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Rockefeller and Global Mind Control

Posted in the database on Monday, June 05th, 2006 @ 14:41:45 MST (5101 views)
from Crossroad  

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excerpts from Steps toward Global Mind Control

See also Chronology of Global Education, Rockefeller and the Global Media Censors and The Aspen Institute

Rockefeller Brothers Fund: "Rockefeller Brothers Fund is a philanthropic organization working to promote social change that contributes to a more just, sustainable and peaceful world."

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund: "...and the Aspen Institute are pleased to announce the publication of U.S. in the World: Talking Global Issues with Americans - A Practical Guide. For information and to download a PDF version of the Guide, please go to www.usintheworld.org

Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Aspen Institute Release 'U.S. In the World: Talking Global Issues with Americans: "The book is a communications guide, not a compilation of policy recommendations or proposals - a tool to help communicators of all kinds reach out to Americans with a broadly shared, positive vision of U.S. global engagement.

     "'The guidebook is a unique resource not only for policy advocates and issue experts, but for candidates and those already in office who want to communicate with voters on pressing global issues,' said David Devlin-Foltz, director of The Aspen Institute's Global Interdependence Initiative. 'This is also great tool for journalists, who are charged with explaining complex issues to a diverse audience.'...

    "'The most valuable contribution this guide could make in 2004 - - or indeed, in any year - is to get citizens thinking, caring, and talking about foreign policy issues and to empower them to ask questions of policymakers and candidates.'"


1909. Lord Milner's secretive Round Table Group was established. Professor Quigley exposed some of the evolving ties between the global banking fraternity and these evolving "semi-secret discussion and lobbying groups," which helped foment World War I as a means to raise public support for a League of Nations

"By 1915, Round Table Groups existed in seven countries, including England...(and) the United States.... Since 1925, there have been substantial contributions from wealthy individuals, and from foundations and firms associated with the international banking fraternity, especially... organizations associated with J. P. Morgan, the Rockefeller and Whitney families...." Quigley, 950-951. 

1909. Five years after his release from a primitive "insane asylum," Clifford Beers, formed the U.S. National Committee for Mental Hygiene" and called for a network of mental hygiene societies throughout the world."1

1917. In its report published in 1954, the Reece Committee (the Special House Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations) explained and quoted the official minutes of the Board of Trustees of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace:

"These trustees in a meeting about 1917 had the brashness to congratulate themselves on  the wisdom of their original decision because already the impact of war had indicated it... could alter life in this country. ... they even had the brashness to ... dispatch a telegram to Mr. Wilson, cautioning him to see that the war did not end too quickly....

    "The concern became, as expressed by the trustees, seeing to it that there was no reversion to life in this country as it existed prior to 1914. And they came to the conclusion that, to prevent a reversion, they must control education. and then they approached the Rockefeller Foundation and they said, 'Will you take on the acquisition of control of education as it involves subjects that re domestic in their significance? We'll take on the  basis of subjects that have an international significance..' And it was agreed.... They decided the key to is the teaching of American history, and they must change that." [The Tax-Exempt Foundations, p. 60-61]

1919. With funding from the Commonwealth Fund and the Rockefeller Foundation, Clifford Beers "formed the predecessor of WFMH [World Federation for Mental Health], the International Committee for Mental Hygiene (ICMH). Other supporters were Clarence Hincks, M.D., of the Canadian Medical Association, Adolph Meyer, M.D. of Johns Hopkins Hospital; and psychologist William James of Harvard.  William James, John Dewey and other socialist visionaries spread the philosophy of pragmatism, which denies Biblical truth, sees truth as relative, and tests its validity by its practical and measurable effects.

    Note: Remember, almost every public step in this social revolution won public sympathy and acceptance by focusing on a real crisis. But in the hands of socialist change agents, the nice-sounding "solution" became a stepping stone to an ever expanding web of control.1


William James (father of American Psychology) founded the National Committee for Mental Hygiene, and according to B. K. Eakman in CLONING OF THE AMERICAN MIND: ERADICATING MORALITY THROUGH EDUCATION, he 'persuaded Rockefeller to contribute millions to the National Committee for Mental Hygiene....The goal of the Committee was specifically to prevent mental illness, and its focus was elementary and secondary schools. The thrust of the Committee's philosophy was that mental illness hinged on faulty personality development in childhood and that, therefore, personality development should supersede all other educational objectives. Stress was seen as the chief culprit, and parents and other authority figures as the second." Cuddy, Mental Health, Education and Social Control, Part 8  


1921.  The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was founded -- mainly through Col. House's influence. To build the needed network of globalist support groups, it would disperse tens of millions of dollars annually from the major tax-exempt foundations such as the Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations. Global Tyranny, page 54

       The CFR would be the U.S. equivalent of the British RIIA, the Royal Institute of International Affairs. As Professor Quigley wrote, "...the original plans for the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Council on Foreign Relations were drawn up at Paris."  Quigley, 952.

1925. The Rockefeller Foundation funded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry in Munick, directed by Dr. Ernst Rudin. Additional funding was provided by the Harrimans, Warburg and the British Crown. It continued to sponsor the Institute and its Nazi leader throughout the devastating holocaust of World Ward II. 4?

1925. A  Rockefeller Foundation's grant gives birth to the International Bureau of Education.2 Cuddy 15

1932. Rockefeller Foundation president Max Mason tells trustees that "The Social Sciences will concern themselves with the rationalization of social control... the control of human behavior." 2 Cuddy 18

1932. Dr. Ernst Rudin, the Nazi director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry (funded by the Rockefellers) was appointed president of the global Eugenics Federation.

1934 (February). A Rockefeller "progress report" (by one of the division heads) asks, "Can we develop so sound and extensive a genetics that we can hope to breed, in the future, superior men?"2 Cuddy, 18.

1930-33. Hitler came to power and delegated Rudin to direct the Racial Hygiene Society, which called for sterilization or death of people considered "racially impure." The Rockefeller Foundation funded an anthropological survey of the eugenically correct population by Nazi eugenicists Rudin and others. 4?

1939. Rockefeller Foundation helps launch the School-Health Coordinating Service.2 Cuddy 22

1940s. "Otmar Verschuer and his assistant Dr. Joseph Mengele together wrote reports for special courts, which enforced Rudin's racial purity law against the illegal cohabitation of Aryans and non-Aryans. In the early 1940s, a large factory was built "at Auschwitz... to utilize the Standard Oil IG Farbin patents with concentration camp slave labor to make gasoline from coal.  The SS guarded the Jewish and other inmates and selected for killing those who were unfit for IG Farbin slave labor.... Standard Oil and German President Emil Heilfeck testified after the war at the Nuremberg Trial that Standard Oil funds [Rockefeller]helped pay for the SS guards at Auschwitz. The Rockefeller Foundation defends its record by claiming that its funding of Nazi Germany programs during World War II was limited to psychiatric research.4

1943: The Rockefeller Foundation helped fund the Allen Memorial Institute at McGill University in Montreal. Working with the Canadian military and the Office of Strategic Services (The OSS became the CIA in 1947), Dr. Cameron conducted torturous experiments on human guinea pigs in order to perfect the various mind control techniques. These brainwashing tactics included coercive interrogation, psychosurgery, drugs, hypnosis and "between 30 to 60 electroshocks over a short period" along with powerful tranquilizers to control anxiety. Cameron's justification: his patients, "like prisoners of Communists, tended to resist and had to be broken down." This is described in the 1989 book, Journey Into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse

1943. Joseph Mengele appointed medical commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp.

1979. Supported by the Rockefeller Foundation, the National Institute of Education and the U.S. Department of Education, Schooling for  A Global Age is published. In the Preface, John Goodlad wrote: "Enlightened social engineering is required to face situations that demand global action now. Education is a long-term solution.... Parents and the general public must be reached also... Otherwise, children and youth enrolled in globally oriented programs may find themselves in conflict with values assumed in the home. And then the educational institution frequently comes under scrutiny and must pull back."2 Cuddy 65.


1987. Among the notable members of the Study Commission on Global Education were (then) Governor Bill Clinton, AFT president Albert Shanker, Professor John Goodlad, CFAT (Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching) president Ernest Boyer, and Frank Newman, president of the Education Commission of the States. Together, they prepared a report titled The United States Prepares for Its Future: Global Perspectives in Education. The Rockefeller, Ford and Exxon Foundations helped fund this report. In the Foreword, New Ager Harlan Cleveland, author of The Third Try at World Order, wrote:

"A dozen years ago... teaching and learning 'in global perspective' was still exotic doctrine, threatening the orthodoxies of those who still thought of American citizenship as an amalgam of American history, American geography, American lifestyles and American ideas.... It now seems almost conventional to speak of American citizenship in the same breath with international interdependence and the planetary environment."13

1996 (December ). "A Symposium organized by The Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management, sponsored by The Rockefeller Brothers Fund....  The Drucker Foundation believes that a healthy society requires three vital sectors: a public sector of effective governments; a private sector of effective businesses; and a social sector of effective community organizations [the focus is on large churches]. The mission of the social sector and its organizations is to change lives. It accomplishes this mission by addressing the needs of the spirit, the mind and the body--of individual, the community, and society....

     "As government cuts back social spending, many people expect the social sector to absorb much of the anticipated need for services....

     "The one million nonprofit organizations... that comprise the social sector have only one common characteristic--their tax exempt status. It is their diversity--in mission, philosophy, and community--that uniquely qualifies them to deliver effective services to the community. ... We are now talking about a true partnership to build community and produce people who are needed by healthy businesses and a healthy society." Emerging Partnerships: New Ways in a New World


     Note: The large community oriented and purpose-driven churches fit right into the new communitarian model for organizing institutions and monitoring people. That's why the Rockefellers are involved.



See also Rockefeller and the Global Media Censors


Endnotes: Sources followed by (?) still need verification

1.Origins of the World Federation for Mental Health and Clifford Beers: The Origins of Modern Mental Health Policy at http://mhawestchester.org/advocates/beers802.asp

2. Dennis Laurence Cuddy,Ph.D., Chronology of Education with Quotable Quotes (Pro Family Forum, Highland City, FL 33846, 1994); page 13.

4.Gary Null http://www.garynull.com/Documents/PathologizingAfricanAmericanPt1.htm (?)

13. The United States Prepares for Its Future: Global Perspectives in Education, Report of the Study Commission on Global Education," 1987. The report is financed by the Rockefeller, Ford and Exxon Foundations. Cuddy, 80.

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