Britain's Immigrant Holocaust |
by Colnbrook Detainees Forum The Centre for Research on Globalisation Entered into the database on Sunday, June 11th, 2006 @ 14:16:51 MST |
Torture and Dehumanizing Treatment in Britain's Immigration "Detention
Centres" The following detailed statement has been made by the Colnbrook Detainees Forum.
Anyone who has visited a UK immigration detention centre will know that is is
not exaggerated. Anyone who has not been to one should go. It will make you
sick to the stomach to see what we, a so-called civilised society, are doing
to innocent people who simply asked for asylum; to see how much human misery
and desperation we are causing by allowing this government's deeply flawed and
inhumane immigration policies to continue. Detentions in deplorable conditions
with appalling mistreatment and no end in sight – how is this right? How
does it make any sense? When is anyone in authority going to really challenge
the legality of this system of unjust and indefinite incarceration of asylum
seekers? Close all detention centres – they are not representative of
the majority of the British public. AN OPEN PETITION TO THE WORLD: The Immigrant Holocaust We the persecuted immigration detainees of colnbrook.i.r.c, with one voice
hereby cry out to the prime minister and members of the honourable parliament
to come to our aid and save us from what we are convinced is an extra-judicial,
highly unethical, and criminal violation of international human rights and fundamental
freedoms, as protected by international conventions. Immigration is a bumbling
giant that is grossly abusing the powers granted it in various policies. It
even goes as far as violating its own published policies. This abuse of power
we know cannot be to the knowledge of the prime minister, and parliament as
they are obscene and barbaric to say the least. The IND operates by hidden,
and undisclosed policies that are criminally malevolent, and if a drastic action
is not taken to control this “runaway train”, there will be dire
a consequences in the international embarrassment these actions of immigration
would cause the government and people of the United Kingdom. The systematic guerrilla warfare being waged against immigrants and refugees
by the IND has now blown open into an all out war. The Home office no longer
tries to cover up its true intentions to eliminate all immigrants and refugee
from the UK. This fact was clearly stated last week by an under cover, inspection
of Colnbrook detention centre by the Home office secretary, John Reid, under
the pretence of meeting with asylum seekers. Very much like the “Fuhrer”
visiting his precious “Auschwitz”. No asylum seeker ever saw; talk
less of spoke to the Home secretary. He was surrounded by such a crowd of security
and body guards. If the home office’s intentions were clean, why would
they sneak in the home secretary, in such a clandestine manner, that most detainees
never knew that he was there until he had left. The home office was so secretive
about his visit that even detention custody officers, who work everyday with
the detainees, were not aware, or so they claimed. But apart from all that,
the big question is why the secrecy and falsehood? If the IND was really honest,
they would admit the evil which their concentration camps around the country,
have come to represent. If and when an international investigation of the crimes
against humanity perpetrated by the IND is carried out, and the true extents
of these atrocities are exposed, the convicts of Nuremberg would turn in their
graves. Call us melodramatic, but we speak with the authority of all detainees in this
centre, who are willing to testify to the animosity with which they are treated...
And melodramatic or not, the fact remains that the similarities between the
UK detention centres and the third Reich’s concentration camps, are startling
and will fill any human being with a conscience, with dread. Especially if one
considers the newest mechanism of torture employed by Colnbrook IRC. In the
last couple days they have mysteriously, “run out of food” before
everyone has eaten, covertly introducing starvation, to the list of atrocities.
But this is nothing new, in comparison to what is currently the most evil immigration
establishment anywhere on earth, the ALL BARBARIC HARMONDWORTH, UKDS. These covert deaths camps, or are they “detention centres” are
extremely talented in the art of psychological and physical torture, and dehumanising
treatment. Places like Haslar and Hamondworth where detainees are routinely
beaten and starved, stripped naked and exposed to extreme temperatures, and
grievous bodily harm, for the slightest of demonstrations or protest. Shameful
examples are the men who were stripped naked, beaten, and same instances almost
crippled, for speaking to the press, during organised peaceful demonstrations.
Another who was stripped to his briefs and kept in solitary confinement in extreme
cold of mid winter in Harmondworth, or is it the man who was force fed when
he persisted on his eight month hunger strike in Colnbrook, (by which time he
would readily qualify as a holocaust survivor, just liberated) or a disabled
man who had to undergo forty eight hours of a sickle cell crisis without medical
attention at Doncaster, and was later transferred to London in agony when the
refusal of the centre manager to call the ambulance sparked a mass unrest among
the detainees. The list of dehumanising, degrading, torturing treatment of immigrants is as
endless as the list of its victims all over the UK All that is left for history’s replay to be complete are the “gas
chambers”, although the might prove not to be needed because detainees
are committing suicide or attempting it so often, to save the executioner the
trouble, and the gas bills. A sad, and alarming example are the three separate
suicide attempts at Colnbrook’ C’ Unit, within twelve hours, or
a week later another also followed in his predecessors’ desperate steps
to end their suffering at the hands of the IND. All these individuals are available
to testify in any investigation. We would like to highlight a few of the more
obvious similarities of the Jews of 1945 and the immigrants of 2006. Liberty: The “illegal immigrant”, or “failed asylum seekers”
are summarily rounded up in dawn raids from their unsuspecting homes, arrested
on the streets, in market places, at their work places, and even in phone booths.
- Detention is the first and only option considered. - Most are continually
detained even though their cases cannot be resolved anytime soon, because they
have appeals, and high court reviews ongoing - Children and whole families are
detained. - Able and disable, health or sick there are no distinctions by the
Gestapo or “immigration officers”. - Their property is randomly
confiscated and looted. - They are shackled, beaten and humiliated in public
places. - They are not given a fair hearing, nor allowed any proper representation.
- They are coerced, into making statements under duress, so as to provide false
evidence to be used against them, or fellow detainees. Detention: They are detained for the longest period imaginable until death, forced deportation,
or God rescues them. - In conditions that would make a Billy goat ill. - Starved,
roasted, or frozen in non-ventilated cells - Castigated, defamed, and persecuted
by agents of Reich like the tabloid press, e.g the all ignorant NEWS OF THE
WORLD. - Detained in contravention international conventions, and the rule of
law. - Discriminated against, routinely in the interpretation of laws, and policies.
- Detained at the furthermost distances firm their families and legal representatives,
to prevent their contact with outside world. Treatment: This is surely the clincher, as even S.S. Gen. Heinrich Himmler himself couldn’t
have done any better, or is it worse? - The "illegal immigrants" are
denied medical attention especially in emergencies. - They are constantly subjected
to indiscriminate searches and intensely intrusive physical contact from total
strangers. - They are forced to take showers with cold water, in the open, in
the full glare of female detention officers. - They are constantly beaten, assaulted,
insulted, and isolated for the slightest “infringement” or protests.
- Verbal, racial, and psychological abuses are the major weapons of their torture.
- Physical violence during forced removals, shackles, leg irons, tranquilizers
are the norm. The greatest malevolence of all is the social stigma placed on immigrants by
the Gestapo immigration, and its propaganda machine: its most powerful tool
of psychological warfare against immigrants. This propaganda machine is the
tabloid press, including The News of the World newspaper, the Sun, Mirror, Daily
Mail, which have vested interests in the demonising and social crucifixion of
immigrants. This is very clear in their objectives, as pointed out by their
turning the phrase “asylum seekers” into a synonym for “psychopathic
career criminal”. We have become so consumed we cannot even decide where to stop. The evils go
on forever; how does one even begin to say enough? But we are Christians. Believers
in God, and His son, the saviour, Jesus Christ. We believe that God will stir
up the hearts that read this into showing compassion to the persecuted immigrants,
asylum seekers and refugees. I believe that just as God thwarted the ambitions
of the third Reich in exterminating the "illegal immigrants". in 1945,
the God who is “the same yesterday, today and forever” will also
bring to nothing but failure, the extermination, and psychological terrorism
of the immigrants today. One thing we know for certain, no matter how long this lasts, one day we shall
see the sun, and our morning will come. As in the words of God, in the Holly
Bible: “Though weeping lasts in the night, but joy comes in the morning”. We would like to use this opportunity to humbly ask for the immediate cessation
of these hostilities against us immigrants. We respectfully demand fair treatment:
the immediate release of every detainee in detention for over 28 days, the stoppage
of all forced deportations, the granting of temporary work permits to enable
us earn a living, and a relaxation of the strict conditions any release granted. We also beg for an independent committee to be set up by the parliament to
investigate the activities of the IND, the AIT, and the detention centres, as
these bodies are guilty of breaching government policies, and international
conventions. We beg this discretion of the parliament, with all our distressed
but humble hearts, pleading in the name of all the humanitarian virtue, justice,
and freedom that the UK has stood, and still stands for, in the international
community. We want to believe that someone out there does not believe asylum
seekers and immigrants are the monsters they have been made out to be. That
they are human beings only trying to fulfil the most basic of human instincts:
SURVIVAL. We hope there are still people with more scruples and principles than
Mr. Mazher Mahmood, who will put humanity before personal, and political benefits,
and will come to the rescue of we lowly immigrants; we are persecuted, isolated,
and alienated, the least a civilised society like the UK can give us is an objective,
and fair scrutiny. In the words of our lord Jesus Christ: blessed are the merciful,
for they shall receive mercy. We beseech you; show us MERCY, and the lord GOD
will also have mercy on, and reward you. |