Archive for the Month of May, 2005.
Viewing ALL NEWS articles 76 through 150 of 229.
Cuba 'plane bomber' was CIA agent - Declassified US government documents show that a man suspected of involvement in the bombing of a Cuban passenger plane worked for the CIA. Luis Posada Carriles, a Cuban-born Venezuelan and anti-Castro dissident, was an agent and informer. (1980 views)
Exact 9/11 Attack Plan Drilled In 1976 - Our own U.S. Army devised a plan commissioned by Congress to bring down the WTC using commercial airliners and box cutters as weapons in 1976. (3732 views)
Bilderberg Meetings 5-8 May 2005: List of the Participants - Among the Attendees are representatives from Big Banks and Investment Firms, Big Media, and Military. Also Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle are in attendance this year. (2912 views)
Italy sent troops to Iraq to secure oil deal: report - Italian troops were sent to Iraq to secure oil deals worth 300 billion dollars, and not just for post-war humanitarian purposes, an Italian television report by RAI claimed on Friday.
19 killed in anti-US protests in Afghanistan - Nineteen persons were killed and more than 50 injured in Afghanistan on Friday in new protests against American interrogators' desecration of Islamic holy book Quran, local police and residences said.
'El' Jazeera - To balance the anti-Chavez local press and pro-American CNN, Venezuela is launching a South American Al Jazeera. With journalistic heavyweights and a non-corporate vibe, the channel arrives on the scene as a number of Latin American nations are leaning politically left. (2020 views)
Always Low Wages. Always. - Last week Standard and Poor's, a bond rating agency, downgraded both Ford and General Motors bonds to junk status. It sees a significant risk that the companies won't be able to pay their debts. Don't cry for the bondholders, but do cry for the workers. In 1968, when General Motors was a widely emulated icon of American business, many of its workers were lifetime employees. On average, they earned about $29,000 a year in today's dollars, a solidly middle-class income at the time. They also had generous health and retirement benefits. (2436 views)
Afghanistan riddled with drug ties - The involvement of local as well as high-level government officials in the opium trade is frustrating efforts to eradicate poppy fields. (1937 views)
Asia is Home to Largest Number of Forced Labor Globally - Nearly 9.5 million people in south Asia and the Pacific are working as forced labor, which is a whopping 77 per cent of the global forced labor estimated at 12.3 million people, says a new International Labour Office (ILO) report. (2186 views)
Is the CIA Behind the Iraqi "Insurgents" -- and Global Terrorism? - The requirement of an ever-escalating level of social violence to meet the political and economic needs of the insatiable "anti-terrorist complex" is the essence of the new US militarism. What is now openly billed as "permanent war" ultimately serves the geo-political ends of social control in the interests of US corporate domination, much as the anti-communist crusade of the now-exhasuted Cold War did. (2500 views)
Living conditions in Iraq 'tragic' - A 2004 Survey reveals 85% of Iraqi households lack stable electricity, and only 54% have access to clean water. If you compare this to the situation in the 1980s, you will see a major deterioration of the situation. (2098 views)
Iraq renews state of emergency for month - Iraq announced Friday it has renewed its state of emergency for another 30 days following two weeks of insurgent-led violence that killed hundreds of people. Does that seem like liberation and democracy to you? (1760 views)
Fears of trade in children as 300 boys disappear - Scotland Yard today revealed it has been unable to trace all but two of 300 black boys aged four to seven reported missing from school in a three-month period. Journalist Yinka Sunmonu, an expert in the issue, told the BBC's Today programme: "Children are being trafficked. There is domestic slavery, physical abuse, sexual abuse. Children are ... here one day and gone the next." (2556 views)
Bulgaria to offer three bases to U.S. - Bulgaria said Saturday it will provide three military bases for use by U.S. forces. (2028 views)
Embargoed Book Claims Saudi Oil Infrastructure Rigged for Catastrophic Self-Destruction - Saudi Arabia has crafted a plan to protect itself from a possible invasion or internal attack. It includes the use of a series of explosives, including radioactive 'dirty bombs,' that would cripple Saudi Arabian oil production and distribution systems for decades. (1887 views)
Judge who exonerated Cheney is on the payroll of Exxon - The Judge who exonerated Cheney, A. Raymond Randolph, is with the George Mason University. A. Raymond Randolph serves on the Advisory Board of George Mason University Law and Economics Center. George Mason University, Law and Economics Center has received $115,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998. (2242 views)
Centrifugal weapon could deliver stealth firepower - A gun that spits out ball bearings after spinning them to extreme speeds is being developed by a US inventor. The novel design has already caught the imagination of some defence industry experts. (2226 views)
Keeping Hunter Thompson's death alive - Isn't it strange that Thompson wrote on page 3 of "The New Dumb," the first article in his last book, Hey Rube, 2004, "The autumn months are never a calm time in America. . . . There is always a rash of kidnapping and abductions of schoolchildren in the football months. Preteens of both sexes are traditionally seized and grabbed off the streets by gangs of organized perverts who traditionally give them as Christmas gifts to each other to be personal sex slaves and playthings." (4361 views)
Georgia seeks to calm furor over base plan - Georgia asked Saturday for calm negotiations over the withdrawal of two Soviet-era bases as Moscow threatened retaliation if services were cut to the facilities -- something Georgia's parliament threatened to do earlier this year.
Bush Discloses Ownership of as Much as $18 Million in Assets - President George W. Bush and his wife, Laura, reported owning financial assets and property in 2004 valued between $7.8 million and $18.1 million, according to federal financial disclosure forms released at the White House today. (2324 views)
America kept in dark' as carnage escalates - U.S. TV accused of ignoring situation - Iraq on brink of civil war, analysts say. (1542 views)
China Says US Impeded North Korea Arms Talks - A senior Chinese diplomat on Thursday accused the Bush administration of undermining efforts to revive negotiations with the North Korean government and said there was "no solid evidence" that North Korea was preparing to test a nuclear weapon.
Syria Establishes Military Build up on Iraq Border - Syria launched a military build up on its Iraq border after the American Army began a wide-ranging military operation in a region in Iraq near the Syrian border. (1766 views)
Neo-Slave Mercenaries For the Empire - Up to 10,000 Ugandans being recruited to work for US in Iraq, worldwide - Upto to 10,000 Ugandans are being recruited to "work" in Iraq. "It is tragic for the Uganda government to allow its citizens to be recruited as mercenaries. It is not true that they are only going to provide guard services. How do you provide only guard services in a country like Iraq? These people will definitely shoot back when they are shot at" Awori said. (2770 views)
US troops kill Iraqi civilians - US troops have shot and killed eight Iraqis, including five civilians, during an attack on a patrol. Of course this is not the first time.
Lawsuits could shed light on anthrax probe - Three and a half years after the FBI launched what it deems its "largest investigation in history," the agency has not charged anyone for sending anthrax-laced letters through the mail in September 2001. During the attacks, 22 people became sick from the deadly bacterium; five of them died. (2257 views)
Election Fraud 2004: Debate rages on over exit polls vs. election results - The National Election Data Archive (NEDA) today has released a new report, demonstrating that data from the Edison/Mitofsky analysis is consistent with the hypothesis of a corrupted vote count, and inconsistent with the competing idea that Bush voters were under-sampled in the poll.
Canada's dirty secret - Government admits hand in veteran's Agent Orange death. (1572 views)
Israeli air force to take part in Alberta war games - The Israeli air force is sending 10 F-16 fighter jets and about 150 air crew to participate in major war games in Alberta later this month. (1697 views)
Iraq is a bloody no man's land. America has failed to win the war. But has it lost it? - Ten US troops were killed in action across Iraq last week. The fighting is now sustained and ferocious. Patrick Cockburn, winner of the Martha Gellhorn prize for journalism, reports from the frontline of America's war on terror. (1199 views)
Myanmar charges superpower with being behind bomb attacks - Myanmar on Sunday charged the USA with being behind the May 7 deadly bombing incident in Yangon. (1969 views)
Border Patrol checkpoints deep in the interior of the United States raise the specter of Soviet-style surveillance. - Border Patrol checkpoints deep in the interior of the United States raise the specter of Soviet-style surveillance, and may be intended merely to habituate the public to such police intrusions. (5792 views)
Glacier wrapped in foil to stop melting - Employees at a Swiss ski resort have swaddled part of a glacier in reflective sheeting to keep it from melting over the summer. (2440 views)
Al-Sadr Demands Americans Leave Iraq - Anti-U.S. cleric Muqtada al-Sadr came out of hiding Monday for the first time since his fighters clashed with American forces in August, delivering a fiery speech demanding that coalition forces leave Iraq and that Saddam Hussein be punished. "I demand several things, including punishing Saddam and calling on the Iraqi government, religious movements and political factions to work hard to kick out the occupier," al-Sadr said. "I want the immediate withdrawal of the occupation forces." "The occupier is trying to make up a sectarian war between the Sunnis and Shiites," al-Sadr said. "It is not acceptable to direct the allegations of ugly acts committed by the occupier against the Shiites, to the Sunnis, we also condemn and denounce all the terrorist acts." (1820 views)
Fake News Is Hazardous to Your Health - Imitating Big Tobacco's fight against cigarette labeling, the PR industry launches a battle against regulation of government-funded "fake" news. (1817 views)
Bush's House Homophobe - The Office of Special Counsel exists to protect federal workers from job discrimination and whistle-blowing retaliation. Here's how Scott Bloch turned it into a haven for gay-bashing and partisan politics. (2179 views)
Australia brushes aside East Timorese sovereignty in oil and gas deal - Australia has succeeded in having Timor drop its claim of sovereignty over key resource-rich areas of the Timor Sea for two generations; by which time the oil and gas fields in the area will be commercially exhausted. (2536 views)
Bolivians stage huge energy rally - Thousands of protesters in Bolivia have marched through the main city of La Paz to pressure the president to toughen a controversial new energy bill. (1808 views)
Chavez Says Venezuela has Plan in Case He's Killed - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said on Sunday that if he is assassinated, his government has a contingency plan to prevent his enemies from taking control of the world's No. 5 oil exporter. "Some people might want to kill me, but they don't dare ... because if they did, they fear what would happen the next day," the Venezuelan leader said in a television broadcast. (1859 views)
Gagged, but Still Going Strong - The appeal court's decision on the Sibel Edmonds case is out: case dismissed, no opinion cited, no reason provided. The court's decision of Friday, May 6, has generated a string of obituaries; "another major blow, maybe the last one, to Sibel Edmonds, a woman who has faced an unprecedented level of government secrecy, gag orders, and classification." Well, dear friends and supporters, Sibel Edmonds may be gagged, but she's not dead. (2155 views)
Houston, We Still Have A Problem - An Alternative Annual Report on Halliburton. On May 18, Halliburton will hold its annual shareholders meeting in downtown Houston. Inside, CEO David Lesar will be congratulating himself on the astonishing $7.1 billion revenue the company has made off its recent work in Iraq. This number is double what the company made in the war-torn country the previous year; it boosts Halliburton's overall revenue some 25 percent, bringing it to over $20 billion for 2004. (2073 views)
Global Battle Erupts Over Vitamin Supplements - In an unprecedented action, the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UNICEF), and an AIDS activist group that promotes drug therapy in South Africa, joined forces in opposing vitamin therapy that exceeds the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA), and in particular vitamin C in doses they describe as being "far beyond safe levels." (2020 views)
Saudis lobby to limit liability on additive - A company largely owned by the Saudi government has spent more than $1.5 million since 1998 lobbying Congress to shield the chemical industry from liability for damages caused by MTBE, a potentially cancer-causing gasoline additive that has seeped into water supplies across New England, according to federal documents. The chemical additive is widely used, particularly in the Northeast, to help gasoline burn more efficiently and meet standards set by the Clean Air Act. But when it gets into drinking water, MTBE is suspected of causing cancer, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. (1894 views)
Buy Your Gas at Citgo: Join the BUY-cott! - Looking for an easy way to protest Bush foreign policy week after week? And an easy way to help alleviate global poverty? Buy your gasoline at Citgo stations. (2414 views)
Resistance Exposes US Forces and Iraqi Collaborators on Car Bombs - The Resistance has released a general announcement in Al-Ramadi advising the brave people of Iraq to be aware of the evil actions perpetrated by the US and its collaborators (Iraqi occupation police and army) who have been known to fire mortar shells at residential homes and set off car bombs in shopping areas and busy districts aimed at killing civilians. (1612 views)
Real wages fall as attack on US workers intensifies - In a stark indication of the mounting attack on the social conditions of American workers, the average real wage in the US has begun to decline steeply for the first time in over a decade. The decline in wages is a product of increased inflation in recent months, combined with a persistently poor job market, even in the midst of a supposed economic recovery. (2974 views)
Occupation Forces Arrest Female Iraqis to Confront the Resistance of their Husbands - The American occupation forces resort to the arrest of Iraqi women to have pressure on their husbands or brothers in the resistance to surrender to the occupation after the war machine failed in confronting resistance. (1557 views)
Not Just A Last Resort? A Global Strike Plan, With a Nuclear Option - Donald H. Rumsfeld approved a top secret "Interim Global Strike Alert Order" directing the military to assume and maintain readiness to attack hostile countries that are developing weapons of mass destruction, specifically Iran and North Korea. Two months later, Lt. Gen. Bruce Carlson, commander of the 8th Air Force, told a reporter that his fleet of B-2 and B-52 bombers had changed its way of operating so that it could be ready to carry out such missions. "We're now at the point where we are essentially on alert." "We have the capacity to plan and execute global strikes." U.S. forces are a "focal point for global strike" and could execute an attack "in half a day or less." A first strike policy is now in effect. (2064 views)
Minister of Health Asserts Israel Buried 80 Tons of Nuclear Waste in oPt - The Minister of Health, Dr. Thohni Al Wuheidi, asserted that the Israeli authorities have buried 80 tons of Nuclear waste near the city of Nablus. Dr. Al Wuheidi noted that this would affect the environment, and pollute the aquifer water with radiation, confirming previous warnings of Dr. Yousef Abu Safiyya, the head of Environment Quality Authority, who condemned the Israeli violations of the environment in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt). (1725 views)
Democracy’s Death - Haitian dissidents find themselves the targets of massive repression. The repression that has already killed 10,000 people must end immediately.
Google Map Mystery - The Google Maps satellite map of Magnolia Park, Florida shows a clear view of an unusual object floating above 39th Street in the town. The shadow on the object is similar to the shadows on the ground, meaning that it is in the atmosphere relatively close to the surface, probably no higher than 20,000 feet. (2367 views)
The deserters: Awol crisis hits the US forces - As the death toll of troops mounts in Iraq and Afghanistan, America's military recruiting figures have plummeted to an all-time low. Thousands of US servicemen and women are now refusing to serve their country. (1374 views)
Forget buying -- low-wage workers can barely afford rent - In Seattle, if you're earning the minimum wage, you have to work 90 hours a week to afford to rent an average two-bedroom unit, let alone buy one. That's just one of the most recent indicators to show housing is growing increasingly out of reach for many working families here. (2857 views)
Senate Committee to Review Controversial Patriot Act Legislation in Secret; Draft Legislation Hidden from Public - The Senate Intelligence Committee announced today that it is rushing forward with a markup of Patriot Act reauthorization legislation Thursday, but that the session will be behind closed doors. (2007 views)
Detox our racist culture - Our standard of living now depends on cheap foreign slave labour.
Galloway Oil Claims 'Based on Forgery' - Another fake document produced by the US government. Rebel MP George Galloway’s Respect Party claimed today that evidence that he profited from Saddam Hussein’s regime was forged. Mr Galloway’s name had been pasted on to a list of people and companies alleged to have made money out of the Oil For Food programme. His name appeared in a different typeface to other words on the same line, the print was lighter in colour and Respect suggested it had been stuck on and then the page re-photocopied. (1566 views)
Rights, environmental groups sue FBI to force disclosure on political monitoring - Five civil rights, animal rights and environmental groups are joining in a lawsuit against the FBI to release records about monitoring of anti-war and other political activities by federal agents assigned to counterterrorism duties. (2174 views)
Iraqis Endure Worse Conditions Than Under Saddam, UN Survey Finds - A major study by the UN and Iraqi officials found that life in Iraq has decayed significantly since foreign forces invaded, following a general trend seen in most sectors since the imposition of a global embargo in 1990. (1593 views)
Porn Star to Dine With Bush and Rove - Porn star and former gubernatorial candidate Mary Carey will be joining her boss, Kick Ass Pictures president Mark Kulkis, in attending a dinner with President Bush in Washington, D.C. on June 14. (1958 views)
Nuzak - What the mainstream media are giving us is elevator news. Recently, I encountered the term "WPN" (for "what passes for news"). I'd like to propose a related term, "Nuzak." It's a functional description of how WPN fits into the life of the average Joe, who never reads a newspaper except for the sports section. (2329 views)
Halliburton Protest: 16 Arrested, a Dozen Trampled by Horses - Four women and six men are at Houston Police Southeast and six men at at Houston Police Central. (2158 views)
Librarian's brush with FBI shapes her view of the USA Patriot Act - On June 8, 2004, an FBI agent stopped at the Deming branch of the Whatcom County Library System in northwest Washington and requested a list of the people who had borrowed a biography of Osama bin Laden. We said no. (1824 views)
Republicans Ramp Up Patriot Act to Appease Bush - The chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee is working on a bill that would renew the Patriot Act and expand government powers in the name of fighting terrorism, letting the FBI subpoena records without permission from a judge or grand jury. (2037 views)
Senate rejects better mileage for gas guzzlers - The Senate Energy Committee on Wednesday rejected a Democratic plan to require sport utility vehicles and minivans to become more fuel efficient and achieve the same gasoline mileage as passenger cars in six years. (2134 views)
Who’s who on the President’s private guest list - The professional golfer Ben Crenshaw, a Texas Supreme Court judge and dozens of major donors to President Bush’s re-election campaign were rewarded with overnight stays at the White House or Camp David last year. (2374 views)
Standing With His Campaign Donor, Today Ehrlich Abandons Maryland'S Working Families - Maryland Governor Bob Ehrlich will stand with Wal-Mart Stores COO Eduardo Castro-Wright and veto his legislature’s historic bill to compel the retail giant to pay more for its Maryland employees’ health care coverage. Wal-Mart Watch has previously called upon Ehrlich to return Wal-Mart’s campaign donations. (2180 views)
Brazil's Poor are Cut Down After a 150-mile Protest March - A 17-day protest march by 12,000 landless Brazilian peasants ended in violence as activists fought police and demanded faster government land resettlement to cut rural poverty. (2191 views)
All Fall Down - If you are wondering why Americans are losing the wars on cancer, heart disease and diabetes, you might look at the funding sources of the major public health groups. (2119 views)
Increase in 'Dead Zones' Starving the World's Seas - 'Dead zones', where pollution has starved the sea of life-giving oxygen, are increasing at a devastating rate.
Cellphones Are Frying Your Brain - Mobile phones emit microwaves. If microwave or pulsed low frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) do turn out to be carcinogenic, even if we backdate it five years, we should not be expecting to see much in the way of induced cancers for another ten years. (2639 views)
Swedish Study Finds Cell Phone-Brain Tumor Link - The chance of developing a malignant brain tumor was roughly eight times higher for cell phone users in the Swedish countryside than in urban areas. The risk of developing any brain tumor was four times higher for country dwellers using mobile phones for five years or more, compared with those who did not use the devices. (3369 views)
'Undercover Mossad agents' in UN team - A UK MP has said that four members of the United Nations weapons inspection team in Iraq are Israeli spies. Labour's George Galloway, who has campaigned against air strikes on Iraq, named four people he alleged were agents of Mossad, the Israeli secret service, working under false names and papers with the Unscom team. Was this the story that made Mr. Galloway a target of the neo-cons today? (1587 views)
Nazi-like Experiments at N.I.H. Testing AIDS Drugs on Unwitting Foster Children - The way the experiment worked was as follows, drugs that weren't yet considered safe enough for the general H.I.V. positive population were used on these kids. If the kids H.I.V. levels went down after taking the drugs, then they could then sell the drugs to the general population and take credit for healing sick kids. If the children died during the experiments, since they were H.I.V. positive before the experiments were performed, the deaths could either be written off as the H.I.V.naturally progressing to A.I.D.S., "Blood poisoning", "Pneumonia", or numerous other explanations. (3810 views)
The United States of Infantilization - We are infantilized. The snake-charming despots who rule America—who endeavor to rule the world—have succeeded in maintaining us in a state of suspended animation—not quite adult, not quite human. They can lie us into war, tell us they love freedom, and torture in our name for the sake of our oil supplies and their profits. Cynical Congressmen and Supreme Court Justices collude in the fabrications, shake their heads, blame the U.N. A Murdoch-fearing, kowtowing media pimp the lies and bury the information that replenishes democracy. Freedom without wisdom is a tree without roots. Intent to impose our brand of "freedom" abroad, we allow it to wither in the home of the brave.
CIA goes to court to hide JFK papers - The CIA is going to file papers in court today to block the release of documents relating to the JFK assassination. (2444 views)
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