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Why is my face on TV?
from xymphora
Entered into the database on Saturday, January 14th, 2006 @ 13:30:08 MST


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From the Washington Post account of the 'solving' of the David Rosenbaum assassination (my emphasis throughout in bold):

"A 23-year-old maintenance man from Southeast Washington was arrested last night and charged in the robbery and slaying of New York Times journalist David E. Rosenbaum, police said. They also were seeking one other person.

Michael C. Hamlin was arrested shortly after 6 p.m. when he walked into the 7th District police station in the 2400 block of Alabama Avenue SE, which is in the block where he lives, and asked why 'my face is on TV,' police said."


"Only an hour earlier, police had released to the media images from surveillance videotapes taken at a CVS store in Southeast Washington and an auto parts business in Prince George's County. Police said the tapes showed Hamlin using or attempting to use Rosenbaum's credit cards shortly after Rosenbaum was robbed near his home in Northwest Washington on Jan. 6.

Hamlin walked into the police station last night wearing the same dark jacket, with his first name sewed onto a chest patch, that he had been wearing in a surveillance tape, police said."


"'It did wrap up rather quickly,' Detective Anthony Paci said during a news conference last night outside the violent crimes branch."


"Police said they decided not to cancel the stolen credit cards after the attack so they could track the robbers' whereabouts."


"Surveillance cameras then showed a card being used at 10:39 p.m. Friday at a CVS store in the 2600 block of Naylor Road SE and at 11:01 a.m. Saturday at Advance Auto Parts, in the 6500 block of Kenilworth Avenue in Riverdale. The auto store turned down the card."

From the New York Times:

"Detective Paci said Mr. Hamlin had used the cards to buy about $1,300 of gasoline and personal items, including laundry detergent and tires for his car."


"The police would not answer questions about what Mr. Hamlin said in his statement, which was obtained without a lawyer."

From the account on NBC:

"Paci and Capt. C.V. Morris, the lead investigator in the homicide case, praised credit card companies and the local media for their cooperation.

Asked why Hamlin turned himself in, Morris said, 'Stranger things have happened.' Hamlin told police he would show them where he hid the weapon, Morris said."

No comments are necessary, as the stories speak for themselves.