The OAS and Nicaragua: The Very Model of a Modern Intervention |
by toni solo Dissident Voice Entered into the database on Wednesday, June 15th, 2005 @ 08:37:07 MST |
The 35th summit of the Organization of American States (OAS) was held in Fort
Lauderdale, Florida in the first days of June this year. It marked another tactical
defeat for the Bush regime's State Department under Condoleezza Rice and her Latin
American point man Roger Noriega. Noriega and Rice performed in tune with the
aleatory mix of wishful thinking, hypocrisy and bullying that traditionally mar
US diplomacy in Latin America. With Noriega accusing Venezuela of organizing the popular uprising in Bolivia
(1), Rice tried to convince Latin American leaders to expand OAS powers of intervention
by creating new mechanisms to monitor democracy in individual countries and
intervene where necessary. That proposal, widely regarded as directed at Venezuela,
was rejected by an embarrassingly large majority of OAS members. The Brazilian
foreign Minister Celso Amorin, apparently forgetful of his government's role
in Haiti, declared “democracy cannot be imposed.” (2) In contrast
to the US failure to advance its aggressive agenda, a Venezuelan resolution
proposing a Social Charter for the Americas was accepted. (3) The acute crises in Bolivia and Haiti received surprisingly little attention
in the summit, which dealt among other things with internal housekeeping such
as the election of Surinamese Albert Ramdin as deputy to the recently appointed
Secretary General, Chilean Jose Insulza. Among the fallout from the anti-climax,
a little reported item may herald a more determined hard line by the United
States and its regional allies against growing anti-imperialist resistance in
Latin America. The OAS agreed to send Secretary General Insulza to Nicaragua
to help the crumbling US client there, President Enrique Bolaños. While Noriega seethes in impotent frustration at the onward march of Venezuela
and Rice continues to flounder out of her depth, John Maisto the US representative
to the OAS cleans up after them. Maisto has decades of solid experience as a
career diplomat in Latin America. Like his stable-mate John Negroponte, he is
typical of the many shrewd, competent officials available to the Bush regime
to counter-balance futile ideologues like Rice and Noriega. As US ambassador
to Managua in the 1980s, Maisto managed the internal front for the counter-revolution
in Nicaragua. During the Sandinista government, Maisto ran Enrique Bolaños
when the current Nicaraguan President headed up the anti-Sandinista Nicaraguan
business organization COSEP. From Quito to Managua Avoiding La Paz Subsequently, Ecuador rejected the OAS observers' report out of hand. The Ecuadorian
ambassador to the OAS denounced it as blatant interference in Ecuador's internal
affairs. (5) Since the observer mission was not empowered to make recommendations,
the diplomatic spat seemed inconsequential at the time. But it fed other countries'
vehement resistance to the US proposal in Florida to give the OAS more direct
powers of intervention. People in Ecuador followed the Bolivian model of popular protest to remove
their dictatorial President. They succeeded because Lucio Gutierrez had virtually
no popular support. Similarly, the OAS proved useless in its efforts to prop
up Carlos Mesa as president in Bolivia against the massive rejection of his
attempts to favor the wishes of multinational energy corporations and the IMF
against the interests of the impoverished majority. In Nicaragua, the disappearance of political support for President Bolaños
has created crisis conditions similar to those that led to the fall of Gutierrez
in Ecuador and Mesa in Bolivia. In late May this year, the OAS sent a “technical
mission” to monitor the institutional dispute between President Bolaños
and the National Assembly. The OAS mission's report sided inevitably with the
beleaguered Bolaños administration, the imperial US proxy currently on
duty in Managua. In 2004, Bolaños narrowly escaped legal proceedings for misuse of electoral
funds. Similar moves against Lucio Gutierrez in Ecuador were the prelude to
his downfall. Likewise, in Peru, President Toledo is also accused of electoral
infringements and campaign funding abuses. (6) All these Presidents represent
anti-patriotic interests subservient to the regime in Washington. All their
administrations have been tainted with corruption. Bolaños enjoys little
domestic political support, like Toledo, Mesa and Gutierrez, hence the political
crises that have either toppled those Presidents or brought them to the brink
of defeat. Bolaños Modernizes the William Walker Gambit Norman Caldera and Enrique Bolaños are representative specimens of the
Nicaraguan oligarchy. Vain, greedy, mediocre white machistas, they have never
apologized to the Nicaraguan people for collaborating with the murderous US
terror war against Nicaragua through the 1980s. Lacking in humility, personally
immature, they still project blame for the current ills of Nicaragua into the
past, back fifteen or twenty years onto the Sandinista revolution. The conflict in Nicaragua is now as it has always been: a class and race conflict.
Nostalgic for the days when their white-skinned class held sway undisputed,
Enrique Bolaños and his colleagues are determined to hang on to the vestiges
of power so as to continue to sell out their country in the style to which they
are accustomed. In this they resemble their forebears in the 19th century oligarchy
that invited William Walker and his filibusters to Nicaragua. Now brought up
to date, the same policy of sell-out collaboration with foreign intervention
is being applied via the OAS. They are acting while they still have time and the correlation of forces is
not entirely adversarial. As Nicaragua's elected government, Bolaños
and his team are within their rights to appeal for OAS advice and appraisal.
But almost all legislators and jurists in Nicaragua overwhelmingly reject Bolaños'
attempt to override genuine dialogue by attempting to impose a resolution secured
recently from the Central American Court over Nicaragua's own constitution.
The constitution in its very first article states, “Independence, sovereignty
and national self-determination are irrevocable rights of the people and the
basis of the Nicaraguan nation. All foreign interference in the internal affairs
of Nicaragua or any attempt to undermine those rights injures the life of the
people. It is the duty of all Nicaraguans to preserve and defend those rights.”
(8) Apparently ignoring their oath to uphold the country's constitution, Caldera
and Bolaños make implausible, foolish attempts to argue that the recent
Central American Court ruling trumps Nicaragua’s own Magna Carta. In Bolivia, President Mesa walked inexorably to defeat with each attempt he
made to defend unconstitutional policies favoring foreign energy multinationals.
The longer President Bolaños refuses to recognize his political failure
and the fatal inadequacy of his government's submission to the IMF, the World
Bank and the US government, the deeper the crisis in Nicaragua will become.
Like Mesa in Bolivia and Gutierrez in Ecuador, Bolaños and his colleagues
put foreign interests before the needs of their people. Of that, last week's attempt to force through an 11% price rise in electricity
prices at the behest of the Spanish energy multinational Union Fenosa is just
the latest proof. Superficially, the Nicaraguan government seems embattled in
a domestic tiff with the national legislature. At a deeper level, the government
is working on behalf of the IMF and the United States to defeat national resistance
to corporate economic and environmental pillage and to imperialist political
subjugation. Managua and La Paz -- The Empire Experiments... Condoleezza Rice, Roger Noriega, John Maisto and their regional allies most
likely hope that the scheduled visit of OAS Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza
to Managua will help develop a model of diplomatic intervention sufficient to
stem the anti-imperialist tide washing over Latin America. For them Nicaragua
is a symbolic prize they cannot afford to lose. Unfortunately, the available
human material to keep Nicaragua in its current imperialist straitjacket is
as poor as that available in Venezuela and Bolivia. Worn out, useless lumpen-oligarchy
dunderheads posture without a clue as to how to address their country's social,
economic and environmental problems. Insulza's visit to Nicaragua should be assessed together with what is happening
in Bolivia. Various elements of both situations will be taken and applied by
Washington's Latin America team for use against the Venezuelan government and
elsewhere when necessary. In Nicaragua, they are practicing the best way to
use OAS mechanisms to undermine constitutional sovereignty. In Bolivia, they are exploring how to defeat popular attempts to control national
resources by engineering autonomy or outright secession of resource-rich provinces
like Santa Cruz. For Santa Cruz, Bolivia, read Zulia, Venezuela. There is no
doubt the US government will develop both the Nicaraguan and the Bolivian interventionist
modalities for use in Venezuela and elsewhere when conditions permit. toni solo is an activist based in Central America. He can be contact via |