Archive for the Month of July, 2005.
Viewing Human Rights NEWS articles 1 through 7 of 7.
Legal expert: Shawnee land claim not frivolous - “Unlike what was done to the Shawnee 150 years ago, the Tribe does not want to dispossess Ohioans of their lands,” Enyart wrote. “The Tribe remains interested in working with the state and local communities to help return the Eastern Shawnee to their homeland.” (3976 views)
Attorney tells Hopi of unrealized treaty rights - An attorney told a packed gathering of Hopi that a 150-year-old document could hold the key to sovereignty and prevent the federal government from leasing their assets (5224 views)
Human Life in East & West: A hell of a Difference - Close to 150,000 died in the illegal and unjust war imposed on Afghanistan and Iraq and no one is even willing to diligently count the dead. Deadly bombs went off in Iraq Wednesday and not a word was published. Hours later, in London, more bombs exploded and the western media was all over the story. (3488 views)
Stop This Bill - CONGRESS HAS a novel response to the rash of prisoners over the past few years who have been exonerated of capital crimes after being tried and convicted: Keep similar cases out of court. Both chambers of the national legislature are quietly moving a particularly ugly piece of legislation designed to gut the legal means by which prisoners prove their innocence. (3293 views)
Ten Worst Places to be Black - It is high time to begin constructing useful indices with which to measure the quality of life, not just for a fortunate few, but for the broad masses of our people in America’s black one-eighth. (3898 views)
After execution, case is reopened - Citing grave concerns that Missouri executed an innocent man, a coalition that includes a congressman, high-profile lawyers and even the victim's family pointed to evidence Tuesday they said could clear Larry Griffin's name.
Rape cases in US prisons number in the thousands - Nearly 2,100 incidents of rape and other sexual violence were recorded in US prisons in 2004, US justice authorities said. (4112 views)
Pages for July, 2005
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