Iraq Then and Now -- The Actors and Events |
by Mohamed Elmasry Media Monitors Network Entered into the database on Wednesday, April 05th, 2006 @ 15:59:18 MST |
"During the 1930s and 1940s, the U.S. supported the British occupation
of Iraq. Today, the same actors occupy the same stage, but with reversed roles."
PERIOD: Then: 1930s and 1940s PRIZE: Then: Iraqi oil MAIN AGGRESSORS: Then: Great Britain (UK) SUPPORTING-ROLE AGGRESSORS: Then: United States CHEERLEADERS: Then: Jews in Palestine SEQUENCE OF EVENTS: Iraq was separated from the Ottoman Empire and taken over by Great Britain
in 1920. In 1927, vast reserves of oil were discovered and since then, Iraq
has been (and still is) the victim of Western exploitation and aggression. On June 30, 1930 Iraq was given nominal independence (on paper) and a puppet
government was installed. It signed over favorable rights for oil to British
companies and British army bases dotted the whole country. An oil pipeline was
built between Iraq and Haifa, facilitated by Jews living in Palestine. The now-public correspondence of Dennis Knabenshue, the U.S. representative
in Iraq during the 1940s, suggests parallels with what is happening right now.
Here are some examples: 1]. During the 1930s and 1940s, the U.S. supported the British
occupation of Iraq. Today, the same actors occupy the same stage, but with reversed
roles. 2]. With U.S. help, the British pressured Iraq to maintain
only enough defense forces to protect oil production facilities. 3]. As World War II loomed, Great Britain pressured the Iraqi
government to sever diplomatic relations with Germany and Italy. On May 5, 1939
Iraq broke ties with Germany even before Canada did. Today, the U.S. recommends
to the Iraqi government which countries it should have diplomatic relations
with, and which it should not. 4]. During the 1940s, Iraqi political leaders who opposed
the British occupation, such as Rashid Kelany, were sacked; others, like King
Faisal II and the Regent Abdul Ilah, were supported. 5]. From 1936 to 1941, Iraq went through no fewer than seven
military takeovers, or takeover attempts, on the government. The British maintained
a divide-and-rule policy and provoked political instability. 6]. To appease Jewish immigrants in Palestine, the British
pressured the Iraqi government to mistreat Palestinians and their leaders who
fled to Iraq as refugees. 7]. The British of the mid-20th century -- like the Americans
of today -- were primarily interested in securing the main prize of Iraqi oil
by acquiring Iranian oil as well and pressuring Syria not to be involved in
Iraq. 8]. Pro-British Iraqi Prime Minister, Nuri Pasha as-Said,
was forced to resign in March 1940 when he became unpopular with the Iraqi army.
9]. Whenever the British were unable to influence Iraqi government
policies to serve their interests, they turned to Knabenshue, Washington's "man
in Baghdad," to do the job. 10]. Knabenshue would order the Iraqi government to shut down
any newspaper which seemed pro-Germany, or that advocated an end to the British
occupation: the Iraqi government had to comply, or be replaced. 11]. In two stormy meetings between Knabenshue and Iraqi PM
Rashid Kelany in May 1940, Knabenshue threatened Kelany with replacement if
the security of Americans or Jews in Iraq was compromised; he even threatened
to use force to ensure his demands were met. 12]. When meeting with Iraqi government officials, Knabenshue
also tried to foment enmity between Iraq and Iran. In one such meeting with
PM Kelany, he asserted that there was a large fifth column in Iran, working
against the interests of both the U.S. and Great Britain. 13]. In his reports, Knabenshue made many racist comments
regarding Iraqi officials, even those who fully co-operated with him. 14]. Knabenshue reported to the U.S. government every movement
of any Iraqi official -- including an unannounced trip by Prime Minister Nuri
Pasha as- Said to Egypt, Syria, and Palestine in August, 1940. 15]. Knabenshue reported back to Washington that the Iraqi
people hated the British because the Iraqi government asked the British more
than 130 times to bomb tribal areas during the years 1921 to 1933. |