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AOL: A good company or a bad company?
by Steve Watson
Entered into the database on Friday, January 06th, 2006 @ 10:29:19 MST


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New ad campaign revels in big brother surveillance and debates whether free speech should exist

The new advertising campaign from AOL encourages us to "debate" whether the internet is a good thing or a bad thing, whilst flashing up images of eyes being scanned, surveillance cameras, Orwell's 1984, nuclear explosions, Osama Bin Laden and the Nazis.

Watch the adverts here.

The "Some people think the internet is a good/bad thing" adverts are sophisticated propaganda that attempt to seed in the viewer's mind the fact that the surveillance society is the norm and it is our "choice" how we live in it, whether we accept it as good or bad.

The very fact that AOL, an internet provider, is debating whether the internet is good or bad reveals the real motive behind the adverts. The internet is an arbitrary tool, to reduce it to a "good or bad" debate is nonsensical. The real message AOL is putting out is that in order to make the internet "good" we are going to have to accept the big brother surveillance state and give away all our freedoms.

One of the "discussions" on the AOL website goes

"The internet means we can now find information on anything we want. But it also means anyone can find out anything about us. Should we give up our privacy to enjoy our access to information?"

72% of voters on the AOL site say YES we should give up all our privacy for access to information. Among many of the comments is the classic old adage"If you have nothing to hide then why is privacy so important?"

Of course, in order to "join the discussion" you must create an account with AOL.

AOL has framed the issue of privacy and freedom into a debate about the internet. The belief among the viewer becomes "if I don't give up my privacy I won't be able to have access to the things I like".

This is not the case in reality as it is the internet companies themselves that are collecting our information and growing fat from the profit that brings. The distribution of this information to other companies and a government who wishes to spy on its own citizens is where our privacy is most at risk.

Another discussion AOL brings to us is "Is freedom of speech a right, or sometimes a wrong?"

They say "We take it for granted that freedom of speech is a good thing. But is it?"

Encouraging us with references to the London Bombings and the war on terror, AOL debates whether freedom of speech needs to be reassessed.

Why is this even a debate? Should we hand over our privacy and freedom of speech in favour of censorship and surveillance? We are told over and over that the terrorists hate us because we are free, yet we should now debate giving away our freedom?

And on exactly which side of the debate does AOL fall? Well we know for a fact that Time Warner AOL has censored Alex Jones' websites in the past, declaring them to contain "hateful material".

We post news from mainstream sources, how is that hateful? How can a website that merely reports and comments on mainstream media articles be described as 'hate' unless there's a different agenda afoot? How can Bill O'Reilly get on Fox News and call for assassinating Prime Ministers and Pat Robertson on the 700 Club do the same and yet we get censored for being hateful? We have never called for violence against anyone and actively encourage peaceful exchange of information.

This is part of a growing trend of authoritarian censorship of the Internet in preparation for the emergence of Internet 2, where only government approved websites will be allowed to exist and the old Internet will be shut down.

Monolithic corporations in lock-step with government are following the Chinese model, where any website mildly anti-establishment is immediately shut down and its owners arrested. The vast majority of Internet cafes in China were shut down in 2002 after the government started a fire in one Beijing cafe and then demanded all the rest be shut down for 'safety reasons'.

We also revealed in 2005 that America OnLine is providing the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) "unlimited surveillance" of their members. AOL has also recently announced an advanced alliance with Google, another company that knows much about keeping tabs on people.

And then there's AOL Time Warner mogul Ted Turner. A devoted globalist and depopulation advocator, Turner has run his mouth several times, including in an interview with Audubon magazine 1996 where he stated that "A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."

This could be dismissed as the wisdom of a fool, but Turner owns one of the largest media empires on the planet and donates billions to the UN via his United Nations Foundation.

Some say AOL is a a bad company. They are a shill for the corrupt actions of the criminal government usurpers. They care nothing for your custom.


Voice over: Some people think the internet is a bad thing.

Images: Blue-print of computer circuit board, close-up of eye.

Voice over: Thanks to the internet, your identity can be stolen, your home invaded and your savings robbed without anyone setting foot inside your door.

Images: Travelling down the line image, stick men, revolving head, hand opening window as old couple and std sit at table in background, blue-print of house, house exploding.

Voice over: The internet is one of the most dangerous weapons every created. A way for the unhinged to spread evil, free of supervision or censorship.

Images: Atom bomb, lies transmitter, b/w Nazis (3), skin-heads, KKK, Osama Bin Laden, headlines.

Voice over: A place for mankind to exercise its darkest desires.

Images: Porn: silhouette, director viewing, close-up , girl looks at camera.

Voice over: An open market where you can purchase anything you want.

Images: Products flash up and then baby with price tag.

Voice over: Orwell was right.

Images: 1984 footage

Voice over: The internet has taken us to a place where everything we do is watched, monitored and processed without us ever realising.

Images: Kid on hobby-horse, surveillance cameras etc.

Voice over: Some people think the internet is a bad thing.

Images View of old man looking at CCTV camera.

Voice over: What do you think? Super Discuss Dissolves AOL