New York Cops Murder the Fourth Amendment |
from Another Day in the Empire
Entered into the database on Friday, July 22nd, 2005 @ 17:53:39 MST |
Isn’t it nice of New York Police Commissioner Raymond
Kelly to allow citizens to “turn around and leave” the subway
system instead subjecting themselves to massive violations of the Fourth Amendment
of the (now almost completely dead) Constitution. In the wake of the Gladio-style
bombings in London, New York will serve as an incubator for the dismantlement
of our once cherished rights, guaranteed by the cornerstone of the republic,
the Bill of Rights. “I would not be surprised if New Jersey saw searches
in the near future on the trains,” an official
(undoubtedly sworn to uphold the Constitution, but never mind) said. In other
words, New Jersey will allow events to unfold in New York and then implement
the same repressive, police state measures. Ditto Washington (see this
article), San Francisco, Chicago, Detroit, Houston, etc. “A Manhattan
stockbroker says he doesn’t mind if police make the searches for the right
reasons, saying they’ve been needed ever since the 9/11 attacks,”
reports the Associated Press. For the right reasons? And what reasons would
those be? Oh, stopping al-Qaeda “suicide bombers,” the sort of bombers
who supposedly struck London, even though the story pedaled in the corporate
media is total rubbish, predicated on hysterical supposition linked to a documented
myth of al-Qaeda terrorism. How long before New York police begin executing
South Asian men or Arabs like the Brits did? Precedent set, New Jersey and Washington
will take a “wait-and-see” attitude and then begin executing its
Muslims too for jumping turnstiles or wearing bulky jackets on warm days. |