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Children 'tortured under Pinochet'
from The Australian
Entered into the database on Friday, June 03rd, 2005 @ 21:02:48 MST


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A commission investigating torture of political prisoners during Augusto Pinochet's military dictatorship delivered a report including the cases of 87 children, some of whom were tortured, President Ricardo Lagos announced today.

"In the list that has been handed to us there are 87 children under the age of 12," Mr Lagos said on receiving the report by the Valech Commission.

Most of the children had been jailed with their parents and some of them reported having been tortured, according to the report. Their identities were to be kept secret for another 50 years.

The commission delivered a preliminary report in November, after the testimony of 28,000 prisoners who said they were tortured. The commission left out 7000 more cases for which it said there was insufficient evidence.

The second report added 1201 people to the preliminary list of victims. Survivors are expected to receive compensation for damages but details have not yet been worked out.