How They Stole Ohio And the GOP 4-step Recipe to "Blackwell" the USA in 2008 |
by Greg Palast Entered into the database on Sunday, June 04th, 2006 @ 11:44:28 MST |
ABRACADABRA: THREE MILLION VOTES VANISH This is a fact: On November 2, 2004, in the State of Ohio, 239,127
votes for President of the United States were dumped, rejected, blocked, lost
and left to rot uncounted. And not just anyone's vote. Dive into the electoral dumpster and these
"spoiled" votes have a very dark color indeed. In another life, I taught statistics. And these statistics stank: the raw data
tells us that if you are a Black voter, the chance of you losing your vote to
technical errors in voting machinery is 900% higher than if you were a white
voter. Any guesses as to whom those African-Americans chose for president on those
junked ballots? Check Ohio's racial demographics, do the numbers, and there
it is: Kerry won Ohio. And that, too, is a fact. A fact that could not get reported
in the USA. But the shoplifting of those votes in Ohio was just the tip of the theft-berg.
November 2, 2004 was a national ballot-box bonfire. In total, over three million
votes (3,600,380 to be exact) were cast -- marked, punched, pulled -- YET NEVER
COUNTED. I'm not talking about the Ukraine or Uganda. I'm talking about the
United States of America "with liberty and justice for all." Well, not "all." The nine-to-one Black-to-White ballot spoilage rate
is a national statistic -- not just an Ohio trick. Last year, I flew to New
Mexico to investigate the 33,981 cast but not counted ballots of that state
in the 2004 race. George Bush "won" New Mexico by 5,988 votes. Or
did he? I calculated that, of the all the ballots rejected and "spoiled,"
89% were cast by voters of color. Who won New Mexico? Kerry won -- or he would
have, if they had counted the ballots. But they didn't count them. And that was deliberate. It's in the plan. It's
the program. And the program for 2008 is simple. Two million ballots were cast
but not counted in the 2000 race. (Over half, 54%, were cast by African-American.)
In 2004, the GOP kicked it up to THREE million. Get ready, these guys aim high:
"four in '06" and "five in '08" looks to be their game plan.
How will they pile up five million un-voters in 2008? Let's start with
the three million "disappeared" of 2004: Step 1: "Spoiling" ballots -- 1,389,231 of them.
In the vote-count game, these are called "undervotes" and "overvotes."
You can recognize these lost ballots by their hanging chads, punch cards without
punches (an Ohio specialty), paper ballots eaten by scanners, and touch screens
that didn't know you touched them. Step 2: Rejecting "provisional ballots"-- 1,090,729
in this pile. Voters finding themselves at the "wrong" precinct,
or wrongly "scrubbed" from voter rolls get these back-of-the-bus
ballots first inaugurated in 2002. In '04, provisional ballots were passed
out like candy to voters in the poorest precincts. They handed them out --
then threw them away -- one million dumped in all. In Ohio, Republican Secretary
of State Kenneth Blackwell changed state rules, allowing him to toss out the
ballots of legal voters who cast ballots in the wrong precinct although these
citizens were told their vote would count after confirming their registration.
Step 3: Not counting absentee ballots -- 526,420 of them.
At least, that's what we figure from official stats. But it's anyone's guess
how many mailed-in votes were dumped. (However, in one case, in Palm Beach,
Florida, Jeb Bush's candidate for Elections Supervisor, Theresa LaPore, counted
more absentee votes than absentee ballots mailed in. Not the brightest bulb
in the vote-fix biz, that Theresa.) Step 4: Scrub'm, Purge'm, Block'm. These are the voters
who never got to vote at all. This group includes those who found their registrations
were never entered on the voter rolls. In Ohio, about one-fourth of those
registered by Jesse Jackson's 2004 voter drive, found their registrations
delayed beyond the election date or lost. Add to this un-voter group, those who were wrongly "scrubbed" from
registries as "felons." For example, there was Bernice Kines, purged
in Florida in 2004 because she was convicted of a felony on July 31, 2009. I
repeat: 2009. There was something especially odd about the Ohio felon purge:
ex-cons are ALLOWED to vote in that state, Mr. Blackwell. How many lost their chance to vote by scrubbing, purging and blocking? That's
anyone's guess, but one million would not be an unfair estimate -- and that's
not included in the 3.6 million tally of ballots uncounted. Was it deliberate? Oh my God, yes. I'd like you to take a look at the "caging"
lists the Republican National Committee concocted to challenge voters with "suspect"
addresses. It included page after page of African-American soldiers, like one
Randall Prausa, shipped overseas. Mission accomplished, Mr. President? And there's some new tricks for these old dogs. For the 2006 and 2008, the
GOP is pushing new Voter ID requirements. Your signature won't be good enough
anymore. What's wrong with the new ID laws? This: in the 2004 election, 300,000 voters
were turned away from the polls for "wrong" ID. For example, in the
"Little Texas" counties in New Mexico, if your voter registration
included a middle initial but your driver's license had none, you were kicked
out of the polling station. Funny, but they only seemed to ask Hispanic voters.
We should see the number of voters rejected for ID to quintuple by 2008 based
on the new "voting reform" laws recently passed in several states.
Also, coming to a polling station near you: more caging lists, scrub lists,
ID challenge lists and more. Exactly why do you think they are compiling those
"War on Terror" and War on Immigration databases? Behind the 2000
felon purge lists and behind the 2004 caging lists were databases from the same
companies that now have those homeland security contracts. Are they saving us
from Osama -- or from Democrats? I wish I could give you a book on a page, because information is our weapon:
Turn on the lights and the cockroaches scatter. That's why I'm asking you to
read RFK's
article on the Theft of Ohio -- and GET ANGRY. Then read, "Armed
Madhouse: & The Scheme to Steal '08' -- AND GET READY. BBC investigative reporter Greg Palast is author
of ARMED MADHOUSE: Who's Afraid of Osama Wolf?, The Scheme to Steal 'O8, No
Child's Behind Left and other Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Class War
-- out Tuesday. Or order it at
_______________________ Read from Looking Glass News Was the 2004 Election Stolen? - by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. All news articles concerning voting integrity |