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By the Numbers: Lobbying in America
from Think Progress
Entered into the database on Tuesday, January 10th, 2006 @ 18:00:12 MST


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With the Jack Abramoff scandal making headlines across the country, the issue of lobbying and other forms of influence peddling at the federal level has reemerged. Below are a few quick facts showing the size and scope of this burgeoning Washington, DC industry.

Amount spent on federal lobbying, 1999 $1.5 billion
Amount spent on federal lobbying, 2004 $2.1 billion
Percent increase in federal lobbying from 1999-2004 40
The amount Interpublic Group of Companies, the top lobbying firm from 1998-2004, spent during that time $265 million
Number of federal lobbyists, 2000 16,000
Number of federal lobbyists, 2005 35,000
Percent increase in the number of federal lobbyists, 2000-2005 119
Number of companies that lobbied the U.S. House of Representatives from 1998-2004 17,300
Number of companies that lobbied the U.S. Senate from 1998-2004 17,200
Number of former members of Congress or heads of federal agencies now working as lobbyists 240
Number of former senior government officials now working as lobbyists More than 2,000
Average salary for a lobbyist $89,944
Number of congressional earmarks, FY1996 958
Number of congressional earmarks, FY2005 14,000
Total value of congressional earmarks in 2004 $32.7 billion