arbitration. Costa Rica maintains that it won't
pay up.
"But had CAFTA's investor rules been in place," according to a report
by the Sierra Club. "Harken could have bypassed the domestic court system
and taken the case straight to a NAFTA-style tribunal."
Battles between Latin American locals and the mining industry are sure to continue.
But CAFTA's corporate favoritism could make sure megacolossal miners win no
matter what the cost.