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Archive for the Month of May, 2005.
Viewing Police State / Military NEWS articles 1 through 27 of 27.

May 2, 2005

Government pumping millions into "Masters Degrees" in Terror and Homeland Security - Colleges altering courses, tapping into Homeland Security funds

May 4, 2005

Draft U.S. paper allows commanders to seek preemptive nuke strikes - The U.S. military plans to allow regional combatant commanders to request the president for approval to carry out preemptive nuclear strikes against possible attacks on the United States or its allies with weapons of mass destruction, according to a draft new nuclear operations paper

May 5, 2005

Then they came for the children - The shocking case of two 16-year-old girls from New York City arrested a month ago ought to inspire outrage among every American worthy of the name. Since the government's reasons for the girls' imprisonment could apply to virtually any teenager, it should also spark fear.

May 6, 2005

Playdate for the Pentagon - The military invites firms to show off their latest, greatest gizmos.

May 7, 2005

US defence budget will equal ROW combined 'within 12 months' - Defence expenditure in the US will equal that of the rest of the world combined within 12 months, making it 'increasingly pressing' for European contractors to develop a "closer association" with the US, corporate finance group PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) says.

May 9, 2005

Plans for Civilian Internment: Stalag 17--American Style - Prison facilities exist in America, many in remote areas across our country adjacent to major highways, railroads, and airports. The infrastructure for incarcerating and executing resisters and dissenters in the coming American Holocaust has been already set up, according to the 1968 government plans code-named Operation Cable Splicer and Operation Garden Plot (FM 19-15), sub programs of the Rex 84 Program.

May 13, 2005

Shopping for War at Walmart - The U.S. military—the most powerful and destructive in the world—is growing increasingly desperate to fill its ranks. They are now recruiting in front of Wal-Mart stores.

Army Recruiters Play Hard Ball - CBS News has learned that the Army will halt recruiting for one day later this month to re-instruct its recruiters on what they may and may not legally do to persuade young people to enlist.

May 15, 2005

Bulgaria to offer three bases to U.S. - Bulgaria said Saturday it will provide three military bases for use by U.S. forces.

Centrifugal weapon could deliver stealth firepower - A gun that spits out ball bearings after spinning them to extreme speeds is being developed by a US inventor. The novel design has already caught the imagination of some defence industry experts.

May 17, 2005

Border Patrol checkpoints deep in the interior of the United States raise the specter of Soviet-style surveillance. - Border Patrol checkpoints deep in the interior of the United States raise the specter of Soviet-style surveillance, and may be intended merely to habituate the public to such police intrusions.

May 19, 2005

Not Just A Last Resort? A Global Strike Plan, With a Nuclear Option - Donald H. Rumsfeld approved a top secret "Interim Global Strike Alert Order" directing the military to assume and maintain readiness to attack hostile countries that are developing weapons of mass destruction, specifically Iran and North Korea. Two months later, Lt. Gen. Bruce Carlson, commander of the 8th Air Force, told a reporter that his fleet of B-2 and B-52 bombers had changed its way of operating so that it could be ready to carry out such missions. "We're now at the point where we are essentially on alert." "We have the capacity to plan and execute global strikes." U.S. forces are a "focal point for global strike" and could execute an attack "in half a day or less." A first strike policy is now in effect.

May 20, 2005

Senate Committee to Review Controversial Patriot Act Legislation in Secret; Draft Legislation Hidden from Public - The Senate Intelligence Committee announced today that it is rushing forward with a markup of Patriot Act reauthorization legislation Thursday, but that the session will be behind closed doors.

Rights, environmental groups sue FBI to force disclosure on political monitoring - Five civil rights, animal rights and environmental groups are joining in a lawsuit against the FBI to release records about monitoring of anti-war and other political activities by federal agents assigned to counterterrorism duties.

May 21, 2005

Republicans Ramp Up Patriot Act to Appease Bush - The chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee is working on a bill that would renew the Patriot Act and expand government powers in the name of fighting terrorism, letting the FBI subpoena records without permission from a judge or grand jury.

May 22, 2005

The United States of Infantilization - We are infantilized. The snake-charming despots who rule America—who endeavor to rule the world—have succeeded in maintaining us in a state of suspended animation—not quite adult, not quite human. They can lie us into war, tell us they love freedom, and torture in our name for the sake of our oil supplies and their profits. Cynical Congressmen and Supreme Court Justices collude in the fabrications, shake their heads, blame the U.N. A Murdoch-fearing, kowtowing media pimp the lies and bury the information that replenishes democracy. Freedom without wisdom is a tree without roots. Intent to impose our brand of "freedom" abroad, we allow it to wither in the home of the brave.

CIA goes to court to hide JFK papers - The CIA is going to file papers in court today to block the release of documents relating to the JFK assassination.

Spy vs. Spy - Proposed legislation would compel people to spy on their family members and neighbors, forcing all Americans to become foot soldiers in the war on drugs.

May 23, 2005

White House wants FBI to be able to track mail-NYT - A Bush administration proposal would grant the FBI broad authority to track the mail of people in terrorism investigations, The New York Times reported in its Saturday editions.

May 29, 2005

Military waste under fire $1 trillion missing -- Bush plan targets Pentagon accounting - The Department of Defense, already infamous for spending $640 for a toilet seat, once again finds itself under intense scrutiny, only this time because it couldn’t account for more than a trillion dollars in financial transactions, not to mention dozens of tanks, missiles and planes.

White House Wants Search Limits Overturned - The Bush administration asked a federal appeals court Friday to restore its ability to compel Internet service providers to turn over information about their customers or subscribers as part of its fight against terrorism.

Good Enough for Government Work - The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is doing its part to keep criminals off the streets -- by hiring them.

May 30, 2005

Documented proof of Stazi-like recruitment - "...it is documented proof of government involvement in active recruitment of what I call "snitches in uniform". I certainly don't need to remind you guys that these are practices not unlike the former German Stazi who turned many citizens into snitches and "surveillance staff".

Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) Calls For Military Draft - Congressman Charles Rangel (D-NY) has reintroduced legislation to reinstate the military draft.

May 31, 2005

LA Law Enforcement Wants "Registration" Of Political Dissidents - Los Angeles Sheriff Lee Baca is trying to push the California State Legislature to adopt a law that would require the registration and publication of the names political dissidents, in a manner similar to that of criminal sex offenders.

Transforming the military to protect the plutocrats - The United States Military is a fully owned subsidiary of the corporate and financial establishment. It plays no role in defending the American people. The function of today's military is to seize the world's dwindling resources through force of arms and provide a taxpayer-funded security apparatus for multi-nationals and energy giants.

Military creating 'Rods from God" - ...defense officials are developing plans to put weapons in space, things like hypervelocity rod bundles, which insiders call ''Rods from God,'' whose purpose is to penetrate subterranean targets.


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