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Archive for the Month of May, 2005.
Viewing Government / The Elite NEWS articles 1 through 10 of 10.

May 11, 2005

Bizarre Sex Habits of The Extreme Right-Wing - Rabid right-wing, anti-abortion extremist Neal Horsley was a guest on The Alan Colmes Show and admitted to having sex with a mule.

Larry Flynt: Bush UN nominee won't answer questions about troubled marriage - Corroborated allegations that Mr. Bolton’s first wife, Christina Bolton, was forced to engage in group sex have not been refuted by the State Department despite inquires posed by Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt concerning the allegations. Mr. Flynt has obtained information from numerous sources that Mr. Bolton participated in paid visits to Plato’s Retreat, the popular swingers club that operated in New York City in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

May 13, 2005

Bilderberg Meetings 5-8 May 2005: List of the Participants - Among the Attendees are representatives from Big Banks and Investment Firms, Big Media, and Military. Also Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle are in attendance this year.

May 15, 2005

Keeping Hunter Thompson's death alive - Isn't it strange that Thompson wrote on page 3 of "The New Dumb," the first article in his last book, Hey Rube, 2004, "The autumn months are never a calm time in America. . . . There is always a rash of kidnapping and abductions of schoolchildren in the football months. Preteens of both sexes are traditionally seized and grabbed off the streets by gangs of organized perverts who traditionally give them as Christmas gifts to each other to be personal sex slaves and playthings."

Bush Discloses Ownership of as Much as $18 Million in Assets - President George W. Bush and his wife, Laura, reported owning financial assets and property in 2004 valued between $7.8 million and $18.1 million, according to federal financial disclosure forms released at the White House today.

May 18, 2005

Bush's House Homophobe - The Office of Special Counsel exists to protect federal workers from job discrimination and whistle-blowing retaliation. Here's how Scott Bloch turned it into a haven for gay-bashing and partisan politics.

May 21, 2005

Who’s who on the President’s private guest list - The professional golfer Ben Crenshaw, a Texas Supreme Court judge and dozens of major donors to President Bush’s re-election campaign were rewarded with overnight stays at the White House or Camp David last year.

May 22, 2005

Gorgeous George - An Open Letter to U.S. Democratic Elected Officials - All Galloway had to do was tell the unvarnished truth, and it had exactly the same effect. If Democrats had half the spine that Galloway does… if you would stop chasing your creepy little careers through the caviar and chicken-salad circuits of duck-and-cover American political double-speak, then not only would people like me not be calling for all to abandon the Democratic Party and take their fight to the streets like good Bolivians... not only that, but you’d have won the last election.

May 29, 2005

The world in the palm of their hands: Bilderberg 2005 - Here are some of the issues discussed at the Bilderberg group's secret annual meeting for the world's most powerful financiers, industrialists, and political figures. They rule the world and they plan on how to continue ruling the world.

May 31, 2005

The 'I' word: Impeachment - THE IMPEACHMENT of President Bush and Vice President Cheney, under Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, should be part of mainstream political discourse.


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