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30 Gitmo Prisoners Near Death
by Ann Wright    afterdowningstreet.org
Entered into the database on Monday, January 23rd, 2006 @ 12:52:11 MST


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This weekend I am a juror on the Commission evaluating whether the Bush administration has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Today, Barbara Olshansky, the lead attorney for the Center for Constitutional Rights and one of the persons most knowledgeable about conditions in Guantanamo Prison, told us that over 250 people are on a hunger strike. 30 have been on the hunger strike since August and have been force fed through nose tubes since then.

These 30 are about to die according to Olshansky. CCR has been trying to get the US military to allow phone calls from relatives in the last days of the prisoners. CCR is also trying to arrange for appropriate burial -- most are Muslims and the US military is of course in a quandry on where to bury them and how quickly.