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Archive for the Month of January, 2006.
Viewing Police State / Military NEWS articles 1 through 73 of 73.

January 1, 2006

NSA Gave Other U.S. Agencies Information From Surveillance - Information captured by the National Security Agency's secret eavesdropping on communications between the United States and overseas has been passed on to other government agencies, which cross-check the information with tips and information collected in other databases...

January 2, 2006

A Gestapo Administration - Bush has actually declared it treasonous to reveal his illegal behavior! His propagandists, who masquerade as news organizations, have taken up the line: To reveal wrong-doing by the Bush administration is to give aid and comfort to the enemy.

It starts with squirrels - When you can blithely kill something which is no threat to you, you'll fit right in the U.S. military...

ACLU will provide cameras to tape police - The local chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, a frequent critic of the city police, says it plans to arm residents of the city's north side with video cameras to record officers' dealings with the public.

January 3, 2006

Americans in the bubble - It’s definitely relevant to Americans’ well-being whether Bush lives in a bubble in the realm of his White House, surrounded by a retinue of ideologues and incompetent cronies. It’s of far greater consequence, however, whether the rest of us in America live in a bubble . . . while failing to recognize it, admit it, and change it.

GOV'T. WINS COURT AUTHORIZATION TO SPY ON CELL PHONE USE - Despite three court rulings that cell phone tracking by government agencies without a court order is illegal, a fourth court ruling has now authorized blanket spying. The government can now use cell phone data to track physical location, without a search warrant or probable cause.

January 4, 2006

Former Conservative Wall Street Journal Writer Calls Bush Hitler & 911 His Reichstag Fire - A feisty Paul Craig Roberts, a former Asst. Sec. of the Treasury during the Reagan years, is starting off the New Year with his "pen blazing," comparing the Bush administration to the Nazi regime while ending his latest column, called "A Criminal Administration," with the ominous possibility of another huge terrorist attack in 2006 orchestrated by the neo-cons"

January 5, 2006

SPIES LIKE U.S. - Evidence indicates Bush wire-tapped alternative media

Police State surveillance technology that has been available for years goes mobile - New Device Will Sense Through Concrete Walls

The U.S. readies its WMD - New U.S. policies that involve the use of nuclear weapons were formulated in the administration document "Nuclear Posture Review" of 2001 and became more defined in a Pentagon draft document "Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations..."

January 6, 2006

IRS tracked taxpayers’ political affiliation - As it hunted down tax scofflaws, the Internal Revenue Service collected information on the political party affiliations of taxpayers in 20 states.

Marines recruiting 8-year olds -- NO JOKE! - The Marines now seem to be recruiting 8-year olds (got to meet those recruitment quotas!).

January 7, 2006

The lie detector you'll never know is there - ...the RPA could introduce a "chill factor" into everyday life.

Uranium revelation upsets isle activists - Several environmental and native Hawaiian groups are accusing the Army of misleading the public after the groups discovered that a heavy metal known as depleted uranium was recovered at Schofield Barracks' range complex.

The battlefield of language - "...political language has to consist largely of euphemism, question-begging and sheer cloudy vagueness. Defenceless villages are bombarded from the air, the inhabitants driven out into the countryside, the cattle machine-gunned, the huts set on fire with incendiary bullets: this is called pacification."

January 8, 2006

Neocon Police State Spreads Disinfo and Paranoia - Since when does an 81-year-old retired University of Kansas history professor, corresponding with a devout Catholic retired Filipino history professor, pose a threat to the national security of the United States?

Author of Bush's Brain Put On No-Fly list - This author was placed on the no fly list. Two points: there's nothing you or I can do to help him but make this public, and two- we are all targets here.

January 9, 2006

Where Are They Going to Take the Bird Flu Hoax? - A few declared cases of human bird flu in the US (based on nothing) can allow the White House to limit air travel into the US. Mandatory programs of drugs and vaccines can be justified.

January 10, 2006

New TV Channel Lets People Spy on Fellow Citizens City CCTV Cams - Rights group criticises "Asbo TV"

January 11, 2006

The Panopticon: A Mass Surveillance Prison For Humanity - Latest trends in Big Brother outstrip Orwell's worst nightmare

NSA: Free Speech is a Weapon of Mass Destruction - It should be assumed from the start the NSA, CIA, DIA, FBI, etc., have long engaged in illegal and unconstitutional snooping against the American people, who are after all their primary target, not the phantom "al-Qaeda" or any number of CIA created terrorists. In a police state, the enemy is the people..

Corporations, The National Security Agency and Their "Customers" - This collective of NSA plus the corporate sector is clear as to whom it serves, and "we the people" do not appear in its list. Imagine where dissenters might fit - peace activists and anyone else in disagreement with administrative, military, or other governmental "customers".

The Pentagon's 'thought police" - The Pentagon's "Media Engagement Team" has set up shop in the region. Its members, consisting of military personnel and contractors approach various publications and ask for an appointment, whereby owners and editors are urged to publish "positive" stories concerning the US military's activities in the area.

January 12, 2006

NSA, FISA and the DNA of Tyranny - With each passing day, it becomes more evident that the main purpose behind Bush's illegal, warrantless domestic spying program is not collecting intelligence on terrorists and would-be terrorists ...

Bush to criminalize protesters under Patriot Act as ''disruptors'' - Bush wants to create the new criminal of "disruptor" who can be jailed for the crime of "disruptive behavior." A "little-noticed provision" in the latest version of the Patriot Act will empower Secret Service to charge protesters with a new crime of "disrupting major events including political conventions and the Olympics."

January 13, 2006

NSA Snoop Program: Greasing the Skids of the Police State - In Bushzarro world, the state snoop apparatus—monitoring all voice and data communication with the connivance of the telecoms—indiscriminately surveils everybody and then uses sophisticated computer algorithms (called “artificial intelligence”) to ferret thought crimes out of the massive amount of captured data.

NSA used city police as trackers - Activists monitored on way to Fort Meade war protest, agency memos show

Child's play at the CIA - The United States's leading spy agency has designs on your children...

Bush could seize absolute control of U.S. government - President George W. Bush has signed executive orders giving him sole authority to impose martial law, suspend habeas corpus and ignore the Posse Comitatus Act that prohibits deployment of U.S. troops on American streets. This would give him absolute dictatorial power over the government with no checks and balances.

January 14, 2006

Beam weapons almost ready for battle - Directed-energy weapons take the form of lasers, high-powered microwaves and particle beams.

Evolution of a bomb "scare" - The American response to 9/11 hasn't just rained death and terror on Afghanistan and Iraq; it has left Americans living in fear as well. The evolution of a recent bomb scare in San Francisco provides an instructive case in point.

"Fever/Flu-Sensing" Infrared Video Cams To Scan US Public - It's all in HOW the technology is used. And WHO is in power using it.

January 15, 2006

US bribes to recruits reach new high - $40,000 sign-up, $90,000 re-enlistment bonuses

January 17, 2006

THE NEW TERRORISTS - ARE YOU ONE? DOWNLOAD MUSIC? BLOCK TRAFFIC? WRITE A BAD CHECK? - The reclassification of terrorism is spreading across this country. A bill just BARELY defeated in Oregon would have made you a terrorist if you download music, block traffic or write a bad check. Want to know what the punishment would have been? Read on...

Mining for kids: Children can’t "opt out" of Pentagon recruitment database - Parents cannot remove their children’s names from a Pentagon database that includes highly personal information used to attract military recruits, the Vermont Guardian has learned.

January 18, 2006

U.S. nuclear forces, 2006 - As of January 2006, the U.S. stockpile contains almost 10,000 nuclear warheads. This includes 5,735 active or operational warheads: 5,235 strategic and 500 nonstrategic warheads. Approximately 4,225 additional warheads are held in the reserve or inactive stockpiles...

Control Grid: The Prison Without Bars - 1984 was a picnic compared to modern day leviathan surveillance cage

INSIDER INFO: 6 million wiretapped conversations per month - ...this is definitely not just NSA. The bidding for the technology to do this project was conducted by members of the FBI and the CIA.

January 19, 2006

Are you ready to be bugged and tortured by George W. Bush? - It's not really terrorists George W. Bush wants to bug and torture. It's YOU. It's not really terrorism he wants to fight. It's opposition from people he can't control.

Rightwing group offers students $100 to spy on professors - 31 academics listed as "worthy of scrutiny"

Just How Big is the Defense Budget? - A Tutorial on How to Find the Real Numbers

U.S. Army raises maximum age for enlistment - The U.S. Army, which missed its fiscal 2005 recruiting goal, said on Wednesday it has raised the maximum enlistment age for new soldiers by five years to 39, greatly expanding its pool of potential recruits.

The New Fascism - This new fascism is not fed only by lies, though to be sure the lies are there in preposterous abundance. This new fascism is fed by myths, our myths, the myths by which we rock ourselves to sleep. This new fascism is in truth an elemental fascism, reborn today by a confluence of events; the diligent work of the few, in combination with the passivity of the many, have brought forth this new order.

January 20, 2006

How Dick Cheney Used The NSA For Domestic Spying Pre-9/11 - "What's really disturbing is that some of those people the vice president was curious about were people who worked at the White House or the State Department...There was a real feeling of paranoia that permeated from the vice president's office and I don't think it had anything to do with the threat of terrorism. I can't say what was contained in those taps that piqued his interest. I just don't know."

The war on dissent gets creepy - "Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of the leaders of their government and have gone to war, and millions have been killed because of this obedience...Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves, and all the while the grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem."

January 21, 2006

Real Reasons Why The United States Makes War - ...the aggressive foreign policies we are seeing, the covert activities and the military strong arming used against other nations by the United States are by all accounts, actions used to coerce, intimidate and force others into submission ...in order to plunder a targeted nation’s natural resources and to create a conduit for profitable illegal activities.

January 22, 2006

The Other Big Brother - The Pentagon has its own domestic spying program. Even its leaders say the outfit may have gone too far.

It Would be Funny, If It Weren't So Tragic - Rumsfeld: Venezuela "Overspending" - What are you supposed to do when the world's most over-armed, belligerent and dangerous nation, which outspends all the rest of the world combined on arms, and which is the major arms supplier to the rest of the world, tells a little country like Venezuela that it is guilty of spending "too much" on its military?

January 23, 2006

RFID Kryptonite - Two students have turned a disposable camera into a gadget that literally shocks the power out of RFID tags.


Are Governments Searching For Subversives Through School Exams? - According to the Resistance Blog, A-level students (16-18) in Britain are being asked questions about alternative 9/11 beliefs, conspiracy theories and how much faith they have in government.

January 24, 2006

Unfathomed Dangers in PATRIOT Act Reauthorization - A provision in the "PATRIOT Act" creates a new federal police force with the power to violate the Bill of Rights. You might think that this cannot be true, as you have not read about it in newspapers or heard it discussed by talking heads on TV.

The War on Citizens - The War on Citizens has two main battles going on using drugs and terror as its primary excuses with a flanking maneuver using porn to reel in the internet. This “War” does not provide security or protection for citizens, indeed it targets them. That is us: me, you, our neighbors. Everybody is a suspect and must be watched under this system. Step out of line and you pay the consequences. Feel any safer yet?

Viva Fascismo - Upton Sinclair had once said: "Fascism is capitalism plus murder."

Bush Administration Seeks to Squelch State of the Union Protest at Capitol on January 31 - The Bush administration has expanded the special security zone around the Capitol, effectively denying a meaningful public space for a protest called by World Can’t Wait-Drive Out the Bush Regime during the State of the Union address on January 31, 2006. This action, one of many held simultaneously that night at 8pm EST in cities and towns across the country, calls for symbolically “drowning out Bush’s lies” and demands "BUSH STEP DOWN."

Grounded along with other fellow terrorists - Yep. I’m on the official "no-fly" list, along with some 80,000 others Americans.

Another nuke exercise -- your next 9/11? - ...the real threat is that this administration will use this go-real nuclear holocaust to blame on Al Qaeda, and get itself off the hook and hanging platform, and elevate national terror into a national state of emergency, eliminating all democracy, with a call for martial law, under Der Bush & Company.

January 25, 2006

KBR awarded $385M Homeland Security contract for U.S. detention centers - The contract may also provide migrant detention support to other government organizations in the event of an immigration emergency [?!?], as well as the development of a plan to react to a [Bush-created] national emergency, the company said.

A tale of two sentences - In a police state, no one can hear you scream...

January 26, 2006

Osama and the J. Edgar Hoover Memorial Vacuum Cleaner - None of this snooping has anything to do with terrorism. It has to do with American citizens opposed to the Bush administration and the mass murder schemes of the Straussian neocons.

The Carlyle Group has its hands on millions of sensitive files on American citizens - The problems with the 1997 privatization of the Office of Federal Investigations (OFI), which ultimately became U.S. Investigations Services (USIS), now owned by The Carlyle Group, were known to members of Congress, according to a former OFI official.

Are Concentration Camps Coming to U.S.? - Color me naive, but when I hear talk of cages, detention and/or concentration camps, my mind usually wonders in devious directions. I haven't seen anywhere in history where detention centers and so forth were used as freedom enhancing tools.

January 27, 2006

US plans to "fight the net" revealed - A newly declassified document gives a fascinating glimpse into the US military's plans for "information operations" - from psychological operations, to attacks on hostile computer networks.

January 28, 2006

Rumsfeld's Roadmap to Propaganda - Information Operations Roadmap

Polls Show Many Americans are Simply Dumber Than Bush - Much of the problem is the media itself, which serves as a disinformation agency for the Bush administration. Fox "News" and right-wing talk radio are the worst, but with propagandistic outlets setting the standard for truth and patriotism, all of the media is affected to some degree.

Army to Investigate Gay Porn Allegations - Army officials are investigating allegations that members of the celebrated 82nd Airborne Division appear on a gay pornography Web site...

Texas City a strike point for nuclear attack? - Well, somebody’s up to something again.

January 29, 2006

Homeland Security addicted to porn - Homeland Security bureaucrats just look at pornography all day, a startling new government report suggests.

US Army forces 50,000 soldiers into extended duty - The U.S. Army has forced about 50,000 soldiers to continue serving after their voluntary stints ended under a policy called "stop-loss"...

Pentagon Can Now Fund Foreign Militaries - The move, included in a little-noticed provision of the 2006 National Defense Authorization Act passed last month, marks a legislative victory for Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld...

Attack of the drones - ...already, Dyncorp uses these planes to dump poison on coca growers in Colombia...

January 31, 2006

The Fear That Kills - Appalling new evidence reveals that female soldiers serving in Iraq made fatal decisions in their attempts to avoid rape.

Contract for global propaganda campaign has few safeguards, document shows - Up to $100m campaign enlists balls, bumper stickers in terror fight


Pages for January, 2006

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