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Archive for the Month of March, 2006.
Viewing Media NEWS articles 1 through 32 of 32.

March 2, 2006

Corporate Media Reports Selectively on Palestine - ...the so-called "centrist" Kadima Party and its plan to steal more Palestinian land and "transfer" (ethnically cleanse) its inhabitants is supported by the Israeli people. For some reason this is not considered newsworthy by the corporate media.

March 3, 2006

Intelligence & the Media - A contradiction in terms, or a non-sequitur, perhaps? No no no, a great deal of intelligence goes into your media diet, just not the kind you suppose...

March 4, 2006

O'Reilly threatens caller (audio) - Maybe you'll get a visit

March 5, 2006

Pat Tillman Case: How the Press Was Spun - ...Patrick Tillman Sr., commented, "if you send investigators to reinvestigate an investigation that was falsified in the first place, what do you think you're going to get?"

Capitulation to Zionist censors - Play on Rachel Corrie canceled by New York theater group

Turkish Film Breaks Records by Showing U.S. Troops as Criminals - U.S. troops massacre guests at an Arab wedding and Army doctors steal organs from Iraqi prisoners in a movie that is breaking box-office records in Turkey.

March 6, 2006

Bush Declares War on Freedom of the Press - Just how widespread, and uncontrolled, this latest government assault has become hit close to home last week when one of the FBI's National Security Letters arrived at the company that hosts the servers for this web site, Capitol Hill Blue.

New Jersey bill aims to stamp out Internet forum anonymity - A bill introduced in the New Jersey Assembly would require websites to collect and make available the legal names and physical addresses of anyone posting on an Internet forum.

March 8, 2006

Hardball for the left, softball for the right - Conservatives dominate on Hardball

March 9, 2006

The New Media Monopoly - AT&T's $67 billion merger with BellSouth could enable those who control the information pipes to also control the information.

Reuters Claims US Military to Blame for Killing of Reporters: Not Reported in US Media - The global managing editor of Reuters just recently stated that "the US military is entirely to blame for the deaths of three of its employees in Iraq." Though the major Australian newspapers have all reported this huge news, not surprisingly the US press hasn't touched it.

March 10, 2006

O'Reilly: Blowing Iran "off the face of the earth ... would be the sane thing to do" - audio - O'Reilly recently declared that "it's just a matter of time ... before we have to bomb" Iran.

Fox Security Threatens Disagreeing O'Reilly Callers - Bill O'Reilly's on-air threat to callers who disagreed with him that they would receive a visit from Fox security and that their information would be turned over to local law enforcement at first seemed like another sick gimmick, but the stunt became a whole lot more serious when it was revealed that at least two terrified victims had received threatening calls.

March 11, 2006

Would eavesdropping bill snag reporters? - "The bill would make it a crime to tell the American people that the president is breaking the law, and the bill could make it a crime for the newspapers to publish that fact"...

China Using Cartoon Cyber Cops to Warn Internet Users Police are Watching - The People’s Republic of China has invented a new and innovative way to make the totalitarian regime internet-user friendly: cartoon cyber cops.

The New York Times writes history - Here's the front page of the New York Times online as of this moment ...

March 12, 2006

CHRIS MATTHEWS : " I JUST LOVE THIS GUY AS COMMANDER IN CHIEF " - Imputing good motives to a dicktator who posesses evil intent is a Matthews propaganda tactic.

March 13, 2006

Study Finds More News Media Outlets, Covering Less News - The third annual review of the state of American journalism found that while there were more media outlets this year than ever, they were covering less news.

March 14, 2006

Olbermann: There are execs at NBC "who do not like to see the current presidential administration criticized at all" - video - "There are people who I work for who would prefer, who would sleep much easier at night if this never happened."

March 15, 2006

U.S. kills, media helps hide the truth - Let's start with the headline in today's story of tragedy and war crimes...

March 16, 2006

War-Loving Pundits - One of the most gleeful commentators on network television was MSNBC’s "Hardball" host Chris Matthews. "We’re all neo-cons now," he crowed on April 9, 2003, hours after a Saddam Hussein statue tumbled in Baghdad.

March 18, 2006

AP Erases Video of Israeli Soldier Shooting Palestinian Boy - So Much for "Sunshine Week"

The farcical end of the American dream - The US press is supposed to be challenging the lies of this war

March 23, 2006

Propaganda and the Fear Factor(y) - In a nominal democracy, such as exists today in the United States, shaping the opinions of the masses is crucial to the appearance of legitimacy for the ruling elite. The public must be guided and persuaded to ratify the policies favored by the wealthy and well connected, while insuring that the general public does not actually interfere with the policies and profits of the corporate rulers.

All the News That's Fit to Slant - "U.S. Authorities Say..."

US Media Bias: Covering Israel/Palestine - Why are "left wing" media outlets such as The New York Times and CNN not reporting the Palestinian side of the story? Well the simple answer is The New York Times and CNN are not liberal, nor honest.

March 24, 2006

60 Minutes Joins the Propaganda War - We already know that the Pentagon is committed to the policies of deception and misinformation. Their unwavering support for the planting of stories in the Iraqi press further demonstrates their belief that lies are vital to their overall strategy. We must assume that the 60 Minutes fits into this paradigm of psy-ops (psychological operations) directed at the American public to shore up support for the war.

March 28, 2006

So You Still Think the Press is Free - The corporate media is not controlled by anyone; they are the tool of the controllers.

CNN is committing treason - CNN, and its equally empty colleagues at Fox, ABC, NBC, and CBS, have helped the White House convince Americans that the nation's most dangerous enemy is an Iraqi rebel, or an al Qaeda terrorist. But that's a lie, and most professional reporters aren't dummies; they must know it's a lie.

The Media and Iraq: What's Wrong With This Picture? - The media certainly weren't skittish about pictures of the tsunami victims. Or the bloated corpses of Rwanda. Or abandoned bodies floating in the streets of New Orleans. Editors and producers had no problem with those bodies. Their only problem is with bodies in Iraq.

March 29, 2006

CNN Cancels Ed Asner's Appearance - ...high-level members of CNN management advised the producers of the show to "kill it." This statement was clearly made to stifle any further coverage of 9/11 despite the admitedly huge ratings boost and response garnered from the recent coverage of Charlie Sheen's statements on 9/11.

March 30, 2006

Deploying the Right, penetrating the Left, how the "Discrediting Committee" works: Salon, NYT, and Ledeen, the real scandal of the Abu Ghraib picture - ...in a situation of generalized lies supported by an enormous media apparatus which has sold out or been intimidated by the dictatorial power of the US government and elite, the simple affirmation of basic truths is, rightly, considered dangerous and intolerable.


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