Time to dust off the trusty Spotlight 'O Terror! |
by Steve teambio.org Entered into the database on Thursday, August 10th, 2006 @ 13:08:59 MST |
Green - Low: This setting is
here just as a reference point. DHS will never use it because it would me we
didn’t need them anymore. Blue - Guarded: This rarely used
setting on the Stoplight ‘O Terror could indicate things like an undocumented
worker within 3 square miles of the president. Yellow - Elevated: This is the standard level
of fear. Don’t expect to see anything lower than this as long as the Regressives
are in office. Be scared, but not too scared to vote Republican. Orange - High: Chertoff heard
that someone in the CIA’s brother’s boss’ nephew’s sister-in-law
heard about a plan to blow up Amish Country Popcorn Factory in Berne Indiana.
It’s ok to pee your pants at this level. Red - Severe: OMFGPWNBBQ!!!1!
A terror attack was recently narrowly averted. We can’t release
any details but just be thankful we saved your asses. Used frequently before
midterm elections. See October Surprise. ___________________________ Read from Looking Glass News Simulated
nuclear explosion planned in Hawaii for Aug 14-16 Beware
Isreali False Flag Ops Planned Via Cheney Texas
City a strike point for nuclear attack? "False
Flagg" op called Rosetta Stone of 9/11 Memo:
False Flag Terror Will Save Bush Israel,
Mossad, Iran & Nuclear False Flag Attack It's
a small world, anthrax division Anthrax?
Hello? Anybody Home? Hello? US
army plans to bulk-buy anthrax US
begins building treaty-breaching germ war defence centre Did
the Miltary Use DC Protest to Test Bio-weaponTularemia? Biological
Warfare Against Bush Opponents? |