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Why did Bush hire Death Squads Negroponte to Spy On US ?
by Ben Frank
Entered into the database on Monday, January 23rd, 2006 @ 20:26:01 MST


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It’s been exposed that Bush and Co have been spying on Peace Groups. Not spying to stop al-Qaeda, but spying to silence dissent. These are the tactics of a dictator. Constitutional scholars agree that Bush broke the law, clearly violating the Constitution.

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government." ~Patrick Henry

Bush blatantly lied when he said they were only spying on al-Qaeda. In fact, they plugged into the nation’s main telecommunication arteries in a massive data-mining operation, scooping up everything and doing a pattern analysis, "searching for terrorists".

Bush says it’s to protect us, but he also says his tax cuts for the rich were a good thing, that he didn’t really know Ken Lay, that the war in Iraq has made us safer, and lots of other lies.

How can anyone continue to believe this proven pathological liar?

So this is all bad enough… but to top it off, Bush appointed Death Squads Negroponte as the Top Spymaster. He has access to all the NSA spying data, with limited Congressional Oversight.

Negroponte gained his nickname in the 80’s when he oversaw Honduran Death Squads for Pappy Bush (Reagan was a puppet like W).

According to The New York Times, Negroponte carried out "the covert strategy of the Reagan administration to crush the [opposition]"

In 2005 Dubya appointed him Ambassador to Iraq, where rumors of Death Squads surfaced soon after, and were confirmed in a Knight-Ridder article in Dec.

Now he’s the top spy in America, with every tool and technology available, he has the ability to, "impose total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight back."

Why would a President hire someone nicknamed Death Squads Negroponte to spy on his own citizens?