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It’s looking more and more like the American contribution to population
reduction will be in the form of diagnosing half its citizens as mental incompetents.
That will naturally lead to reproductive legislation and control. And when they
come up with a way to declare eldership and religiosity as mental illnesses, which
is well underway, that will clear the way for incarceration and euthanasia legislation,
including, but not limited to, starvation and dehydration.
The plan, according to Bush, his pharmaceutical connections, and TMAP is to
test every American citizen for emotional and “social” problems.
Children and pregnant women are being tested, as we speak, and senior citizens
are of particular vulnerability and concern. There are a lot of seniors in the
U.S. The government already spent all the Social Security savings, and once
the powers-that-be crash the stock markets, seniors will be flat broke and destitute.
All one can say is… who let the freaks wag the dog?
The people who are running this country, and those they truly serve, slipped
over an edge a long time ago. Now, after losing property, homes, Constitutional
rights, and even toilets that hold proper amounts of water, we are to simply
allow ourselves to be diagnosed by partnership-money trails and desires for
pathological power and profits. Sincerely, truly, we are not going to allow
this to continue…are we?
The legislation and executive orders that are oozing over this nation and its
people are loathsome and insidious. As each day goes by, it seems as if we are
reading a nightmarish novel, but in truth, we’re reading the laws of the
land of an anti-human government. What is going on in America, under the guise
of professionalism, is pure evil. It is the result of political favors returned
to campaign supporters and lobbyists. It is the result of out-of-control corporate
powers and greed, and a totally out-of-control aristocracy.
There is a blatant political effort to reduce humanity to artificially controlled
robots, for lack of a better term, or highly manageable slaves. This in the
name of spreading freedom, preserving nature, eliminating poverty, and whatever
else the globalists are using as their excuse to enslave cheap and compliant
If these criminally insane partners are not stopped, God knows what the final
results will be to American people, and all people around the world. And if
you can’t see the insanity that is in your midst - in your schools, in
your health care system, in your houses of Congress, at the Executive level,
and in your courtrooms, then you are, in fact, diagnosable.
We have to stop this. Every American citizen has to demand that there be an
end to professional deviance and treachery, and we must demand their resignations
and their citizenship. These people are dangerous to our nation, and they are
conquering America by diminishing the citizenry, drugging the citizenry, poisoning
the citizenry, and manipulating the citizenry.
We can’t go another 3 years at this pace. We can’t wait for another
pretense of an election. American people are in danger. Wake up! Wake up, American
people, and use the blessing of your eyes and what remains of your unscathed
brains. READ! Understand what is actually happening inside of this nation. Every
American citizen is to be tested for mental health problems, and treatment is
ENFORCED. In other words, you can’t deny treatment – not for yourselves
or your children. Do you understand the ramifications? Do you understand that
this means the end of parental rights if either you or your children are diagnosed
and labeled? Do you understand the insanity of a leader of the United States
enforcing this kind of legislation upon every American citizen? You better wake
up, folks, because one day, you may be so drugged that you will be unable to
do so.
I leave you with this horrific warning from Dennis L. Cuddy’s series,
Mental Health, Education, and Social Control, Part 14, which states:
“…President George W. Bush's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health
(NFCMH) has proposed screening all of America's youth. Used to support this
initiative will be the recent findings of the National Comorbidity Survey Replication
(NCSR), the results of which are published in the June edition of the ARCHIVES
OF GENERAL PSYCHIATRY. It found that half of those who will ever be diagnosed
with a mental disorder show signs of the disease by age 14. In Rick Weiss' "Study:
U.S. Leads In Mental Illness, Lags in Treatment" (THE WASHINGTON POST,
June 7, 2005) >, one also learns that the National Institute of Mental Health
(NIMH) funded the $20 million NCSR study, which found that one-quarter of all
Americans met the criteria for having a mental illness within the past year.
The study also found that almost half of Americans meet the criteria for such
an illness at some point in their lives, and that less than half of those in
need get treated. Thomas Insel, chief of the NIMH, expressed his disappointment
to learn from the survey that about a third of people in need rely solely on
nonprofessional sources such as internet support groups and spiritual advisers.
You might ask yourself at this point what kind of broad definition they are
using to determine that half of the American population will be mentally ill…”