Cut to the Chase or Risk Irrelevance: The Plain and Simple Truth of 9/11 |
from 911Truth.org
Entered into the database on Monday, January 16th, 2006 @ 11:35:37 MST |
As a full time activist and researcher, it is obvious, from my perspective,
that we as a movement still have serious work to do to inform millions of people.
The government, media and so-called progressive organizations have resisted
even seriously considering the overwhelming evidence of official lies. We still
must find a way to break through the silence--and we cannot fail. The obvious task is to distill the analysis down to simple, powerful messages.
Then we must realize that any one of the points is enough to pierce and shatter
the official deception of 9/11. This may be the most difficult thing to realize
for a movement filled with intellectuals who have engaged in the process of
analyzing the broad spectrum of issues, including the important factor of historical
context. However, nothing can match the importance of arriving at a succinct,
powerful, and compelling strategy to expose the reality behind 9/11 because
each day that passes brings more death and destruction, and worsening of social,
economic, environmental and political conditions on the planet. Getting mired
in complexity is an unfortunate risk we face. So here is a list of facts,
supported by sources, that add up to the plain and simple truth about 9/11. Steel frame buildings cannot collapse at virtually the speed of gravity,
symmetrically, straight down into a relatively small pile of rubble due to
fire or any other natural occurrence. Case closed… A New York Times article entitled “Engineers are baffled over
the collapse of 7 WTC; Steel members have been partly evaporated,” provides
relevant data. "Experts said no building like it [WTC7], a modern, steel-reinforced
high-rise, had ever collapsed because of an uncontrolled fire." (Glanz,
2001) That’s correct – no such steel-beam building had ever before
(or since) completely collapsed due to fires! However, such complete, symmetrical
collapses in steel-frame buildings have indeed occurred many times before
-- all of them due to pre-positioned explosives in a procedure called “implosion”
or controlled demolition. What a surprise, then, for such an occurrence in
downtown Manhattan -- three skyscrapers completely collapsed on the same day,
September 11, 2001. (Griffin, Mujca.net) Full
Story... "In writing this paper, I call for a serious investigation of the hypothesis
that WTC 7 and the Twin Towers were brought down, not just by damage and fires,
but through the use of pre-positioned explosives. I consider the official
FEMA, NIST, and 9-11 Commission reports that fires plus damage alone caused
complete collapses of all three buildings. And I present evidence for the
explosive-demolition hypothesis, which is suggested by the available data,
testable and falsifiable, and yet has not been analyzed in any of the reports
funded by the US government." (Griffin, Mujca.net) Full
story... Steel cannot remain in a molten state for weeks due to a hydro-carbon
fire. Case closed again… "...molten metal was repeatedly observed and formally reported in the
rubble piles of the WTC Towers and WTC 7, metal that looked like molten steel.
Scientific analysis, using for example X-ray fluorescence, would be needed
to ascertain the actual composition of the molten metal. " I maintain that these observations are consistent with the use of
the high-temperature thermite reaction or some variation thereof such as thermate,
used to cut or demolish steel. Thermite is a mixture of iron oxide and aluminum
powder. The end products of the thermite reaction are aluminum oxide and molten
iron. So the thermite reaction generates molten iron directly, and is hot
enough to melt and even evaporate steel which it contacts while reacting.
Thermite contains its own supply of oxygen and so the reaction cannot be smothered,
even with water. Use of sulfur in conjunction with the thermite will accelerate
the destructive effect on steel, and sulfidation of structural steel was indeed
observed in some of the few recovered members from the WTC rubble, as reported
in Appendix C of the FEMA report." (Jones, physics.byu.edu) Full
story... "A thermite reaction generates extraordinarily high temperatures (>2500°
C) and it provides a credible explanation for the fires, hot spots and molten
steel (a by-product of the thermite reaction) found in the collapsed buildings
- they were a result of thermite detonations in the buildings' basements on
9/11." (Whatreallyhappened.com) Full
story... A paper passport cannot survive a plane crashing at 400 miles an
hour into a building, survive the collapse of a 110 story tower which pulverized
thousands of tons of concrete into fine dust, then be found intact on top
of the rubble. Case closed again… Then there was the passport. The security services claim that a passport
belonging to one of the hijackers was extracted from the rubble of the World
Trade Centre. This definitive identification might help them to track the
rest of the network. We are being asked to believe that a paper document from
the cockpit of the first plane – the epicentre of an inferno which vapourised
steel – survived the fireball and fell to the ground almost intact. When presented with material like this, I can’t help suspecting that
intelligence agents have assembled the theory first, then sought the facts
required to fit it… The West, in the name of civilisation, was insisting
that Bin Laden was guilty, and it would find the evidence later. (Ahmed, Newdawnmagazine.com)
story... Four commercial airliners cannot get hijacked within minutes of each
other, have their transponders shut off, make u-turns in the sky and fly for
nearly two hours without being intercepted if air defense protocol is followed.
Case closed again… Timeline showing when transponders were shut off is available here. (911research.com) "For almost a half-century, the state Air National Guard's 177th Fighter
Wing, based at Atlantic City International Airport in Pomona, had been a key
part of the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD. The command
runs radar sites and monitors fighter squadrons assigned to protect the United
States and Canada from attack, and from unauthorized flights by drug smugglers
and undocumented immigrants. Under NORAD procedures that date to the Cold
War, two F-16 fighters from the 177th were parked around the clock on the
Atlantic City runway. Pilots waited in a nearby building, ready to scramble."
(Kelly, Northjersey.com) Full
story... "Even before it became clear that the September 11 flights had been
hijacked, or that the intent was to use these aircraft in kamikaze attacks,
their diversions from flight plan should have activated routine responses
for dealing with errant planes. Civilian and military regulations and longstanding
working procedures for commercial passenger planes and other aircraft under
Instrument Flight Rules ('IFR') call upon air traffic controllers under the
Federal Aviation Administration ('FAA') to alert NORAD upon determining that
a flight has veered significantly from the route assigned to it by controllers;
has ceased responding to ground control; or is an 'unknown.' NORAD's role
in that case is to issue 'scramble orders' for interception of the errant
flight by jet fighters from U.S. Air Force Bases ('AFBs')." (Justicefor911.org)
Full story... The multi-trillion dollar US defense/intelligence apparatus cannot
receive many years of warnings of terrorist attacks, including specific mention
of use of planes being flown into buildings, and attribute the success of
the attacks of 9/11 entirely to failure and incompetence. Case closed again… "The threat reports were more clear, urgent and persistent than was
previously known. Some focused on Al Qaeda's plans to use commercial aircraft
as weapons. Others stated that Osama bin Laden was intent on striking on United
States soil. Many were passed to the Federal Aviation Administration. While
some of the intelligence went back years, other warnings - including one that
Al Qaeda seemed interested in hijacking a plane inside this country - had
been delivered to the president on Aug. 6, 2001, just a month before the attacks."
(Johnston & Dwyer, New York Times) Full
story... "Even though Bush has refused to make parts of the 9-11 report public,
one thing is startlingly clear: The U.S. government had received repeated
warnings of impending attacks—and attacks using planes directed at New
York and Washington—for several years. The government never told us
about what it knew was coming. - See for yourself. The report lists 36 different
summaries of warnings dating back to 1997." (TVNewsLies) Full
story... (Doing a Google search on “9-11 years of warnings” turns up 6,400,000
pages!) Arab terrorists who are supposedly plotting to commit such a grand
scale operation as the 9/11 attacks don’t exist in this country without
making an effort to conceal their identity, nor tell flight instructors they
don’t care about learning how to take off or land, unless they feel
they’re under protection. Muslim fanatics on a jihad don’t hang
out in bars, go to casinos, do drugs, and get lap dances. An official investigation
that ignores these facts cannot be taken seriously. Case closed again… "Al Qaeda's lead 9/11 hijacker, Mohamed Atta, was allegedly partying
with CIA-connected pilots while he got his flight training in fall/winter
2000 at Huffman Aviation in Venice, Fla., where two of the other 9/11 hijacker
pilots trained. Atta wasn't acting much like a holy martyr: He wore jeans
and sneakers, played video games, bought himself a red Pontiac and was said
to be a hedonist. The Press posed the question to Ben-Veniste: If Atta belonged
to the fundamentalist Muslim group, why was he snorting cocaine and frequenting
strip bars?" (Hicks, 911CitizensWatch.org) Full
story... "The most important thing about the patsies that I would suggest to
you is that when it comes down to it in the crucial instance they are physically
and mentally incapable of carrying out the large-scale actions ascribed to
them. A supermarket-caliber terrorist who can blow up a bus or a shop is not
capable of these tremendous feats that are associated with 9/11." (Tarpley,
Waronfreedom.org) Full
story... Hani Hanjour, the alleged pilot of Flight 77 who allegedly crashed
into the Pentagon--who was reported by his flight instructors to be such a
terrible pilot that he couldn’t even fly a Cessna--could not have maneuvered
a Boeing 757 to make a 270 degree turn during a 2.5 minute 7,000 foot descent
from which it flew into the Pentagon without even touching the lawn. Case
closed again… "[Flight Academy] Staff members characterized Mr. Hanjour as polite,
meek and very quiet. But most of all, the former employee said, they considered
him a very bad pilot. 'I'm still to this day amazed that he could have flown
into the Pentagon,' the former employee said. 'He could not fly at all.'"
(New York Times) Full
story... Osama Bin Laden could not have been the person in the miraculously-found
video showing a celebration after the attacks because his face simply doesn’t
match many other photos of him, he was writing with the wrong hand, and because
the figure in that video was wearing a gold band, which is prohibited in the
Muslim faith. Case closed again… "In the video Osama 'E' appears to write notes with his right hand,
yet the FBI's description of Osama indicates he is left-handed. Osama 'E'
wears a ring on his right hand which does not appear on other confirmed photos
of Osama (e.g. Osama 'B'). Another man is seen wearing a large gold ring in
the video. Since the wearing of gold rings is forbidden by Islam it shows
neither he nor Osama 'E' has any devotion to this faith." (Whatreallyhappened.com)
Full story with
photos... "If you follow the official line, the person responsible for the attacks
of September 11th is Osama Bin Laden. September 16th, 2001, 5 days after the
attacks, Osama denied having anything to do with them."(Gold, 911TrutherForum)
Full story... The FDNY is not equipped or trained to “pull” Building
7 in a controlled demolition, as was reported by WTC leaseholder Larry Silverstein.
Nor can any building be prepared for such a well-designed demolition in the
few hours before Building 7 “fell.” Case closed again… "The absurdity of the FDNY implementing a plan to 'pull' Building 7
on the afternoon of 9/11/01 will escape most people, who neither grasp the
technical complexity of engineering the controlled demolition of a skyscraper,
nor its contradiction with FEMA's account of the collapse, nor the thorough
illlegality of such an operation. Thus the idea that officials decided to
'pull' Building 7 after the attack serves as a distraction from the inescapable
logic that the building's demolition was planned in advance of the attack,
and was therefore part of an inside job to destroy the entire WTC complex."
(Hoffman, wtc7.net) Full story... The removal of the steel debris, which should have been treated as
forensic evidence at the scene of a crime, was in itself a criminal act. This
act has been inexplicably ignored by the media and 9/11 Commission and is
further proof of a massive cover-up. Case closed again… Fire Engineering has good reason to believe that the "official
investigation" blessed by FEMA and run by the American Society of Civil
Engineers is a "half-baked farce" that may already have been commandeered
by political forces whose primary interests, to put it mildly, lie far afield
of full disclosure. (Manning, Fire Engineering) Full
story... "Did they throw away the locked doors from the Triangle Shirtwaist fire?
Did they throw away the gas can used at the Happy Land social club fire? ...
That's what they're doing at the World Trade Center," the editorial says.
"The destruction and removal of evidence must stop immediately."
(Joe Calderone, New York Daily News) Full
story... Given that the people in charge considered the steel garbage,
useless to any investigation in this age of computer simulations, they certainly
took pains to make sure it didn't end up anywhere other than a smelting furnace--they
installed GPS locater devices on each of the trucks that was carrying loads
away from Ground Zero, at a cost of $1000 each. The securitysolutions.com
website has an article on the tracking system with this passage. (WTC Steel
Removal, wtc7.net) Full
story... Key people within the FBI and cabinet positions are not rewarded
with promotions for failure to take actions that would have prevented the
attacks, as they have been since 9/11. Case closed again… "The FBI supervisor who allegedly hamstrung the pre-Sept. 11 Minneapolis
investigation into the alleged 20th hijacker has been transferred to a position
where bureau sources say he'll actually have more authority. Michael Maltbie,
the FBI supervisory special agent accused of blocking field agents from obtaining
a warrant to search Zacarias Moussaoui's computer, has been moved out of the
counterterrorism division at bureau headquarters to the Cleveland office,
where he'll work as a field supervisor, sources say. 'That's really a promotion,'
a bureau veteran told WorldNetDaily, 'because a field supervisor is a big
notch over a headquarters supervisor.'" (Sperry, Worldnetdaily.com) Full
story... "Dedicated FBI and CIA field operatives had warned their superiors repeatedly
and had urged them to authorize the arrest of the terrorists. Those sensible
pleas by agents in the field were rejected repeatedly by decision makers at
the top levels of the federal government. Even worse, as we will show, co-conspirators
with the 9/11 terrorists have been allowed to remain free and roaming at large
in the United States. Many U.S. decision makers, instead of being penalized
for their failures (or worse) in regard to 9/11, have received promotions!
The agents who tried to warn and protect the country have been muzzled."
(Jasper, The New American) Full
story... An official investigation of the attacks cannot be taken seriously
when it took 14 months to authorize it, was then underfunded and obstructed,
was then staffed only by government insiders who failed to ask hundreds of
questions posed by victims’ families and excluded important information
provided by whistleblowers, based its whole premise on proving the official
story, and allowed the FAA timeline to be changed. Case closed again… From “The 9/11 Commission Report: A 571-Page Lie” by
David Ray Griffin - "We have an explicit lie when the Report claims that
the core of each of the Twin Towers consisted of a hollow steel shaft or when
it claims that Vice President Cheney did not give the shoot-down order until
after 10:10 that morning. But we have an implicit lie when the Commission,
in its discussion of the 19 alleged suicide hijackers, omits the fact that
at least six of them have credibly been reported to be still alive, or when
it fails to mention the fact that Building 7 of the World Trade Center collapsed.
Such omissions are implicit lies partly because they show that the Commission
did not honor its stated intention 'to provide the fullest possible account
of the events surrounding 9/11.' They are also lies insofar as the Commission
could avoid telling an explicit lie about the issue in question only by not
mentioning it, which, I believe, was the case in at least most instances."
(Griffin, Globalresearch.ca) Full
story... "The Commissioners have ties with the very parties they are investigating
including the CIA, banking and financial interests, and Bush administration
officials. The 9/11 Commission is officially called the NATIONAL COMMISSION
ON TERRORIST ATTACKS UPON THE U.S. The Bush administration has written the
plot line and these ten “independent” Commissioners are merely
reading the script. It looks like Karl Rove called central casting and found
Washington insiders with so many conflicts of interest, with so much to lose
in their high-powered jobs, with so much to tell about each other that they
are guaranteed to play their roles and keep the truth under wraps." (Lynn,
globalresearch.ca) Full
story... How many times do we need to present incriminating evidence? How many
glaring smoking guns should it take? Shouldn’t the media and public at
least be amazed at the sheer number of holes that exist in the official account?
Isn't the cumulative effect amazing and powerful? The real bottom line question is this: Can we as a movement make the public
and media aware of how simple it is to understand we've been conned? The key
word here is "simple." In public communications, simplicity is power.
Then we can get to the next phase of our work which is to evoke action from
a critical mass of people which will result in an even greater dissemination
of truth, and ultimately true justice for the attacks of 9/11. Many notable
events in 2005 has put momentum on our side. Now the actual terrorists must
be made known and must feel the full weight of the law, and soon. The next three
to six months will be crucial, and with myriad scandals swirling in Washington,
DC, including the recent uproar concerning domestic spying, the time has never
been more ripe. Let's seize the day! Please forward this story freely, with credit to the author, including
this URL: http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20060109135344541